
Això és el subtitel

* Midlake

Publicat el 24 d'abril de 2007 per frap

El vídeo clip trobo que no és gaire bo però la cançó m’agrada, i molt! Una passada.


Stonecutters made them from stones
Chosen specially for you and I
Who will live inside
The mountaineers gathered tender
Piled high
In which to take along.
Driving many miles, knowing they’d get here.

When they got here, all exhausted
On the roof leaks they got started
And now when the rain comes
We can be thankful

Ooh aah ooh
When the mountaineers
Saw that everything fit, they were
Glad and so they took off

Thought we were devoid
A change or two
Around this place
When they get back they’re all mixed up with no one to stay with

The village used to be all one really needs
That’s filled with hundreds and hundreds of
Chemicals that mostly surround you
You wish to flee but it’s not like you
So listen to me, listen to me

Oh, oh, oh and when the morning comes,
We will step outside
We will not find another man inside
We like the newness, the newness of all
That has grown in our garden soaking for so long

Whenever I was a child I wondered what if my name had changed into something more productive like Roscoe
Been born in 1891
Waiting with my Aunt Rosaline

Thought we were devoid
A change or two
Around this place
When they get back they’re all mixed up with no one to stay with

They looked around the forest
They made their house from cedars
They made their house from stones

Oh, they’re a little like you, and
They’re a little like me
When they’re falling me

Thought we were devoid
A change or two
Around this place
(This place)
(This place)

When they get back they’re all mixed up with no one to stay with
(When they get back they’re all mixed up with no one to stay with)

* Bloc Party

Publicat el 24 d'abril de 2007 per frap

Els Bloc Party ja els vaig posar i és que m’agraden molt, ja tinc les entrades i estic esperant amb moltes ganes el proper 15 de maig per veure’ls en directe a Barcelona.

L’últim disc potser no és tant complert com l’anterior però comencen amb aquesta cançó plena de canya i energia. Bloc Party en estat pur:

Song For Clay (Disappear Here)

La mateixa cançó amb un vídeo fet per un seguidor del grup.

I am trying to be heroic,
In an age of modernity.
I am trying to be heroic,
because all around me history sings.

So I enjoy and I devour
flesh and wine and luxury.
But in my heart,
I am lukewarm;
nothing ever really touches me.

At Les Trois Garçons
we meet at precisely 9 o’clock.
I order the foie gras
and I eat it with complete disdain.
Bubbles rise in champagne flutes,
but when we kiss, I feel nothing.

Feasting on sleeping pills
and Marlboro Reds.
(self-pity won’t save you)

Oh how our parents
they suffered for nothing
Live the dream, live the dream, live the dream
Like the 80s never happened.
People are afraid, are afraid
To merge on the freeway.
Disappear here

We stroll past the queue
into the magazine launch party.
I am handed a pill,
and I swallow with complete disdain.
Kick-drum pounds off the high-hat;
Remember to look bored.
We suck each others’ faces,
and make sure we are noticed.

(Cocaine won’t save you)
Because East London is a vampire,
it sucks the joy right out of me
How we long for corruption in these golden years.

Oh how our parents
they suffered for nothing
Live the dream, live the dream, live the dream
Like the 80s never happened.
People are afraid, are afraid
To merge on the freeway.
Disappear here x4

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* James Dean Bradfield

Publicat el 22 d'abril de 2007 per frap

"Encara queda molt camí per recòrrer."

James Dean Bradfield, líder dels Manic Street Preachers, en el seu disc en solitari ens diu això.

You’re falling through the night and giving in to bad dreams,

where nothing is as it seems.

There’s still a long way to go.

And the fading glorious night,

never seems to bring you home.

You think that this is your road.

There’s still a long way to go.

I can’t give you an A to Z,

there’s some things I just can’t show.

Just try to disbelieve your eyes;

For this I surely know.

There’s a long way to go.

Like laughing in the dark, to keep the dogs at bay;

No matter what you might see, there’s still a long way to go.

Cold comfort in the dawn, the dawn that brings you round, a pale light that you found, there’s still a long way to go.

I can’t give you an A to Z, there’s some things I just can’t show.

Just try to disbelieve your eyes;

For this I surely know – there’s a long way to go.

You’re falling through the night and giving in to bad dreams, where nothing is as it seems.

