Notices from nowhere

Democracy now finds there can be ample for all, but only if the souvereing fences are completely removed.


Una entrevista al creador-activista Daniel Garcia Andújar. 1966. Nat a Almoradí (La Vega Baixa).

Des que creà el col·lectiu-denúncia Ex-amics de l’IVAM a causa de la nefasta i regressiva gestió dels seus directors Bonet, Kosme de Barañano i /o C. Ciscar, ha estat un dels creadors d’avantguarda més punyents i lúcids dels darrers temps. També creador dels portals e-Barcelona, e-València i e-Sevilla de debat socio-artístic.
Endemés, vos afegisc el vídeo d’una conferència-exposició de l’Arxiu Postcapital que recull la informació digital de la xarxa amb la finalitat de besllumar i de-codificar els missatges subjacents del món informacional dintre del qual ens trobem immersos.


e2:Architecture 2030

Segons el Rocky Mountain Institute (famós grup d’experts sobre el medi ambient) la humanitat podria quadruplicar la seua productivitat sense consumir més recursos. Aquesta idea, coneguda com el “factor quatre”, es basa en la creença de que per mitjà de tecnologies més eficients, un major ús del reciclatge, una millor gestió i dissenys més eficaços, la societat podria créixer sense causar més danys ecològics.

Sota aquesta teoria hi ha la noció del “capital natural”, una espècie de sistema de comptabilitat mundial de tots els recursos ecològics, els quals arribaran a semblar-se a les accions dels mercats financers mundials. Es comerciarà amb l’ecologia, de manera que, a mesura que la riquesa ecològica escassege, el seu valor augmentarà i, així, s’assegurarà la seua supervivència.

Una idea atractiva basada en l’economia de lliure mercat, encara que en aquest cas s’incite al mercat a preservar  els recursos en lloc d’explotar-los. La teoria del “factor quatre” pot ser una gran aportació per als que projecten i encarreguen els edificis.

El Rocky Mountain Institute s’oposa a més normatives mediambientals, perquè creu que la protecció dels recursos resultarà més rendible per a les empreses, ja que els proporcionarà un avantatge competitiu. Aquesta postura contrasta amb la de la Unió Europea, que posa l’accent en les lleis mediambientals i en la prevenció, i posa de manifest les diferències polítiques entre Europa i els Estats Units en aquesta matèria.

Inevitablement, l’arquitectura rep influències del context sociopolític. La ideologia del mercat lliure que promou l’individualisme preval sobre els valors col·lectius. La sostenibilitat, entesa com un conjunt d’ideals, es basa l’ètica de la responsabilitat mediambiental.

Les tècniques i tecnologies del projecte sostenible es troben ja en un estat avançat de desenvolupament; el que encara no ha ocorregut és que els professionals de l’arquitectura donen prioritat a les qüestions ecològiques i que la sostenibilitat informe l’actuació de la industria de la construcció des de l’arrel. En si mateixes, l’edificabilitat i l’eficiència aporten poc valor afegit, a menys que la indústria creu un nou tipus d’edificis imaginatius, robustos i espiritualment edificants. La tragèdia d’iniciatives com els informes de Latham i Egan és que manquen quasi completament d’una dimensió mediambiental.

(De la Guia bàsica de sostenibilitat de Brian Edwards. Rough Guide to sustainability by Brian Edwards).

PS: A l’igual que en Vicent Partal, de Bétera. Un servidor, Josep Blesa i Morante, veí i fill de la ciutat de València, subscric l’article del meu compatriota de Perpinyà en Joan-Lluís Lluís.


Sobre la base de la composició manllevada del vídeo d’Anna Olmo a partir d’un poema d’Emily Dickinson, he afegit la resposta per a que s’unesca a la d’ella amb nova addició compositiva.

Emily Dickinson: Buongiorno Mezzanotte from Anna Olmo on Vimeo.

Buongiorno Mezzanotte / Bona nit princesa de l’art.
sono quasi arrivata a casa / portes el cansament amagat
il giorno si è stancato di me / la nit obre els teus sentits
Come potevo io stancarmi di lui? / estimant-se amb imatges..

