
Això és el subtitel

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* Negu Gorriak

Publicat el 20 d'abril de 2007 per frap


Versió extreta del disc grabat en directe "Hipokrisiari Stop! Bilbo 93-X-30". Hi ha diverses versions sobre qui és l’autor de la lletra d’aquesta cançó, en tot cas aquesta és la lletra i una traducció:

Amari itxoiten, itxoiten

aitak besoetan har nazan, itxoiten

Lehen eskola egunari, itxoiten

titiak noiz haziko, itxoiten


Esaminari, itxoiten

lana noiz lortuko, itxoiten

norbaiti, itxoiten

Orgasmora heltzeko, itxoiten

berak nere denbora bete dezan, itxoiten

Haurra noiz jaioko, itxoiten

umea noiz koxkortuko, itxoiten


Bera nere bila noiz etorriko, itxoiten

seme-alaben bisitaldiari, itxoiten

Liberazioari, itxoiten

liberazioari, itxoiten


Esperant a la mare
Esperant que el pare m’agafi en braços

Esperant el primer dia d’escola
Esperant que em creixin els pits


Esperant l’examen
Esperant trobrar feina
Esperant a algú

Esperant l’orgasme
Esperant que ell ompli el meu temps

Esperant que neixi el nadó
Esperant que creixi el fill


Esperant que torni a buscar-me
Esperant la visita dels fills

Esperant l’alliberament
Esperant l’alliberament


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* Lisa Germano

Publicat el 12 d'abril de 2007 per frap

Cry Wolf

Love is weird, love
She’s overdone it, can’t go on
She caused it all, cry, cry wolf
She didn’t know, she didn’t want it
She does alot of things and regrets it
Love can hurt, love
Love is weird, love
A girl who wants it, but has no clue
She’s says she’ll give it, cry, cry wolf
A change of mind in a back seat or that dirty room
They say she got just what she wanted
Love can be bad
Love is weird, love
You should’a known better
You should’a known better
You should’a known, It’s all your fault
You should’a known better
You should know better
Didn’t they tell you
Didn’t they tell you
Cry, cry wolf (repeat)

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* Martin Solveig

Publicat el 9 d'abril de 2007 per frap


Everybody run, everybody knows,
Everybody pull the gun, everybody rolls,
Everybody skip, everybody choose,
Everybody sticks and everybody loose,
Everybodys favours, everybody waits,
Everybodys gorgeous and everybody fakes,
Everybodys screaming, everybodys blind,
Everybody could be dying, anybody fine.

Is this a mirror of myself,
Am I somebody else,
I don’t wanna be…everybody!


Everybody run,everybody knows,
Everybody pulls the gun, everybody rolls,
Everybody skips, everybody choose,
Everybody sticks and everybody loose,

Everybodys jealous, everybody objects,
Everybodys anxious, everybody forgets,
Everybodys asking for everybodys aid,
Everybodys bonking unless everybodys paid

Is this a mirror of myself,
Am I somebody else,
I don’t wanna be…everybody!
Is this a mirror of myself,
Am I somebody else,
I don’t wanna be…everybody!

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* Bright Eyes

Publicat el 4 d'abril de 2007 per frap

Something Vague

Una bona cançó per un dia de pluja com avui:

Lletra de la cançó i traducció:

Now and again it seems worse than it is,
but mostly the view is accurate.
You see your breath in the air
as you climb up the stairs to
that coffin you call your apartment.

And you sink in your chair,
brush the snow from your hair
and drink the cold away.

and You are not really sure
what you’re doing this for
but you need something to fill up the days.
A few more hours.

There’s a dream in my brain
that just won’t go away.
It’s been stuck there since it came
a few nights ago

and I’m standing on a bridge
in the town where I lived
as a kid with my mom and my brothers.

And then the bridge disappears
and I’m standing on air
with nothing holding me.
And I hang like a star,
fucking glow in the dark,
for all those starving eyes to see,
like the ones we’ve wished on.

Now I’m confused.
Is this depth really you?
Do these dreams have any meaning?

No. No, I think it is more like a ghost
that has been following us both.
Something vague that we’re not seeing,
something more like a feeling.


