Entre el Túria i el Ridaura

el bloc de vicent

Sant Miquel, enguany mullat.

Tota la nit plovent ha deixat la muntanya húmida. Des de dalt es veia, cap a Pedralba i Gestalgar, el negre que han deixat els darrers incendis. Ara només faltaven les pluges torrencials per acabar de desfer-ho més. No sé si per la zona dels incendis ha plogut tan fort com per Llíria, però si ho ha fet, el Túria baixarà negre…de cendra.
Per l’altre costat, la serra Calderona amb núvols i boires pixaneres i a la plana algun bancal inundat. A dalt algun bassal entre les pedres.

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Els temps canvien.

Una bandera catalanista, en el castillo de Almenara

El PP denuncia su colocación y reclama al alcalde “que no se ponga de perfil” y la retire, pues supone “una agresión sin precedentes a la historia valenciana”.

Quan jo tenia al voltant del 20 anys, cada vegada que anàvem cap a Castellò per la N340, en passar Sagunt, ja no veies cap senyera amb la franja blava. Totes les senyeres que veies, normalment a les parades que venien taronges a vora carretera eren només amb les quatre barres vermelles. Això et pujava la moral, enfront del blaverisme de la capital. Recorde haver corregut la mitja marathó de Vila-real, en una avinguda amb els fanals plens de la bandera del meu país i no la de la capital.
Molt més tard, ja cap a la trentena la cosa havia canviat i les parades de taronges de la N340 ja tenien la bandera espanyola amb el toro o la senyera amb la franja blava. I ara aquesta notícia tonta al Levante-EMV, però que m’ha fet pensar en com s’ha manipular¡t durant els darrers anys el pensament de la gent que vivia més al nord del Palància. 

Sota la marfega, de Bernat Joan i Marí.

La junta d’avaluació sol constituir una mena de catarsi del professorat. Allà s’hi va com qui abans anava a confessar-se: s’hi conten les penes, cadascú presta l’atenció que bonament pot a les penes dels altres, quatre tocs a l’esquena, alguns sospirs…I al cap i  a la fi, el món continua exactament igual.
En Miquel, el tutor del grup escombra, està molt acostumat a aquest tipus de cerimònia. Pens que ben poques vegades s’ha solucionat un problema en una junta d’avaluació, però sembla que s’ha de seguir un determinat calendari i que, en els instituts, cal actuar d’acord amb un determinats rituals. Per això, tal i com tocava fer, ha convocat la colla de professors que fan classes al seu grup, maleït entre els maleïts, i està disposat a gastar-hi devers tres quarts d’hora que, per poc que pugui, mirarà de reduïr a trenta minuts justos.

L’ex-eurodiputat al Parlament Europeu per ERC, trama una trama criminal, un suposat crim perfecte, ambientada en un IES d’Eivissa, retratant l’ambient que hi ha al centre: els alumnes dels grups especials, les famílies, els professors,  els alumnes que fan salera (campana al Principat, i pelar-se-la a València), tabac, drogues, alcohol, l’anticatalanisme ignorant, ……. Però el final té sorpresa en aquesta novel·la juvenil. 

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Gestalgar-Penya Maria.

Una ruta molt curta (dues hores) que fa temps que volia fer. He anat des del poble fins a la Penya Maria, remuntant el riu per l’esquerra, pel sender que continua fins al balneari de Xulella. He arribat de seguida a dalt de la penya i després he retornat per l’altre costat del riu. Travesses el riu uns metres més amunt d’una antiga presa, que va anar a terra uns hores després d’inaugurar-se (per defecte d’obra, sembla que els temps no han canviar molt des del 1919).  De retorn he fet més parades. a la font del penya Maria, a sota de la penya, on tambè hi ha un racó del riu pro bonic; i dues parades per pujar als dos trams del aqüeducte de Calicantos (un túnel i un troç a l’àire excavat a la roca. L’entrada al poble és pel mateix lloc de sortida, on està la píscina que forma el riu a la zona del motor.
Per cert, a sota de la penya, als dos costats del riu, he vist algunes vies d’escalada pels més valents. 

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21% d’IVA. Arrodonir a l’alça. Quina cara!