Il sole era dolce
stavo così bene

Ma il mattino non mi voleva più

Così… Buonanotte, giorno!

Posso guardare quando è rosso ad oriente?

Le colline hanno un aspetto

Che fa traboccare il cuore

Tu non sei così bella Notte

Io ho scelto il Giorno

Ma ti prego Notte, prendi una bambina
Che lui ha mandato via…



En poques paraules

by Assekes

Intro 00:00 / 04:58
  • Digital Album

    Immediate download of 7-track album in your choice of MP3 320, FLAC, or just about any other format you could possibly desire.

    Free Download

Intro 01:22
Rebels 03:03
Mero 03:01


released 27 November 2012

Joan Duart: Veu i dolçaina
Juan Mi. : Baix
Pere Duart: Guitarra i veus
Diego Salvador: Bateria i cors
Josep Duart: Teclat i cors
Francesc Duart: Guitarra i cors

Secció de vents:

Andrés Rubio: Trompeta
Carlos Mezquita: Saxo alt


-Enric Alepuz (Castlevanians): Percussions a “Una altre dia”
-Joaquín Solar: Trombó a “Rebels, “Lluita per un futur”, “De ment tancada”, “Un altre dia” i “Mero”
-Gerard Duart: Flauta travessera a “Tio Canya”
-Vicent Torrent (Al Tall): Pare de “Tio Canya”, Veu a la tornada.

Enginyer de so: Roger García
Enginyer de màstering: Jose Triay
Gravat als estudis RPM d’Almàssera (València) L’Agost de 2012.
Masteritzat a Northwest Mastering (A Coruña)
Disseny i maquetació: Enric Alepuz i IMAG-IMPRESSIONS

Contractació: 637102732; 677694898




After complications from a previous kidney condition   Brazilian architect Oscar Niemeyer has passed away at Rio de Janeiro’s Samaritano Hospital.

For 104 years, Oscar Ribeiro de Almeida Niemeyer Soares (December 15, 1907 – December 5, 2012) lived a life of “intensity.” Born in Rio de Janeiro, he is best known for helping to design the United Nations Headquarters in New York in 1947 and for designing much of the city of Brasilia. As he described his style:  “I consciously ignored the highly praised right angle and the rational architecture of T-squares and triangles in order to wholeheartedly enter the world of curves…” He received the Pritzker Prize in 1988.

Niemeyer was one of those few architects who is recognized and admired by people from all walks of life, especially by those in his native Brazil, where he is considered an icon. Indeed, always motivated to design for his fellow man, Niemeyer was a Brazilian first, and an architect second.

In Niemeyer’s words: “It is important that the architect think not only of architecture but of how architecture can solve the problems of the world. The architect’s role is to fight for a better world, where he can produce an architecture that serves everyone and not just a group of privileged people.

The legacy of the Master of Brazilian Architecture 

Banalitats profundes.

Aquesta és una altra bogeria més: 
quan t’enamores d’algú,
cançons que trobes banals
i mai no te les escoltaries,
de sobte, prenen sentit.
Uau,….però quina babauera que tinc……!

…que sempre podem sublimar:

I amb el peus nus de puntetes mirant-me,
quan corris món, el meu nom que et dira?
No et deixaré, et diré el nom d’amiga,
la meva amiga com un vaixell blanc.

Radical Olympics: Racism Is Official At Olympics


Damien Hooper deserves vocal support for wearing a t-shirt bearing the Aboriginal flag into his first boxing match at the London Olympics. In Hooper’s own words “I’m Aboriginal, representing my culture, not only my country, but all my people as well.”

The Australian Olympic Committee (AOC) has forced Hooper to apologise and to commit to only wearing his Australian team uniform in the future. Many, including boxing officials in Australia, have criticised the “overreaction” of AOC. But the disciplinary action reveals not just an overzealous bureaucracy, but the nasty chauvinism underlying the London games.

Upon entering the ring Hooper was reported to the International Olympics Committee (IOC) for breaching Rule 50 of the Olympic Charter, which prohibits any kind of “demonstration or political, religious or racial propaganda in any Olympic sites, venues or other areas”. Of course this rule does not apply to major sponsors or the governments of member nations.

