
Això és el subtitel

* 16 Horsepower

Publicat el 27 de març de 2007 per frap


o sinnerman where will you run to

sinnerman where will you run to

sinnerman where will you run to

all on that day

run to the mountain

the mountain wont hide you

run to the sea

the sea will not have you

and run to your grave

your grave will not hold you

all on that day

see sinnerman

mountains are falling


the sea it rages


the grave will not hold you

all on that day

run to the lord

lord please hide me

run to the lord




where you gonna run to

all on that day

run to the mountain

the mountain wont hide you

and run to the sea

the sea will not hold you

and run to your grave

the grave will not hide you

all on that day


the mountain is falling

and sinnerman

the sea it rages

and sinnerman



where will you run to

all on that day

the mountain wont hide you

the sea wont have you

and the grave will not hold you

all on that day

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