Avui m’he fixat que un producte costava 45 cèntims més el 21% d’IVA, que segons ells feia un total de 55 cèmtims. He notat que alguna cosa no em quadrava ja que fàcilment es veu que el 20% és 9 cèntims. Amb més tranquil·litat, a casa, he fet el càlcul, el 21% és 9,45. Per tant la manera d’arrodonir correctament és a 9 cèntims i no a 10, i el producte hauria de costar 54 cèntimes.
Sí aquests arrodoniments a l’alça són generalitzats, vol dir que ens estan estafant als consumidors i cèntim a cèntim, hisenda va omplint la pica.
He recordat el personatge que interpretava Richard Pryor a Superman III, que va desviar tots els cèntims perduts per arrodoniment en l’empresa on treballava a la seva nòmina, i el paio es fa ric en pocs dies.

“Pel camí dels horts”, al diari Ara.

Ahir a la portada del diari Ara, hi havien aquests versos de Josep Maria de Sagarra:

Ha arribat el temps 
del fred a la barca; 
ha arribat el temps 
de les enyorances… 
Pel camí dels horts 
es desperta l’ànima, 
el cor s’endolceix, 
la vista és més clara,

Vos deixe la versió de Toni Subirana, de disc Toni Subirana canta Josep Maria de Sagarra. 

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Vilamarxant-València-Vilamarxant, amb bici pel riu.

Ja havia fet algun tram d’aquest trajecte amb nens, però avui l’he fet tot.  Només em faltava el troç entre l’assut de Montcada i el parc de capçalera del riu Túria, a València. Potser esportivament és millor, fer més quilòmetres, però turísticament, no val la pena. En la meva opinió el millor troç és entre Riba-roja i l’assut de Montcada (foto).
La tornada ha esta més lenta, per anar he fet un cinc quarts i per tornar sis quarts d’hora. Clar, la tornada era en pujada i les forces ja no eren els mateixes.
Al parc de capçalera m’he trobat a un antic company de feina “professor Frank”, un músic molt peculiar que parla 10 idiomes.

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Darrera les barricades, de John Langdon-Davies. Proclama final.

Doncs ja tenim aquí la pregunta: com afecta tot això a un anglès normal i corrent?

Comença el darrer capítol fent aquesta pregunta sobre tot el que ha descrit al llarg del llibre i després d’exposar el seus arguments acaba:

….Quant ens adonem que també aquí, a Anglaterra, hi ha aquells que desitgen  que aquesta nova edat fosca arribi aquí, la tragèdia espanyola esdevé un tragèdia humana, i la batalla que s’esta lliurant, no és tan sols seva, sinò tambè la nostra. Mirem humilment els pobres espanyols, republicans, comunistes, sindicalistes, anarquistes, que estan lluitant amb les mans nues i plens d’horror per impedir que s’apagui la llum. Ens adrecem amb ràbia a tots els que, a Anglaterra, voldrien que aquesta llum s’estingís, i criem les paraules a les quals Espanya ha donat un nou sentit: “No passaran”.

Darrera les barricades, de John Langdon-Davies. Orgaz, Toledo i El Greco.