Olympics authorities have gone out of their way to protect the exclusive rights of sponsors to plaster their logos across London. In the same way the IOC seeks to protect the “branding” of powerful nations participating in the games. This means silencing the voices of oppressed groups whose beliefs or very existence calls into question the legitimacy of competitor nations. Most infamously the IOC stripped Black American runners Tommy Smith and John Carlos of their gold and bronze medals at the 1968 games for raising their fists in a Black Power salute on the podium in solidarity with the US civil rights movement.

The rank hypocrisy of Hooper’s censure is put into relief by the constant celebration of all things British at the Games. The opening ceremony was an epic three and a half hour whitewash of history’s bloodiest colonial empire which was widely applauded as an “irreverent, but never disrespectful” celebration of the “quirky” Brits. Damien Hooper’s celebration of his people’s survival of a genocide initiated by Britain flies in the face of this cosy image.

Like the empire that spawned it, the Australian nation is built upon genocide and dispossession. Flags symbolising this fact are emblazoned on the national team uniform, raised at the moment of any victory, and waved by thousands in the crowd. Yet it is Hooper that is guilty of displaying “political or racial propaganda”. As fellow Aboriginal boxer Anthony Mundine put it in his defence of Hooper,

We want to be proud of a flag that we fly. How can we be proud as Aboriginal Australians and see the sight of the Union Jack and what that flag has done in the past, the genocide the rape and the murder and the stolen children? I can’t stand for that. That’s why I never fly that flag at my fights.

To that history we could add the ongoing genocidal policy of the Northern Territory Intervention, which is seeing more Aboriginal communities pushed off their land, and a new generation stolen from their parents.

The AOC, however, certainly believes that the Aussie flag is worth fighting for. The Committee has a long history of disciplining athletes deemed to bring the team (and by extension the nation) into disrepute. A little-known side story to that of Smith and Carlos is Australian runner Peter Norman, who shared the podium and wore a badge in solidarity with the Black athletes.

For this gesture of solidarity, Norman was ostracised by the Australian Olympic community for the rest of his life. Despite to this day holding the Australian record for the 200 metres, his name is never mentioned in the list of the country’s sporting greats. (Norman’s record of 20.06 seconds, set at the Mexico games, would have won gold at the 2000 Sydney Olympics, and placed fourth in the final at the last two Olympics in Athens and Beijing.)

At the 1994 Commonwealth Games the team leader Arthur Tunstall (now a life member of the AOC) attacked Cathy Freeman for carrying the Aboriginal flag on her victory lap after winning the 400 metre sprint. Freeman defied Tunstall’s ban on the flag and carried it again after winning the 200 metre race. The AOC attempted to rehabilitate itself after this controversy by inviting Freeman to light the flame at the Sydney 2000 opening ceremony. But with the Hooper t-shirt controversy they have reverted back to their racist ways.

There has been a massive outpouring of support for Hooper. Hopefully he will take heart from this support, and we will see him in the red, yellow and black again in the near future. We need another sporting hero who wears a flag actually worth cheering for!

Eye in the sky

Don’t think sorry’s easily said
Don’t try turnin’ tables instead
You’ve taken lots of chances before
But I ain’t gonna give anymore
Don’t ask me
That’s how it goes
Cause part of me knows what you’re thinkin’

Don’t say words you’re gonna regret
Don’t let fire rush to your head
I’ve heard the accusation before
And I ain’t gonna take any more
Believe me
The sun in your eyes
Made some of the lies worth believing

I am the eye in the sky
Looking at you
I can read your mind
I am the maker of rules
Dealing with fools
I can cheat you blind
And I don’t need to see any more
To know that
I can read your mind, [looking at you] I can read your mind,[looking at you]i can read your mind [looking at you] i can read your mind

Don’t leave false illusion behind
Don’t cry, I ain’t changin’ my mind
So find another fool like before
Cause I ain’t gonna live anymore
Some of the lies
While all of the signs are deceiving

Umbracles energètics.