There’s still a long way to go

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* Architecture in Helsinki

Publicat el 20 d'abril de 2007 per frap


Stranger danger,
Danger stranger,
When you gonna follow through?

The mistake you don’t make,
Or the rain cloud covers above your house.
Steal the feelings,
Don’t focuse on the flames girl.
Have I failed to impress you?
Could’ve sworn that wine
And one and four made two,
But it’s 5!
It’s 5!

Can I ride with you
Until the sunset gets all red?
And we’ll chased by the moon

Hope the passion don’t fade
Since you decided he’s your spouse.
Wheeling, dealing,
Joking things will change girl.
Have I failed to impress you?
Could’ve sworn that wine
And one and four made two,
But it’s 5!
It is 5!

* Negu Gorriak

Publicat el 20 d'abril de 2007 per frap


Versió extreta del disc grabat en directe "Hipokrisiari Stop! Bilbo 93-X-30". Hi ha diverses versions sobre qui és l’autor de la lletra d’aquesta cançó, en tot cas aquesta és la lletra i una traducció:

Amari itxoiten, itxoiten

aitak besoetan har nazan, itxoiten

Lehen eskola egunari, itxoiten

titiak noiz haziko, itxoiten


Esaminari, itxoiten

lana noiz lortuko, itxoiten

norbaiti, itxoiten

Orgasmora heltzeko, itxoiten

berak nere denbora bete dezan, itxoiten

Haurra noiz jaioko, itxoiten

umea noiz koxkortuko, itxoiten


Bera nere bila noiz etorriko, itxoiten

seme-alaben bisitaldiari, itxoiten

Liberazioari, itxoiten

liberazioari, itxoiten


Esperant a la mare
Esperant que el pare m’agafi en braços

Esperant el primer dia d’escola
Esperant que em creixin els pits


Esperant l’examen
Esperant trobrar feina
Esperant a algú

Esperant l’orgasme
Esperant que ell ompli el meu temps

Esperant que neixi el nadó
Esperant que creixi el fill


Esperant que torni a buscar-me
Esperant la visita dels fills

Esperant l’alliberament
Esperant l’alliberament


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* Deep Purple

Publicat el 20 d'abril de 2007 per frap

Sweet child in time…

Quins crits!
Quines pintes! Quins cracks!

Child In Time

Sweet child in time youll see the line
The line thats drawn between the good and the bad
See the blind man shooting at the world
Bullets flying taking toll
If youve been bad, lord I bet you have
And youve been hit by flying lead
Youd better close your eyes and bow your head
And wait for the ricochet

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* The Vines

Publicat el 18 d'abril de 2007 per frap

Aquesta gent tenen cançons bones, el problema és que quan van a platós de televisió el cantant no és capaç ni d’acabar les cançons, cançons que són bones però en aquests casos irreconeixibles. És divertit veure com al·lucinen els presentadors. Impagable!

Craig Nicholls, el cantant del grup, té un caràcter molt problemàtic que ha estat a punt de suposar la separació de la banda més d’una vegada, baralles entre els components, incidents amb la premsa (en un concert va saltar de l’escenari per pegar un fotògraf), cancel·lacions de gires i tot un seguit de petits escàndols. Es veu que pateix una malaltia que entre altres coses és una forma d’autisme.

Això és rock’n’roll que diria un.

The Vines!

Get Free


Get Free

Aquesta és la bona, ara sí, Get Free en directe i reconeixble. Canyaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!


I ara també, Outtathaway! reconeixible. El vídeo clip de la cançó.

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* Paradise Lost

Publicat el 18 d'abril de 2007 per frap

True Belief

Wretched will, host of pleasure surreal
Closed the room where the last is buried

Rise or fall at your masters request
Youre unable to accept redemption

I dont know about a true belief here
With the lost its the same as always

All I want is the same, a true belief

You cant wait to become a memory
With the weak its the same as always

Stand confused lack of comprehension,
Re-aroused by a thought of madness

And I know that the truth is always right
But its time to search for lies
Youre the only I try to save
But the blood spills from your veins

Call counting time till the end
Deaths wicked smile never fails
The curse is cast, youve lost the past
Forevermore, a candle burns here no more

I dont know about a century life
When the love of generations die

I can see no good in taking your own life
When any moment death calls…

All I want is the same, a true belief