L’enterrament del comte d’Orgaz d’El Greco és una d’aquelles poques creacions que suggereixen que l’esperit humà, insatisfet amb l’univers al qual es veu condemnat, gairebé pot penetrar en un altre.  ………I mentre caminava pels carrers de Toledo, escoltant l’incessant espetec del foc de fusell de l’Alcàzar, em vam venir a la memòria algunes expressions de les cares dels personatges d’El Greco, que es van barrejar amb les cares reals dels milicians i dels guàrdies d’assalt. Fa més de tres segles i mig que ho va pintar, i el feixisme encara no s’havia inventat; malgrat tot, ell era l’historiador d’aquest drama de 1936.
“Els senyors de Toledo són els capellans, que tenen unes casa magnífiques i que gaudeixen triomfalment del millor de tot sense que ningú els critiqui. L’arquebisbe i l’esglèsia de Toledo guanyen més diners que tota la ciutat sencera”
Als camps del voltant cada vegada hi quedaven menys granges, i la ruïna havia caigut sobre la pagesia. Els grans terratinents acumulaven hectàrees i més hectàrees i les abandonaven totes a la pastura i el malbaratament. Enmig d’aquestes condicions, el vicari de Sant Tomàs, a Toledo, va denunciar el poble d’Orgaz perquè no havia pagat diversos impostos que el pietòs del comte havia llegat a l’esglèsia dos-cents cinquanta anys abans, i quan va haver guanyat el cas es va gastar dos mil ducats per contractar El Greco perquè pintès la mort del compte. Perquè els poders del cel havien estat tan complaguts amb ell, per ser un home tan excepcionalment bo, que van enviar Sant Esteve i Sant Agustí de representants al seu funeral.
EL Greco va pintar l’escena, però, com molts grans artistes, no va pintar els nobles de la ciutat tal com eren en el moment del miracle, sinò que els va pintar tal com eren a la seva època, es a dir, va pintar els nobles que van condemnar un enginyer italià que havia arribat amb una bona proposta de fer el riu navegable…………però que deixava els camps espanyols erm i la pagesia moribunda per culpa de dedicar to l’enginy o l’energia falta per solucionar el inexorables problemes del món i dedicar-los a la contemplació dels misteris de la tomba.
El compte d’Orgaz, malgrat tota la seva santedat, no era més que un terratinent absent mantingut al poder dels capellans per la seva tomba. Ahir us l’haguéssiu trobat a Madrid amb un Rolls Royce, patró del gran art i de la mala vida segons el moment. Avui us el trobareu tancat amb els seus aliats a l’Alcàzar
 o fugint cautelosament a la Riviera,………

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Darrera les barricades, de John Langdon-Davies. No-intervenció.

Evidentment, com passa de vegades, quan un posició de molta importància militar està amenaçada, com ara la zona entre Saragossa i Osca, hi té lloc una lluita real i s’hi produeix un nombre terrible de baixes. És llavors quan t’arriba la imatge humiliant dels lleials a la República, desarmats pel pacte de no-intervenció, combatent amb fe, l’artilleria, les metralladores i les bombes i els avions, subministrats per la Internacional Feixista. També hi veus les poques infermeres i els pocs cirurgians voluntaris vinguts d’Anglaterra, que proporcionen l’única ajuda que la democràcia de fora d’Espanya ha enviat a la democràcia espanyola.

Al viatge per anar des de Barcelona a Madrid, es para prop del front d’Aragó i davant de la impossibilitat d’anar per Saragossa, baixa cap al sud i per València, puja a Madrid. L’autor continua explicant els efectes de la no-intervenció als seus compatriotes per veure si pot fer-los canviar d’opinió i forçar un canvi de política del Foreign Office. Evidentment sense èxit.

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Darrera les barricades, de John Langdon-Davies. Goya. L’església.

“He esta a l’església company”
“On?”, va dir Tomás, que mirava al voltant com si esperés trobar-hi una església ofenosa massa a prop.
“A l’església protestant que hi ha més avall del carrer”
“Ah, bé, l’esgléssia protestant. No sabia que n’hi hagués una en aquest carrer”, i va remenar el cafè més relaxat.
“Per què no es tancada?”, vaig demanar.
“Per què hauria d’estar-ho?”
“Llavors et semblen bé les esglésies protestants?”
“No em semblen res, però no ens hi barallem. No ens barallem amb els cultes lliures perquè ells no lluiten contra nosaltres. Nosaltres només hem destruit els qui han intentat destruir-nos”.  Tomás va mirar-se la cullereta. “A més”, va afegir amb una mena de gruny, “els cultes lliures no fan servir el confessionari”. I va remenar el got amb una fúria trista.


“I així les dones dones es converteixen en espies dels contra els seus marits. No m’estranya que els capellans facin tot el que poden per evitar que tinguin educació. Tots els obrers que tenen una dona a casa que va a confessar-se saben que estan traïts”
No un creieu Tomás?
Deixeu-me citar el Nou Catequisme:
-Pregunta: Quin pecat cometen els que voten liberal?
-Resposta: Normalment, pecat mortal.


Spanish Summary, Francis Noel-Baker (1948). Conclusions.

Entra al país de incògnit:

 The plan of action had been settled well in advance. I had had my “briefing” in Paris and there had been discussions about the programme and the route. With guides from the Republican underground to lead me, I was to slip across the Pyrenees without arousing the suspicions of the frontier guards. As soon as I was safely inside Spain. I was to contact the chief of one of the clandestine organizations, and, with his help, travel across the country to the three main centres of political activity—Barcelona, Bilbao and Madrid. In these cities I would meet the representatives and leaders of all the different democratic groups and parties, the heads of resistance movements, and the committees which they had set up to co-ordinate the work of all the active opponents of the Franco régime.