We are inside an artificial environment, which serves for a general urban infrastructure system, and creates a suburban area to attract people. We are going to create a new urban centre, a pleasant area to enjoy. We will transform the old memory into a new contemporary architectural-sculptural feature. A new landmark for this borough.


This proposal totally abides to the Draft Master Plan.

If you want to read more you can keep on…click onVull llegir més..”


It intends to become a great attraction for New York’s citizens, mainly from the surrounding neighborhoods. That is to compensate them for so many years of unpleasant presence of garbage and waste. We want to use haphazard features made for ages, but improving them. This proposal starts to take together all base points for several sports, staying, hiking, etc…


The shade-paths need property fields but now there aren’t. There is erosion inside earth and soils are filled with emerging iron, glass, concrete, aluminum,… brought time ago scored to demolitions. These materials are very toxic for wildlife and humans. Our intervention claims to recover environment. That area is a pilot paradigm to make extensive to the rest of the park.


So we need to consolidate existing paths that connect the various milestones in the site, focusing on those paths of communication, and also consolidating all those areas no man’s land. What we want is to find a solution to the ground problems.


The intervention is achieved on paths through sculptural and architectural elements, and on large areas of the fields by providing vegetation to consolidate these lands.


The intervention in large areas is done through mineralization and contribution of insects, worms,…because they nitrify the land, facilitating bushes to grow, and in the process creating a thicker outer layer than now exists, to prevent cracking and the occurrence of waste material.





Three covered paths. A basic module repeated like church naves. An arch wooden structure that meanders across the landscape providing shade and upon which photovoltaic panels are oriented towards the sun paths. Above the three arches – one big and two minor – are placed the membrane of amorphous glass to harvesting photovoltaic energy. These structures provide a shadow path to lead people. This path provides a leisure area too.


To design this modular element, the objective is to create an organic element, without straight lines, to integrate the structure in an organic environment, and apply vegetation inside the structure.


This modular structure formed by wooden catenary arches provides an inner space for the transit of people, who can walk over a passageway reinforced by macadam soil and create a space around the steps. Sequences are produced alternately light and shade. These shadows are generated by solar collection panels of the structure, while at its highest point staying a wind turbine includes the wind power generation.


These arches are supported by irregulars elements that adapt to irregular terrain using lightweight concrete blocks of low density to avoid prejudicing their weight ground resistance. Serve to support large structures, spread the load over a large area, they stay in power converters and serve as a foundation. With this foundation floating marks the boundary between the vegetation and paths.


This is the vision with natural light. At night, expect night vision to strengthen the vision. For this purpose we create fiberglass light lines around the modular structures to emphasize the art intervention.


The transfer between wood bows is made by steel hinges which collect the wooden arches that serve to anchor to the foundation.


When we need to choose the materials, we decided to use primarily wood to be used with all requirements to ensure protection of the environment.


Each on buildings itself runs on forward dragging items in an orderly pattern. We are reversing the general concept by sending the spaces of public space. These paths create order on top plateau. They are sprawl down to fold all area on we will intervene.





This is a method to enlighten at night. By their treatment of parallel lines of rough cut fields run outside on way paths.


Lines break up further on in a stretch of grass and sand striped with regular lines marking even curves of levels, a little too geometrically, a channel scored into the blocks is filled with stringy shiny whit fiberglass. At the starts and ends, fibers woven and rise up in a leaning attitude, a loose mat of grass. Facing this configuration, a both lines run on split up according to level curves like a creek. A few zigzags of polished the base of stones by straight line of fiber glass, which is not contained this time but naked and fragile, laid out on the sand. Nonetheless, the fiber glass line stops just before the flat beach and rises up in a second mast. Impression –night: the landscape is black, the ground dark, and the ribbons of optical fiber look like streams of sparkling water falling from mast-tops to the ground to break up in successive lines. The several colors of ground exchange by theses of modifies of fiber glass produced for variation of intensity. This nocturnal vision redefines the project. The luminous fiber glass looks like a natural element. And what might be only a surface brings depth. By day the site is a nature-sculpture; by night it is telluric, and irrigated by vital energies.


