Els Papers de Santa Maria de Nassiu


18 d'abril de 2010
1 comentari

Pobles valencians internacionals i “Ves què hi farem!”

En un correu m’arriba aquest llistat de pobles valencians INTERNACIONALS. Us el deixe a continuació per tal que hi col.laboreu en la mesura de les vostres possibilitats. Gràcies. I el vídeo del tema “Ves què hi farem!”, himne extraoficial per a la defensa de la llibertat (de Santapau & Mahoni). Bon dia.

1- Llocnou= Newplace
2- Paiporta= Bread and door
3- Silla= Chair
4- Benidorm= Come and sleep
5- Rotova= Break goes
6- Cullera= Spoon
7- Alcoi= To the neck
8- Massanasa= Too much nose
9- Barx= Tabern X
10- Vilanova= Newvillage
11- Quatretonda= Four gloriet
12- Catarroja= Taste red
13- Tavernes de la Valldigna= Taberns of the dignity valley
14- Quart de Poblet= Fourth of the little town
15- Castellonet de la conquesta= Little castle of the conquest
16- Morella= Die she
17- Elx= He X
18- Oliva= Olive
19- Pinet= Little tree
20- Miramar= See sea


21- Guardamar del Segura= Keep sea of the security

22- Benipeixcar= Come and fishing

23- Sueca= Swedish
24- Albal= To the OK
25- Potries= Tinchoose
26- Almoines= Alms
27- Valencia= OK gum
28- Albaida= Dawn go
29- Vila-real= Royal village
30- Ador = To of gold
31- La pobla del Duc= The town of the duke
32- Xàtiva= Chat and go
33- Villena= Wine full
34- Cofrents= Chest entities
35- Piles= Batteries 
36- Riola= River hello
37- Simat de la Valldigna= Mount T of the dignity valley
38- La Pobla Llarga= The long town
39- La Pobla de Vallbona= The town of good valley
40- Benicull= Come and harvest
41- Romaní= Roman went

42- Bocairent= Mouth and yeast

43- La font d’en Carrós= The fountain of in barrows
45- Palmera= Palm
46- Corbera= Raven was
47- Altura= Height
48- Canals= Channels
49- Aielo de Malferit= To ice of bad injured
50- Montserrat= Mount sawed
51- La Vila Joiosa= The village bejeweled
52- Navaixes= Razors
53- Muro d’Alcoi= Wall of to the neck
54- El Palomar= The dovecote

55- Banyeres de Mariola= Bathtubs of sea and hello

56- Torrent= Tower yeast
57- Ibi= And wine
58- Pego= I hit
59- El Perello= The peter me

60- Beneixama= Come and drink

61- El Camp de Mirra= The field of myrrh
62- Castell de Cabres= Castle of goats
63- Gàtova= Cat goes
64- Rocafort= Stone strong
65- Tavernes Blanques= White taberns
66- Orba= Gold go
67- Ondara= Wave now
68- Castellfort= Castle strong
69- Cinctorres= Five towers
70- Sedaví= Silk wine
71- Picanya= Pine cane
72- Vilamarxant= Running village
73- Teulada= Roof
74- Moraira= Blackberry rage
75- Mutxamel= Much honey (A lot of honey)
76- Castell de castells= Castle of castles
77- Agost= August
78- Favara= Bean now
79- Torres Torres= Towers towers
80- Parcent= Couple hundred
81- Sollana= Sound wool
82- Vilafranca= Sincere village
83- Estivella= East and old woman
84- La Font de la Figuera= The fountain of the fig tree
85- ALGEMESÍ= To the “xe” plus(more) yes
86- Dos Aigües= Two waters
87- Benilloba= Come and wolf
88- Massamagrell= A lot of lean he
89- Quartell= Fourth he
90- Bonrepòs i Mirambell= Good rest and look me beautiful(old man)
91- Castellnovo= New castle
92- Els Poblets= The little towns
93- Moncada= World each
94- Meliana= Honey and went
95- Moixent= Soft i’m leaving
96- Alfafar= To the do beacon
97- Alqueria del Niño Perdido= To the I wanted of the lost boy
98- Alacant= To the song
99- Elda= He gives
100- Almiserà= To the me will be
101- Alboraia= To the good line
102- Les Coves de Vinromà= The grooves of twenty romans
103- Monover= Monkey see
104- La Llosa= The slab
105- Almàssera= To the more will be
106- Torreblanca= White tower
107- Alberic= To the good rich
108- Benifaio= Come and failure
109- Bufali= Blow it
110- Vistabella= Beautiful sight
111- Beneixida= Come exit
112- El Pinós= The pine bear
113- Ayora= There is time
114- La Llosa de Ranes= The slab of frogs
115- Montaverner= World barkeeper
116- Dénia= From there is
117- Sant Joan de l’Ènova= Saint john of “ey, it doesn’t work”
118- Genovés= Gene or you see
119- Castelló de la Ribera= Castle I of the riverside
120- Castelló de la Plana= Castle I of the flat
121- Castelló de Rugat= Castle I of the wrinkled
122- Montesa= Mount healthy
123- Orpesa del Mar= Gold weight of the sea
124- Riba-roja= Red shore
125- Marenys de Barraquetes= The marsh of huts
126- Catadau= Taste dice
127- Benimarull= Come and sea eye
128- Sant Joan de Moró = Saint John of arab
129- Rossell= Blond hair he
130- Nàquera= Nothing that was
131- Cabanes= Cabins
132- Alcàntera del Xúquer= To the quarry of the Xúquer
133- Antella= Before she
134- Alginet= To the horseman
135- Ontinyent= Where dyeing
136- Alcora= To the Koran
137- Benetússer = Well clean you be
138- Carcaixent= Expensive ark leaving
139- Agres= Sour is
140- Fredes= Cold is
A poc a poc anirem posant més pobles… (per a Gandia no se’ns acut res XDD) També podeu col.laborar aportant els vostres pobles o els que se vos acuden. L’avorriment és una malaltia molt estesa…XDD.

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  1. No, home, no. Jo per a Elx posaria millor “The X”, que això de “He X” seria la traducció des del castellà (i en castellà seria “The Che”) No?

Respon a Miquel Cancel·la les respostes

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