My journey and my identity while I was in the country were closely guarded secrets. Until I had left, only five men—three in Spain and two abroad—knew who and where I was. When, after my arrival back in France, the story broke, the Spanish Government was taken completely by surprise. A bribe of 200,000 pesetas (about £4,500) was offered to anyone who would give information about how I had crossed the frontier. It was never claimed.


Conclusions del seu viatge i part de l’informe al Parlament:

 THE survival of General Franco’s Government in Spain two years after the end of the world war against dictatorship and fascism, is a paradox which neither his friends nor his enemies expected while that war was being fought. Certainly he did not expect it himself. For six years Allied leaders had assured the peoples of the world that they were fighting not merely in self-defence, not simply against the armies of Germany, Italy and Japan, but against the system of government which those nations represented. The destruction of all traces of the fascist way of life was to be one of their chief peace aims. It was for this reason that, after the war was won, the defeated enemy nations were not only disarmed and subjected to military occupations, but their former political institutions were ruthlessly and methodically destroyed.

Today only Spain survives: the last fascist state in Europe. Her régime, modelled on Mussolini’s Italy and Hitler’s Germany, and brought to power by the efforts of these two dictators, is still free to practice an ideology which the rest of the Continent overthrew in 1945. Its declared loyalty to the fallen dictators, the help it gave them, the troops it sent to fight with Hitler’s army—all these things have gone unpunished.

The dictatorship in Spain is not simply a Spanish problem for two substantial reasons. First: it was installed not by the people of Spain themselves, but by the armed intervention of the Axis Powers. The Spanish war was an integral part of the dictators’ onslaught against the democracies of Europe. The Spaniards resisted until they were overwhelmed. In their defeat they rightly saw the first Axis victory in an international conflict which started long before the invasion of Poland in 1939. Second: from 1939, until the final defeat of the dictators became certain, the Spanish Government formally ranged its self at their side, and committed a series of openly hostile acts against the democracies, at moments when such acts were most likely to contribute to their defeat.


 No 5. Extracts from a confidential report on Spain submitted to a group of Members of Parliament.


1. I entered Spain on the night of August . . . and recrossed the French frontier shortly after dawn on August . . . During the interval, I visited Bilbao, San Sebastian, Madrid and Barcelona, passing through several small towns (including Burgos and Saragossa) on the way. I completed the arranged programme without incident.

2. The object of my journey was to talk to the leaders (or their representatives, where the leaders were in prison) of the various democratic opposition groups in Spain. I therefore did not see either monarchists or communists. I was careful throughout to make it clear that my mission was exclusively personal and informative, and that no member of the Government had any knowledge of my presence in Spain.

3. Almost all the representatives I met emphatically stressed the necessity of avoiding further bloodshed in Spain. They affirmed that, even were it a feasible proposition (which, owing to the strength of the army and police, it was not), they would still rule out any action that might precipitate a second civil war… .

9. It is my impression that unco-ordinated British contact with Republican groups and with royalist and military elements (sometimes by official or semi-official persons, sometimes by unofficial British citizens in Spain) has, in the past, sown mutual distrust among them. It has confused and hindered their attempts to reach agreement. I could find no evidence of any British “plan” to bring these people together.

10. On the other hand, recent British statements and actions have done much to stop the disintegration of the various elements now supporting the régime. There are potential quislings in the Government, the administration, the police, and even the Falange, as well as in the army. British policy since March 1946 has helped to unite rather than divide them.

11. For example: in my view, it was not primarily the closing of the French frontier which “solidified” the generals last spring, but their belief that the western allies had decided not to express their dislike of Franco in anything stronger than words. All those whose loyalty to the régime had wavered at the time of the allied victory and of the result of the British elections, now became convinced that there was no need, after all, for them to find a way of detaching themselves from the dictator.

12. British diplomatic intervention against police terrorism seems to have been very ineffective. During my own journey, 1 was personally (though indirectly) affected by a case where the police so tortured a member of one of the Republican organizations, that his removal to Madrid from San Sebastian gaol (which had been ordered by the Security Department “for further interrogation”) could not be carried out. This was not an isolated occasion. My impression is that police brutality is if anything getting worse, although our Embassy and Consulates ought now to be able to use their influence to protect Franco’s political opponents, at least from those “security measures” which even contravene present Spanish law.