A piece of light illuminating the way to a sustainable future.





We start with a thin layer of ground. It is almost resistant to set any structure. We have known several concerns about their safety and health because the erosion into top layer. We take care about consolidating the stratum by means of letting earthworm and other insects to nitrogen soil. It will allow plants and low vegetation like bushing, oleander, … to grow. This is a condition sine quae non to retain them.


The trees and shrubs will be jasmine (jasminum), weeping willow (salix babylonica) and Judas trees (cercis siliquastrum).    


Another objective is to create a protective layer of green leaves that provide with a rich layer of nutrients in a field lacking of these qualities, and at the same time improving the aesthetic characteristics of the area.


We seek to enrich environment with a wide variety of plants such as poppies, daisies, marigolds,….


In summary, our intention is to create not only an outdoor space, but also an new open garden, rediscovering the aesthetic value of native plants. To solve the problems of existing slopes we decided to create terraces that are integrated into the area and provide themselves with an aesthetic quality, while organic.




This proposal takes both energy ways: solar energy and wind energy.


Solar energy.

We have photovoltaic panels. These panels convert the sun power to electric energy. These panels take the shape on the solar orbit, coping as much of the perpendicular incidence of the rays of the sun as possible throughout the year. Our suggestion is taking the values of the solstices and equinoxes and seeking the most optimal tilt. We seek two cases. In one case, the path is north-south orientation; otherwise, the path is southeast-northwest, which is a more complex. In the first case we have a direct reception of the orbit of the sun. In the second case we merge it with the best reception.


Wind energy

We have a wind turbine at the highest point of each module, at a height of 50 feet, with a height above sea level of 70 feet. Turbines are 3 feet in diameter and 12 feet high, Savonius type, and collect all wind energy regardless of wind direction.


All these receptors transferred energy to power converters located just next to the foundation, organically integrated into the base of each module. These parts are covered with vegetation that integrate into the environment, and marked with points of light without causing light pollution.



As seem likely as here

La caspa, siga expressada en espanyol o en anglès, no deixa d’ésser caspa.    

Es una agradable notícia que el gran tribunal español es dedique a perdre el temps en aquestes actuacions contra natura. El supremacisme espanyol és el nostre gran aliat. Quan més acceleren la maquinària coercitiva, més adeptes guanyem. És possible que tots els processos d’alliberament s’esdevinguen així d’extremadament ridículs. Considere que no s’ha de perdre la calma.

La qual cosa no significa que aquells que s’omplin la boca de bones indignacions puguen fer res en contra. Les actuacions definitòries provindran d’aquells que sempre hi han cregut. No dels alumnes avantatjats de darrera hora. Per a crear un estat, s’ha d’haver cregut en ell en algun moment abans.

Quan un té una empresa, ni que siga heretada, per tal de demostrar la teua vàlua cal mantindre-la a flot i no tancar-la. Si no tens la intel·ligència de mantenir una empresa viva en un medi propiciatori, com pots crear-ne una que és un milió de vegades major?

Crear un estat és un acte d’astúcia creativa. Un fet de gent ambiciosa que hi creu. No mai d’aquells que esperen a una xamba històrica, en què, per atzar te’n trobes un. Això no passa mai de la vida. Ni en els fets quotidians ni molt menys en crear un nou estat polític. Avui, crear un estat és un fet transcendent lligat a una nova concepció de vida humana. Com ja féu Gandhi a l’Índia. Com féu Martí a Cuba encara que fòra després de mort. O  Mandela, tot partint-ne d’un anterior.

El viatge del president Mas del cap de setmana passat als EUA recorda aquell altre fet pel president Camps fa uns anys. Les queixes domèstiques espanyoles exposades als medis de comunicació o no, els rellisquen.  Com ja va passar en la segona dècada del segle XX. Allà volen gent arriscada, amb idees clares i contemporànies. La caspa, siga expressada en espanyol o en anglès, no deixa d’ésser caspa.    