Traducció. Alguna cosa així com:

De tant en tant sembla pitjor que això,
però principalment la vista és acurada.
Veu la seva respiració en l’aire
mentre puja les escales a aquell taüt
que anomena el seu apartament.

I s’enfonsa a la seva cadira,
raspalla la neu des dels seus cabells
i beu el fred fora.

i no està realment segur
de per què està fent això
però necessita que alguna cosa ompli els dies.
Unes quantes hores més.

Hi ha un somni al meu cervell
que no se n’anirà.
S’ha enganxat allà des de que vaig arribar
fa unes quantes nits

i estic dret en un pont
a la ciutat on vivia
quan era un nen amb la meva mama i els meus germans.

I llavors el pont desapareix
i estic a l’aire
sense que res m’aguanti.
I penjo com una estrella,
fotut fulgor a les fosques,
per a tots aquells ulls que es moren de ganes per veure-hi,
com aquells que hem desitjat.

Ara se’m confon.
Ets realment tu aquesta profunditat?
Aquests somnis tenen algun significat?

No. No, penso que és més que un fantasma
que ha estat després de nosaltres dos.
Alguna cosa imprecisa que no estem veient,
alguna cosa més que un sentiment.

First Day Of My Life

This is the first day of my life

Swear I was born right in the doorway

I went out in the rain, suddenly everything changed

They’re spreading blankets on the beach

Yours is the first face that I saw

I think I was blind before I met you

Now I don’t know where I am, don’t know where I’ve been

But I know where I want to go

And so I thought I’d let you know

That these things take forever, I especially am slow

But I realized that I need you

And I wondered if I could come home

Remember the time you drove all night

Just to meet me in the morning

And I thought it was strange, you said everything changed

You felt as if you’d just woke up

And you said, "This is the first day of my life.

I’m glad I didn’t die before I met you.

But, now I don’t care, I could go anywhere with you

And I’d probably be happy."

So if you wanna be with me

With these things there’s no telling

We’ll just have to wait and see

But I’d rather be working for a paycheck

Than waiting to win the lottery

Besides, maybe this time it’s different

I mean I really think you like me

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* Judas Priest

Publicat el 1 d'abril de 2007 per frap

Dreamer deceiver

Les balades heavys sempre han sigut molt bones.

I els crits d’en Rob Halford en aquesta cançó són increïbles.

Standing by my window, breathing summer breeze

Saw a figure floating, neath the willow tree
Asked us if we were happy, we said we didnt know
Took us by the hands and up we go

We followed the dreamer through the purple hazy clouds
He could control our sense of time
We thought we were lost but no matter how we tried
Everyone was in peace of mind

We felt the sensations drift inside our frames
Finding complete contentment there
And all the tensions that hurt us in the past
Just seemed to vanish in thin air

He said in the cosmos is a single sonic sound
That is vibrating constantly
And if we could grip and hold on to the note
We would see our minds were free…oh theyre free

We are lost above
Floating way up high
If you think you can find a way
You can surely try

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* Dut

Publicat el 28 de març de 2007 per frap

Petrolioa ere (El petroli també)

"Askatu korapiloa" (2000)

"no queda ninguna razón para matar
todas han muerto"

"somos tan pequeños como los granos de arena del desierto,
del desierto que fue mar"

En aquesta cançó hi ha un fragment en èuscar i un fragment recitat en castellà. Transcric el fragment en èuscar i la seva traducció i seguidament la poesia en castellà:

"Petrolioa ere etorkina da, baina hauxe ez da pateran iritsi. Giza-baloreen burtsan kotizatzen ez dutenak zer? Hay un abismo donde habia un estrecho. Gasolindegi argitan, irrifarreak iragarkitan. Hilotzak hotzak hondartzan ahazturaren ilargitan. Itsas-artean heriotz zuloa."

"També el petroli és immigrant però no ha arribat en patera. I els que no cotitzen a la borsa dels valors humans, què? Hi ha un abisme on hi havia un estret. Iluminades gasolineres, somriures d’anunci. Freds cadàvers a les platges, a la llum de la lluna de l’oblit."