13. These two practical complaints (i) that Britain is hindering rather than helping the achievement of unity against Franco, and (ii) that British protests against the police terror are weak and ineffective), together with a number of specific political disappointments, have resulted in increasing bitterness and disillusionment among Spanish democrats of all parties. British prestige has fallen very low. Though as yet Communist influence is extremely weak, there is a growing current of pro-Russian feeling, inspired by the (misguided) belief that Russia is the only great power actively friendly to the Republic.

14. Great harm has been done by two British arguments (used in various forms by His Majesty’s Government) which have been enormously exploited by Spanish Government propaganda: (i) That it is “for the Spaniards to solve their own internal problem”; (ii) that “economic sanctions would hurt the Spanish workers”. Almost every person I met protested hotly against both.

15. Without some outside advice, encouragement and help, the Spanish people cannot overthrow Franco’s police terror, any more than the Germans and Italians unaided could overthrow Hitler or Mussolini once they were firmly in the saddle. His Majesty’s Government, the Republicans believe, cannot be unaware of this elementary and obvious reality.

16. As for economic sanctions, I am personally convinced that the great majority of Spanish working people would gladly endure still further privations if they were the prelude to their liberation from the dictatorship… .

18. The 1946 Spanish harvest is the best for many years. Owing to the way in which food is distributed in Spain, however, there will probably not be much improvement in the diet of the working family. The black market—largely supplied from army sources-sells at prices well above their reach, and official rations cover only a small proportion of their weekly needs. Conditions in the Madrid slums reminded me of Greece just after the occupation.

19. I am at a loss to explain recent reports of Franco’s increasing popularity in the provinces. At San Sebastian l was able to observe at close quarters the fantastic security precautions taken to ensure his personal safety, and I can vouch for the utter inaccuracy of Spanish newspaper stories of his “enthusiastic reception by the population”… .

21. I have tried to confine this report to comments on what I saw during my visit. I left Spain even more anxious about British policy than when I arrived. I believe that if we took an initiative now, we could help to produce the necessary degree of unity among the elements of opposition and potential opposition to Franco to make possible, without bloodshed, a transition to democratic government. But if the present hesitation continues, His Majesty’s Government will not only lose whatever remains of its prestige among non-fascist Spaniards, but also make inevitable an eventual extremist solution, with all the dangers to the Spanish people and Great Britain which that implies.

F. N-B

Bé, ja sabem que  no es va fer res.

Darrera les barricades, de John Langdon-Davies. Goya.

Un cartell penjat als arbre diu: “Els que lliguen gronxadors als troncs dels arbres haurien d’adonar-se que fan mal a arbres que pertanyen al poble”. Tanco els ulls i vaig el quadre de Goya El gronxador i un altre , El berenar a la riba del Manzanres, i encara un altre i tot, La gallineta cega. Goya  va viure en aquella vall, i tot i que l’u de maig les camises blaves i escarlates, les falçs i els martells i les estrelles encara no s’havien inventat, es devia haver passejat entre aquests arbres observant els qui hi berenaven un centenar de vegades. A l’altra banda del riu hi ha l’església que Goya va decorar amb uns àngels molt humans, massa humans. Ara hi ha la seva tomba, i algú ha escrit a les seves parets amb pintura vermella les paraules d’un bisbe anglès: “La religió és l’opi del poble”.
Goya no coneixia el Primer de Maig, però sobre el dia 2 ens va deixar les seves pintures inoblidables. Aquell dia de 1808 el poble de Madrid es va aixecar contra la dictadura napoleònica. Els francesos els van esclafar amb mercenaris mamelucs, i l’endemà va haver-hi dotzenes d’afusellaments. Però l’alçament dels pagesos i treballadors espanyols va ser el primer pas cap a la salvació d’Europa de les mans de Napoleó.
Si Goya visqués avui, que veuria? No tinc cap dubte que molts dels qui vaig veure envoltats de cordes d’estendre la roba a la Casa de Campo el Primer de Maig són ara morts. Sé que es van aixecar contra l’amenaça d’una dominació encara pitjor que la napoleònica i que fent-ho van donar una nova oportunitat a Europa. Però no tinc clar si Europa voldrà aprofitar-la.