{Gandhiji addressed the A.I.C.C. at Bombay on 8-8-42 outlining his plan of action, in Hindustani, as follows;}

Before you discuss the resolution, let me place before you one or two things, I want you to understand two things very clearly and to consider them from the same point of view from which I am placing them before you. I ask you to consider it from my point of view, because if you approve of it, you will be enjoined to carry out all I say. It will be a great responsibility. There are people who ask me whether I am the same man that I was in 1920, or whether there has been any change in me. You are right in asking that question.

Let me, however, hasten to assure that I am the same Gandhi as I was in 1920. I have not changed in any fundamental respect. I attach the same importance to nonviolence that I did then. If at all, my emphasis on it has grown stronger. There is no real contradiction between the present resolution and my previous writings and utterances.

Occasions like the present do not occur in everybody’s and but rarely in anybody’s life. I want you to know and feel that there is nothing but purest Ahimsa in all that I am saying and doing today. The draft resolution of the Working Committee is based on Ahimsa, the contemplated struggle similarly has its roots in Ahimsa. If, therefore, there is any among you who has lost faith in Ahimsa or is wearied of it, let him not vote for this resolution.

Let me explain my position clearly. God has vouchsafed to me a priceless gift in the weapon of Ahimsa. I and my Ahimsa are on our trail today. If in the present crisis, when the earth is being scorched by the flames of Hims2 and crying for deliverance, I failed to make use of the God given talent, God will not forgive me and I shall be judged unwrongly of the great gift. I must act now. I may not hesitate and merely look on, when Russia and China are threatened.

Ours is not a drive for power, but purely a nonviolent fight for India’s independence. In a violent struggle, a successful general has been often known to effect a military coup and to set up a dictatorship. But under the Congress scheme of things, essentially nonviolent as it is, there can be no room for dictatorship. A non-violent soldier of freedom will covet nothing for himself, he fights only for the freedom of his country. The Congress is unconcerned as to who will rule, when freedom is attained. The power, when it comes, will belong to the people of India, and it will be for them to decide to whom it placed in the entrusted. May be that the reins will be placed in the hands of the Parsis, for instance-as I would love to see happen-or they may be handed to some others whose names are not heard in the Congress today. It will not be for you then to object saying, “This community is microscopic. That party did not play its due part in the freedom’s struggle; why should it have all the power?” Ever since its inception the Congress has kept itself meticulously free of the communal taint. It has thought always in terms of the whole nation and has acted accordingly…

I know how imperfect our Ahimsa is and how far away we are still from the ideal, but in Ahimsa there is no final failure or defeat. I have faith, therefore, that if, in spite of our shortcomings, the big thing does happen, it will be because God wanted to help us by crowning with success our silent, unremitting Sadhana1 for the last twenty-two years.

I believe that in the history of the world, there has not been a more genuinely democratic struggle for freedom than ours. I read Carlyle’s French Resolution while I was in prison, and Pandit Jawaharlal has told me something about the Russian revolution. But it is my conviction that inasmuch as these struggles were fought with the weapon of violence they failed to realize the democratic ideal. In the democracy which I have envisaged, a democracy established by nonviolence, there will be equal freedom for all. Everybody will be his own master. It is to join a struggle for such democracy that I invite you today. Once you realize this you will forget the differences between the Hindus and Muslims, and think of yourselves as Indians only, engaged in the common struggle for independence.

Then, there is the question of your attitude towards the British. I have noticed that there is hatred towards the British among the people. The people say they are disgusted with their behaviour. The people make no distinction between British imperialism and the British people. To them, the two are one This hatred would even make them welcome the Japanese. It is most dangerous. It means that they will exchange one slavery for another. We must get rid of this feeling. Our quarrel is not with the British people, we fight their imperialism. The proposal for the withdrawal of British power did not come out of anger. It came to enable India to play its due part at the present critical juncture It is not a happy position for a big country like India to be merely helping with money and material obtained willy-nilly from her while the United Nations are conducting the war. We cannot evoke the true spirit of sacrifice and velour, so long as we are not free. I know the British Government will not be able to withhold freedom from us, when we have made enough self-sacrifice. We must, therefore, purge ourselves of hatred. Speaking for myself, I can say that I have never felt any hatred. As a matter of fact, I feel myself to be a greater friend of the British now than ever before. One reason is that they are today in distress. My very friendship, therefore, demands that I should try to save them from their mistakes. As I view the situation, they are on the brink of an abyss. It, therefore, becomes my duty to warn them of their danger even though it may, for the time being, anger them to the point of cutting off the friendly hand that is stretched out to help them. People may laugh, nevertheless that is my claim. At a time when I may have to launch the biggest struggle of my life, I may not harbour hatred against anybody.