300.000 pesetas

lo que es tierra fue mar en el desierto que bosque fue

nosotros islas vagabundas

en un mar que yaya no es libre

vándalos entre los desechos de Al-Andalus.

300.000 pesetas

no quiero morir sin haber vivido

llegar lo más lejos que me sea posible y mirar;

eso quiero, mirar hacia delante…

las estrellas nacen en el corazón del desierto

el sol me lo enseñó

camino del Jebel Sahro

el tesoro está escondido tras los ojos de un niño

300.000 pesetas

no veré como desaparecen las ovejas

ni estaré allí cuando para siempre no llueva

mírame hombre blanco, míralo todo

y entierra tus armas de fuego en el sereno silencio

del gran bosque de la noche

no es la primera vez que hago este viaje.

nunca es igual.

quería que mis hermanos me viesen.

ellos también pueden intentarlo.

dios no escucha todo el tiempo.

dios también duerme

y su sueño es nuestro olvido, nuestra libertad

300.000 pesetas

el viento nos llevará cuando seamos olas

no queda ninguna razón para matar

todas han muerto

moriremos en el mar porque del mar venimos

alguien las encuentra siempre y nacen de nuevo

no soy nadie. mi voz no escribe

en nuestro corto viaje ni siquiera hemos aprendido

a salir de casa.

300.000 pesetas

el estrecho se hace gigante.

el ruido del motor parece querer ahogar

todos los pensamientos…sólo consigue mecerlos

sobre el oscuro horizonte.

en permanente huida merodeamos

(como islas vagabundas)

trozos de un naufragio en las ciudades sin sueño

luces en la noche

reflejos azules sobre las aguas negras

estamos perdidos en cualquier lugar

nuestros nombres perdieron su sentido

luces en la noche

la costa está cerca

la costa nunca llega

seré fuerte hasta que llegue mi momento

ahora sé algo sobre la vida en ese lado

hay más estrechos haciéndose abismales

somos tan pequeños como los granos de arena del desierto,

del desierto que fue mar

Alhucemas – El Morche…

Tánger – Algeciras…

Tirana – Bari…

La Habana – Miami…

Belgrado – Berlin…

El Paso – Las Cruces…

Grozni – Beirut…

Nogales – Tucson…

Enllaç 1

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* Clann Zú

Publicat el 25 de març de 2007 per frap

Words for Snow

A partir de més o menys la meitat, la cançó és genial.

So many call here on their way down below & I’ll be here burning till
the end of time. Thoughts of the falling burn from the ceiling to wall &
I’ll be here waiting till the end of time. And nothing here is safe &
nothing here is sacred & the thing you care for most will crawl away
wounded as you tell it you love it, into the dark recesses & hollowed
out corners of nothing. And the last touch is always the hardest & the
last touch is always the same & the last look is the one that will kill
ya & the last touch is the one that will drive you insane. And as the
night fell & the gutters swelled with the roar of the pissing city & the
falling balling & crawling below he sat shaking uncontrollably by the
window looking over the pestilent street. And he sat & he prayed & he
prayed & he sat & he prayed to St. Augustus, St Brigid, Padre Pio,
patron saint of all sinners, patron saint of all fools, patron saint of
every fucking dying crawling thing beneath him, shouting out the names
of the dead & forgotten. And he cried out for Christ’s sake help me! For
Christ’s sake get me out of here! God of all sick things get me the fuck
out of here! Release me!

I un vídeo:

Five Thousand More

Enllaç 1

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* R.E.M.

Publicat el 24 de març de 2007 per frap

It’s The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)

That’s great, it starts with an earthquake, birds and snakes, an aeroplane –
Lenny Bruce is not afraid. Eye of a hurricane, listen to yourself churn –
world serves its own needs, regardless of your own needs. Feed it up a knock,
speed, grunt no, strength no. Ladder structure clatter with fear of height,
down height. Wire in a fire, represent the seven games in a government for
hire and a combat site. Left her, wasn’t coming in a hurry with the furies
breathing down your neck. Team by team reporters baffled, trump, tethered
crop. Look at that low plane! Fine then. Uh oh, overflow, population,
common group, but it’ll do. Save yourself, serve yourself. World serves its
own needs, listen to your heart bleed. Tell me with the rapture and the
reverent in the right – right. You vitriolic, patriotic, slam, fight, bright
light, feeling pretty psyched.