L’autor fa un paral·lelisme històric, utilitzant al figura del pintor aragonès, per intentar convèncer els seus compatriotes del perill que s’està incubant a Espanya i que s’ha d’aprofitar l’oportunitat de derrotar els feixistes abans que siguen més forts. Desgraciadament, com diu ell, no varen voler aprofita-la. 

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Spanish Summary, Francis Noel-Baker (1948)

Catalonia, on the other hand, is a country where oppression has provoked violent extremes. By language and culture she was originally an extension of southern France rather than part of Spain. In the 14th century she built up an extensive Mediterranean empire of her own, and her merchant seamen compiled Europe’s first code of maritime law. Prosperous as a trading nation, she had few contacts in mediaeval times with her semi-pastoral neighbours on the interior plateaux. But when she was united under the crown of Castile early in the 15th century her first decline began. The fall of Constantinople to the Turks in 1453 had made the Mediterranean unsafe for Christian ships, and wrecked her maritime trade. With the discovery of America the primacy of Spanish ports passed from Barcelona to Seville. Catalans were excluded from transatlantic commerce. At the same time extensive peasant troubles did temporary damage to her agriculture.

But it was not till the 17th century, when royal efforts at centralization became stronger, that the first big Catalan revolts began. In 1640, while Spain was in the middle of a war with France, the Catalans rebelled and placed themselves under the protection of the French king. This was the signal for a number of other provincial risings, in one of which Portugal won her final independence. Barcelona only submitted after 12 years to the King’s forces, and Catalan guerillas in the countryside kept up the fight for seven more. Forty years later—during the War of the Spanish Succession—the Catalans rebelled again. After a fearful siege of Barcelona the King regained control in 1714, abolished the remains of Catalonia’s political independence, closed the Catalan universities and started a new period of repression.

At the beginning of the 19th century the Peninsula War was the signal for a general disintegration of Spain. Until the arrival of British forces under Wellington, operations against the French invaders were carried out on a regional and local basis, and some 20 impromptu committees in various parts of the country declared their independence. Catalonia was occupied by French troops for five years.

There was another Catalan revolt in 1823, and then, under a “liberal” Government in Madrid, a further period of repression, in which Catalonia lost her few surviving local rights—her commercial and penal law, her special tribunals, the use of her language in schools, her coinage, and her local administration. But this was only the signal for a new revival: particularly a linguistic and cultural revival. The Catalan nationalist movement in its present form first began to organize itself about a hundred years ago.

At first it was not predominantly a movement of the left. The big Barcelona rising against the Central Government in 1842 was organized by a combination of factory owners and workers. As industrialization increased the Catalan industrialists and the prosperous bourgeoisie took the lead against the centralism of Madrid. Allied to them at first were the Carlists, who, though reactionary and pro-clerical, also stood for local liberties and interests. After the second Carlist war ended in 1876, the Church herself still supported the autonomists in both Catalonia and Euzkadi. But as the industrial proletariat grew stronger, and as wave after wave of terrorism and repression swept the country in the early 1900s, the leadership of the nationalist movements passed gradually to the people. In 1909 the oppressive policy of the Central Government provoked wild riots which were followed ten years later by the first big general strike. Well organized and relatively peaceful, it paralysed Barcelona and caused the fall of two successive governments in Madrid. This time Government repression was more ferocious than ever before. Upheavals, atrocities and assassinations continued without a pause until 1923, when Primo do Rivera, then Military Governor of Catalonia, made his successful coup d’état.

During his dictatorship, Catalan nationalism was driven deep underground. This, and the declared anti-Catalan sentiments of King Alfonso XIII, made it more than ever republican and left wing. Only after the coming to power of the Republic of 1931, which was actually preceded by the declaration of a Catalan Republic, did Catalonia regain her freedom of expression, her local autonomy, and the right to remember her individuality and her own traditions. The story of the Generalitat of Catalonia, of the autonomous government of Euzkadi, and of how, during the last civil war, the age-old Spanish regionalist tendencies came once again to life, belongs to recent history. But local nationalism and the problems of Catalonia and Euzkadi are not new. They have deep roots in the past. They can never be extinguished by passing wars or military dictators.