
easy approach to phrasal verbs


Publicat el 15 de maig de 2014 per ealonso
This is an overview of the most used phrasal verbs. We are going to study them in two ways. By particles trying to remark what is common to them all. Afterwards, we are going over them, one by one,  stating their meaning both in English and Catalan using an example.

Estudi dels phrasals verbs més freqüents. Els estudiarem de dues maneres. Per partícules intentant de remarcar allò que tenenm en comú. Després els analizarem un per un, especificant que significan en anglès i català amb un exemple.

. Be up to
. Blow up 
. Break down 
. Break up
. Bring sb up 
. Call back
. Catch up
. Check in
. Check out 
. Cheer up 
. Come across 

. Come on
. Come round
. Cut down
. Cut off
. Do up
. Drop off
. Fall over
. Fill in
. Fill up
. Find out
. Get in
. Get out
. Get off 
. Get on
. Get over
. Get up
. Give away
. Give out
. Give up
. Go on
. Go out
. Grow up 
. Hang up
. Have on
. Hold on
. Hold up
. Keep up
. Leave out
. Let down
. Log in
. Log off
. Log on 
. Log out 
. Look down 
. Look up
. Make up
. Own up
. Pick up
. Put away
. Put down
. Put off
. Put on
. Put out
. Put up with
. Run out
. Sell out
. Set off
. Set up
. Settle down 
. Shut up
. Slowdown
. Sort out
. Speak up
. Take after
. Take off
. Take up
. Tell off
. Throw away
. Turn down
. Turn off
. Turn on 
. Turn over
. Turn up 
. Wake up
. Wear out
. Work out
. Write down 

  1. Gràcies,  ealonso per la llista!  Tan de bo només hi haguéssin aquestos cent i ja “sabéssim” els phrasals verbs.  Però els anglesos, tan punyeterus ho van complicant força.  
    Endavant amb aquestes píndoles de l’idioma. 

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