Tenim “sa mala costum” d’ésser un país ben viu !
Un ceguet captaire canta meravellosament pel carrer concorregut. Barri del mercat, carrer del músic Peidró cantonada amb carrer de la llanterna.
Intro 00:00 / 04:58
Intro 01:22
Rebels 03:03
Lluita per un futur 03:48
De ment tancada 03:24
Un altre dia 03:19
Mero 03:01
Joan Duart: Veu i dolçaina
Juan Mi. : Baix
Pere Duart: Guitarra i veus
Diego Salvador: Bateria i cors
Josep Duart: Teclat i cors
Francesc Duart: Guitarra i cors
Secció de vents:
Andrés Rubio: Trompeta
Carlos Mezquita: Saxo alt
-Enric Alepuz (Castlevanians): Percussions a “Una altre dia”
-Joaquín Solar: Trombó a “Rebels, “Lluita per un futur”, “De ment tancada”, “Un altre dia” i “Mero”
-Gerard Duart: Flauta travessera a “Tio Canya”
-Vicent Torrent (Al Tall): Pare de “Tio Canya”, Veu a la tornada.
Enginyer de so: Roger García
Enginyer de màstering: Jose Triay
Gravat als estudis RPM d’Almàssera (València) L’Agost de 2012.
Masteritzat a Northwest Mastering (A Coruña)
Disseny i maquetació: Enric Alepuz i IMAG-IMPRESSIONS
Contractació: 637102732; 677694898 assekes@gmail.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/assekes
Twitter: www.twitter.com/assekes
Myspace: www.myspace.com/assekes
After complications from a previous kidney condition Brazilian architect Oscar Niemeyer has passed away at Rio de Janeiro’s Samaritano Hospital.
For 104 years, Oscar Ribeiro de Almeida Niemeyer Soares (December 15, 1907 – December 5, 2012) lived a life of “intensity.” Born in Rio de Janeiro, he is best known for helping to design the United Nations Headquarters in New York in 1947 and for designing much of the city of Brasilia. As he described his style: “I consciously ignored the highly praised right angle and the rational architecture of T-squares and triangles in order to wholeheartedly enter the world of curves…” He received the Pritzker Prize in 1988.
Niemeyer was one of those few architects who is recognized and admired by people from all walks of life, especially by those in his native Brazil, where he is considered an icon. Indeed, always motivated to design for his fellow man, Niemeyer was a Brazilian first, and an architect second.
In Niemeyer’s words: “It is important that the architect think not only of architecture but of how architecture can solve the problems of the world. The architect’s role is to fight for a better world, where he can produce an architecture that serves everyone and not just a group of privileged people.”
The legacy of the Master of Brazilian Architecture