Pla, Hemingway, la càtedra de tauromàquia i el trilingüisme de Font de Mora
Publicat el 30 de juny de 2011 per vicent montesinos

El diari Público va regalar un llibre de Josep Pla titulat “Madrid, el advenimiento de la República” (és la primera vegada que he llegit Pla en castellà, sempre ho havia fet en català). En ell diu que el millor llibre que coneix sobre tauromàquia l’ha escrit un escriptor americà, com no Ernest Hemingway. El llibre és “Death in the afernoon”. Pla reprodueix una part del vocabulari de termes taurins molt ejpanyols, explicats en anglès pels lectors americans. Són els que podeu veure més avall. Pot ser al Sr. Serafí Castellano li puguen valer per la seva càtedra de tauromàquia que vol implantar a la Universitat valenciana o al Sr. Font de Mora per al seu ensenyament trilingüe.
!Que Lástima!. what a shame. Expression uttered when you have heard that a friend has been badly gored, or has contracted a venereal desease, or has married a whore, or has contracted a whore, or has had something happen to his wife or chlidren, or when a good bull comes out for a poor bullfighter or a poor bull comes out for a good bulfighter.
PUTA: a whore, harlot, jade, broad, chippy or prostitue; HIJO DE PUTA: son of any of the above, common insult shouted at bullfighter equivalent to our son of a bitch. In Spanish they insult most fully when speaking or wishing ill of the parents rather of the person directly.
URETRITIS: gonorrhea; common ailment in the peninsula. Refering to this there is Spanish proverb: MÁS CORNADAS DAN LAS MUJERES; the women gore more often than the bulls.
MALETA: literally valise, is slang for a bad or cheap bullfighter.
!HOMBRE!: man, as an ejaculation expresses surprise, pleasure, shock, disapproval or delight, according to tone used. MUY HOMBRE: very much a man, plentifully supllied with HUEVOS, COJONES, etc.
HUEVOS: eggs, slang for testicles as we say balls.
DOCTORADO: slang for alternative; taking the doctor’s degree in Tauromachia.
COJONES: testicles, a valorous bullfighter is said to be plentifully equiped with these. In a cobard bullfighter they are said to be absent. Those of the bull are called CRIADILLAS and prepared i any of the ways sweetbreads are ussually cooked they are a great delicacy. During the killing of the fifth bull the CRIADILLAS of the first bull were sometimes served in the royalbox. Primo de Rivera was ao fond of interlanding his discourse with reference to manly vitues that he was siad to have eaten so many CRIADILLAS thatthey had bone to his brain
PUTA: a whore, harlot, jade, broad, chippy or prostitue; HIJO DE PUTA: son of any of the above, common insult shouted at bullfighter equivalent to our son of a bitch. In Spanish they insult most fully when speaking or wishing ill of the parents rather of the person directly.
URETRITIS: gonorrhea; common ailment in the peninsula. Refering to this there is Spanish proverb: MÁS CORNADAS DAN LAS MUJERES; the women gore more often than the bulls.
MALETA: literally valise, is slang for a bad or cheap bullfighter.
!HOMBRE!: man, as an ejaculation expresses surprise, pleasure, shock, disapproval or delight, according to tone used. MUY HOMBRE: very much a man, plentifully supllied with HUEVOS, COJONES, etc.
HUEVOS: eggs, slang for testicles as we say balls.
DOCTORADO: slang for alternative; taking the doctor’s degree in Tauromachia.
COJONES: testicles, a valorous bullfighter is said to be plentifully equiped with these. In a cobard bullfighter they are said to be absent. Those of the bull are called CRIADILLAS and prepared i any of the ways sweetbreads are ussually cooked they are a great delicacy. During the killing of the fifth bull the CRIADILLAS of the first bull were sometimes served in the royalbox. Primo de Rivera was ao fond of interlanding his discourse with reference to manly vitues that he was siad to have eaten so many CRIADILLAS thatthey had bone to his brain
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