Deixa un comentari

Mentre dissenyem per a vosaltres, poble marroquí, el vostre exèrcit  ataca la població civil saharauí. Fa un parell de mesos que intentem el  millor que podem oferir-vos: la dedicació fraterna. Estem consternats. Fa un parell de setmanes assistíem en el carrer de la Pau (precisament) de la meua ciutat a una protesta tot reclamant la reprovació ciutadana per la mort d’aquell xiquet saharauí de tan sols catorze anys.

Avui, dia del lliurament de la nostra proposta, tornen els vostres militars a agredir poblacions amàziga (tuareg) i/o berber i saharauïna. A l’estudi sentim una gran perplexitat. Dolgudament sentida. Punyentment no corresposta, no amb nosaltres, sinó en la societat subjugada pels vostres poders, que també vos sotmet a vosaltres.

Mai no hem de trobar uns mínims comuns denominadors on poder coincidir els humans?  

Setting in surrondings
. Integration.

We aim for the site’s revival as an urban space, with respect for the city
and its people. We do not come to impose but to listen to and understand, and
learn, as well. With our knowledge, values buried in past times will emerge so
we can avoid mistakes inflicted on this land. Our interventions are always
enhanced by our passion for cities and villages. We test each corner, each
detail as to find the great telluric forces that have preserved the people’s
We search for the source of pre-existence. We work like detectives.
What was in there first? we ask, and the answer is quite simple most of the
There was a river, orography, landscape.
There, what did people first?
They sketch the alignament of buildings following the model drawn behind
level curves.
Then, what did they do next? They accumulated their spirits. They did culture.
What can we do, now and here, to be honest with the place and its people?

( n’hi ha+ )

El Slider el podeu trobar enllaçat baix.

We have here an old bridge that links two restored riverside constructions
added and removed without criteria and a footbridge linking the car park
outside the zone subject of our proposal with Yeddouna Lalla square.
The structural element of this portion of the city that we want to revitalize
is the river. The river is life. The orography is the wound that opens the
river valley between its hills. The three areas have a wealth of culture
accumulated in this area. They represent years of human vicissitudes. We must
rescue it and maintain it.
We have here a piece of the city that shall be interconnected to the rest of it
and thus, create a new pole of attraction for life, not just tourism. Making it
real is the core purpose of this proposal.

It respects the original alignment of the streets, their twists and knots, as
it is a significant feature of their legacy, except for occasional few changes
in the new buildings. That is the pattern. Then, it monumentalises the
riverside that serves as a link to the second zone along the right side of
river. The third area of the proposal focuses on the city’s character and the
spectrum of viewpoints.


Aquesta entrada s'ha publicat en ARCHITECTURES el 9 de novembre de 2010 per josep_blesa

  1. Déu n’hi dó, Josep, quina feinada de projecte.
    Em sembla que en lloc de cercar els minims comuns denominadors, optem per els máxims común múltiples, tot ho fem gros i cerquem acords de màxims (que mai s’obtenen) oblidant que els mínims es el máxim a que poedm aspirar.
    O ni  a això, aleshores així ens va. 

  2. Sí, ja sé que fa més d’un mes que ho has penjat. Però no importa, avui m’he passat per tafanejar… Un projecte ambiciós i complex…m’agrada la reflexió que fas del mínim comú denominador, i la de les finestres allargades… sempre és així, partir d’allò que hi ha i transformar-ho. Una abraçada

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