It’s the end of the world as we know it.
It’s the end of the world as we know it.
It’s the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine.

Six o’clock – TV hour. Don’t get caught in foreign tower. Slash and burn,
return, listen to yourself churn. Lock him in uniform and book burning,
blood letting. Every motive escalate. Automotive incinerate. Light a candle,
light a motive. Step down, step down. Watch a heel crush, crush. Uh oh,
this means no fear – cavalier. Renegade and steer clear! A tournament,
a tournament, a tournament of lies. Offer me solutions, offer me alternatives
and I decline.

It’s the end of the world as we know it.
It’s the end of the world as we know it.
It’s the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine.

The other night I tripped a nice continental drift divide. Mount St. Edelite.
Leonard Bernstein. Leonid Breshnev, Lenny Bruce and Lester Bangs.
Birthday party, cheesecake, jelly bean, boom! You symbiotic, patriotic,
slam, but neck, right? Right.

It’s the end of the world as we know it.
It’s the end of the world as we know it.
It’s the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine…fine…

(It’s time I had some time alone)

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* Manic Street Preachers

Publicat el 23 de març de 2007 per frap

My Little Empire

Perquè tots tenim un petit imperi, allà on ningú el pot trobar, ben amagat. I d’ell en som els reis. Sempre serà vostre.

My little empire

Has risen and it’s set
My little empire
Is as good as it can get
My little empire
Is coming around
My little empire
It don’t make a sound

My royalty it does not exist
It is extinct for the eye to see
My ideology it is dead and gone
Almost forgotten for the eye to see

My little empire
I’m sick of being sick
My little empire
I’m tired of being tired
My little empire
I’m bored of being bored
My little empire
I’m happy being sad

All of my sins are attempts to fill the voids
All of my voids they are filled with sin
All of my demons they are kept within
And all my violence it does not exist

My little empire
I’m happy being sad
My little empire
I’m fucked with being fucked
My little empire
I’m done with being dumb
My little empire
I’m happy being sad
Happy being sad
Happy being sad
Happy being sad

Com ja vaig dir una vegada, el bloc no es fa responsable de les traduccions fetes pel responsable del bloc:

El meu petit imperi
s’ha aixecat i s’ha endurit
El meu petit imperi
És tan bo com jo el puc tenir
El meu petit imperi
Ve al meu voltant
El meu petit imperi
No produeix cap so

La meva reialesa no existeix
És extingit per l’ull per veure
La meva ideologia es morta i marxa
Gairebé oblidada per l’ull per veure-hi

El meu petit imperi
Estic malalt d’estar malalt
El meu petit imperi
Estic cansat d’estar cansat
El meu petit imperi
Estic avorrit d’estar avorrit
El meu petit imperi
Sóc feliç estant trist

Tots els meus pecats intenten omplir els buits
Tots els meus buits s’omplen amb el pecat
Tots els meus dimonis es mantenen a dintre
I tota la meva violència no existeix

El meu petit imperi
Sóc feliç estant trist
El meu petit imperi
Em foto estant fotut
El meu petit imperi
Faig estant mut
El meu petit imperi
Sóc feliç estant trist
Feliç estant trist
Feliç estant trist
Feliç estant trist

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Publicat el 23 de març de 2007 per frap

Lori Meyers

El tros que m’agrada més és quan canta ella. I diu coses com:

"No sóc la Ventafocs i no espero cap príncep que em salvi."

La Lori Meyers vivia al pis de dalt.
Els nostres pares eren vells amics.
Cada tarda jugàvem a jocs prohibits.
Als nou anys no hi ha prohibicions.

No la vaig reconèixer per la cara,
sinó per una taca de naixement.
Vaig comprar revistes i més cintes:
La prova del delicte. La volia salvar.