Tenim un problema supremacista a l’ONU.

By Diplomatically incorrect:

While the vote was close, from my inside sources there was no real effort by the western capitals to promote the alternative Lithuanian candidate for the last more than a month. As might be expected, there has been speculation about some sort of secret deal regarding Kosovo – whether true, at least the speculation about a deal could have been speculated. The election of Serbia’s Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremic for UNGA President for the one year term of the 67th session may also have been hindered or discouraged, depending on the line of argument, by the vote in Serbia bringing to power Tomislav Nikolic as next President, one associate with ultra-nationalist political forces and genocide denial in Bosnia & Herzegovina and Croatia.

Out of a total of 190 ballots cast, Mr. Jeremic obtained 99 to Ambassador Dalius Cekuolis of Lithuania, (5 were deemed invalid vote and one abstention). There are 193 members. The fact that Serbia is neither member of NATO or the European Union probably advanced Mr. Jeremic’s candidacy. At the same time though much leaves to be desired of Serbia’s recent role in the region, including an ambiguous respect for Bosnia & Herzegovina’s evolution toward re-integration and functionality in a war that both the ICTY and ICJ have directly linked to Belgrade. Mr. Jeremic has also sounded a very tough note on another critical issue before the UN, Kosovo. See your Film for Blog:

“FM Jremic Speaks on Kosovo before UN Security Council”.  Belgrade and Mr. Jeremic have also been seen as much closer on Moscow’s line regarding Syria. The current Qatari President of the UNGA has been employing the UNGA as an activist counterpart to a deadlocked UN Security Council on Syria.

Pots seguir llegint en el “Vull llegir +..

“We are a small developing country that belongs to no military alliance or political union. It is therefore truly honouring to have received the confidence of so many nations from all over the world to preside over the main deliberative, policy-making and representative organ of the United Nations.” The President-elect also proposed that the theme of the high-level debate at the start of the 67th session of the General Assembly, in mid-September, be about the “adjustment or settlement of international disputes or situations by peaceful means.”

A Global Platform or Platform to Dive Back into Serbia Politics?

As a personal perspective, the election of a neighbor to such a significant post would be positive for the entire neighborhood under normal circumstances. Unfortunately these are not at least yet normal circumstances for the region, particularly for Bosnia & Herzegovina which continues to suffer from nationalist winds. I would give most weight to the perspective of Serbia’s progressive civil-society advocates. Mr. Jeremic’s election appears to be viewed with skepticism. Perhaps the attention/focus could help freedom and tolerance gain an upper hand over nationalism and old agenda’s, but the victory is more likely to be presented by the old order as a legitimization and confirmation of the old course. We will see, as Mr. Jeremic acts in a personal rather than national capacity and in theory owes no duty to Belgrade. This may be an opportunity for him to set a new course for himself and Serbia or perhaps it will be exploited as a diving board for a return to the murky waters of Belgrade’s political water polo. Undoubtedly Mr. Jeremic has further ambitions, but we will see how he defines them in terms of globe, region and self.


Ambassador Muhamed Sacirbey – FOLLOW mo @MuhamedSacirbey??


Recupere un antic post sobre en Josep Lluís Bausset i Ciscar:


Sempre m’impressionà la seua tarja de felicitació nadalenca que deia textualment:
“Per a servir-li a vosté i a la pàtria”

Una “pàtria” de persones reals, no de les d’estadística. 

PS: ¿algú se n’extranya que Jordi Pujol no sabera res de l’existència d’en Bausset?…..possiblement, és ací on rau un dels vells problemes dels vells lluitadors que nosaltres cal que corregim.