"Qui ets tu per dir-me com he de viure?
No venc el meu cos,
només el meu temps.
No sóc la Ventafocs
i no espero cap príncep…
que em salvi. Estic molt bé.

Sé el que és sentir-se degradada.
A la planta d’una fàbrica.
On treballava abans.
Ara tinc el control i no he d’obeir ningú.
Gasto els 50.000 dòlars que guanyo cada any com vull.
On és el problema?"

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Més Rainbow

Publicat el 22 de març de 2007 per frap

Rainbow eyes

Si hagués de definir la dolçor amb música, és molt possible que simplement posés aquesta cançó i callés.

"She lay golden in the sun
No broken harmonies
But I’ve lost my way
She had rainbow eyes"

"Però he perdut el meu camí que tenia ulls d’Arc de Sant Martí".

Quins records…

She’s been gone since yesterday
Oh I didn’t care
Never cared for yesterdays
Fancies in the air

No sighs or mysteries
She lay golden in the sun
No broken harmonies
But I’ve lost my way
She had rainbow eyes
Rainbow eyes
Rainbow eyes

Love should be a simple blend
A whispering on the shore
No clever words you cant defend
They lead to never more

No sighs or mysteries
She lay golden in the sun
No broken harmonies
But I’ve lost my way
She had rainbow eyes
Rainbow eyes
Rainbow eyes

Summer nights are colder now
They’ve taken down the fair
And all the lights have died somehow
Or were they ever there

No sighs or mysteries
She lay golden in the sun
No broken harmonies
But I’ve lost my way
She had rainbow eyes

Uuuuh, uuh

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* Bruce Springsteen

Publicat el 22 de març de 2007 per frap

The river

I come from down in the valley where mister when youre young
They bring you up to do like your daddy done
Me and mary we met in high school when she was just seventeen
Wed ride out of that valley down to where the fields were green

Wed go down to the river
And into the river wed dive
Oh down to the river wed ride

Then I got mary pregnant and man that was all she wrote
And for my nineteen birthday I got a union card and a wedding coat
We went down to the courthouse and the judge put it all to rest
No wedding day smiles no walk down the aisle
No flowers no wedding dress
That night we went down to the river
And into the river wed dive
On down to the river we did ride

I got a job working construction for the johnstown company
But lately there aint been much work on account of the economy
Now all them things that seemed so important
Well mister they vanished right into the air
Now I just act like I dont remember, mary acts like she dont care
But I remember us riding in my brothers car
Her body tan and wet down at the reservoir
At night on them banks Id lie awake
And pull her close just to feel each breath shed take
Now those memories come back to haunt me, they haunt me like a curse
Is a dream a lie if it dont come true
Or is it something worse that sends me
Down to the river though I know the river is dry
Down to the river, my baby and i
Oh down to the river we ride

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* Art brut

Publicat el 17 de març de 2007 per frap

My Little Brother

My little brother just discovered Rock & Roll

There’s a noise in his head, and he’s out of control

Això ho devia pensar mun germà ja fa uns anys. El problema (o no) és que encara estic igual.

My little brother just discovered Rock & Roll

My little brother just discovered Rock & Roll

My little brother just discovered Rock & Roll

There’s a noise in his head, and he’s out of control

And yes it frustrates

Let’s let him make his own mistakes

See him on the dance floor go now

Boy those moves I just don’t know how

My little brother just discovered Rock & Roll

My little brother just discovered Rock & Roll

My little brother just discovered Rock & Roll

He’s only 22 and he’s out of control

How’s he living?

With all of that unforgiving

See him on the dance floor go now

Boy those moves I just don’t know how

My little brother just discovered Rock & Roll

My little brother just discovered Rock & Roll

My little brother just discovered Rock & Roll

He’s only 22 and he’s out of control

He no longer listens to A-sides

He made me a tape of bootlegs and B-sides

And every song on that tape, every single song says

I want our parents to worry about us

All we ever want is our parents to worry about us

It’s what anybody really wants

My little brother just discovered Rock & Roll

My little brother just discovered Rock & Roll

My little brother just discovered Rock & Roll

Stay off the Crack!

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