Anglès. BASIC Vocabulary. 775 paraules + Verbs Irregulars
yA continuació, per ordre alfabètic, hi ha la llista de les paraules angleses bàsiques, per la freqüència i ús, que convé saber.
Aquests mots són substantius, verbs, adjectius, adverbis. Per consolidar la seva comprensió, no n’hi ha prou amb llegir-les, sinó que cal utilitzar-les fent frases. Si les categories anteriors representen les rajoles i les lloses amb que construir l’edifici lingüístic, cal cimentar-les i reforçar-les amb l’ús d’articles, pronoms, preposicions i conjuncions.
Basic English Words
Able, about, above, abroad, accept, ache, accuse, action, add, address, admit, afford, afraid, after, again, against, age, ago, agree, air, alive, all, allow, almond, almost, already, also, always, among, angry, ankle, annoy, another, answer, ant, ape, apologize, apple, apricot, arm, around, arrive, ask, aunt, away. 45
Back, bad, bag, bake, ball, basket, bath, be, beach, bear, beard, beat, beauty, because, become, bed, bee, beer, before, begin, behind, believe, below, belt, berry,
, big, bike, bird, birth, bitter, black, blood, blow, blue, boat, body, bone, book, boot, boss, both, bottle, bow, box, boy, bread, break, breathe, brick, bridge, bring, brother, brown, burn, build, business, butter, buy, bye. 60
Cake, call, candle, car, card, care, carpet, carrot, carry, cash, castle, cat, celery, cell(phone), chain, chair, chance, change, cheap, cheek, cheese, cherry, chess, chest, chicken, child, choose, church, circle, citizen, class, clean, clear, clever, clock, close, clothes, cloud, coast, coat, cold, comb, come, complain, computer, congratulations, cook, cool, corn, corner, cost, cotton, council, count, country, couple, cow, crash, crazy, cross, crowd, cry, cub, cup, cut , 65
Dance, danger, dark, date, daughter, day, deal, dear, death, deep, desk, dessert, devil, die, difficult, dinner, dirty, dish, do, dog, door, down, draw, dream, dress, drink, drive, drop, duck, dust. 30
Eagle, ear, early, earn, earth, easy, eat, egg, elbow, empty, end, enjoy, enough, even, evening, every, evil, expensive, explain, eye, 20
Face, fair(x2), faith, fall, false, family, far, farm, fast, fat, father, fear, feel, few, field, fight, fill, find, fine, finger, finish, fire, fish,flag, flat, fly, floor, flower, follow, food, foot, force, forest, forget, forgive, fork, fox, free, freeze, fridge, friend, frog, fruit, full, fun, 45
Game, garden, garlic, gate, get, girl, give, glass, glasses, glove, go, god, gold, good, granddaughter, grandfather, grandmother, grandson, grass, great, greet, green, grey, grow, gun, 25
Hair, half, hand, happen, happy, hard, hat, hate, have, head, health, hear, heart, heat, heaven, heavy, hell, help, here, hide, high, hit, hold, hole, holiday, home, honey, hope, horse, host, hot, hour, house, hug, humble, hungry, hunt, hurry, hurt, husband, 40
Ice, ill, improve, in, injury, ink, inside, into, iron, island, 10
Jam, jaw, jelly, jewel, job, joke, journey, joy, juice, jump, 10
Keep, key, kick, kid, kidney, kind(x2), king, kill, kiss, kit, kitchen, knee, knife, know, 15
Lake, land, large, last, late, laugh, law, lazy, lead, leaf, learn, leave, left, leg, lemon, let, letter, lettuce, level, lie, life, light, like, line, lion, lip, listen, little, live, liver, long, look, lose, lot, loud, love, low, luck, lunch, lung, 40
Make, mail, man, many, market, marry, match, maybe, meal, mean meet, melon*, middle, milk, mind(x2), mirror, miss, mistake, money, month, moon, morning, mother, mountain, mouse, mouth, move, much, must, 30
Nail, naked, name, narrow, near*, neck, need, needle, neighbour, nest, net, never, new, news, next, nice, night, noise, nose, nothing, now, number, nun, nurse, nut, 25
Oak, off, often, old, on, once, one, onion, only, open, orange, other, oven, over, own, 15
Pain, paint, pair, paper, park, party, past, pay, pea, peace, peach, pear, pearl, pen, pencil, people, person, picture, pig, pill, pillow, pine*, pink, place, plane, play, please, plenty, plum, pocket, polite, poor, potato, power, pretty, price, pull, purple, push, put, 40
Queen, question, queue, quick, quiet, quite.
Rabbit, race(x2), rain, rainbow, raise, read, ready, recipe, red, relationship, remember, remind, rescue, research, rest, rice, rich, ride, right(x2), ring, rise, river, road, rob, rock, roof, room, round, rule, run, 30
Sad, sail, salad, salt, same, sand, say, school, sea, search, season(X2), seat, see, seem, self, sell, send, set, several, shadow, shake, shame, shape, share, shark, sheep, shine, ship, shirt, shoe, shoot, shop, short, shoulder, shout, show, shower, sick, side, sight, silk, silver, since, sing, single, sister, sit, size, skin, sky, sleep, sleeve, slow, small, smell, smile, smoke, smooth, snake, snow, soap, sock, soft, some, son, song, soon, sorry, soul, soup, souvenir, speak, speech, spell, spend, spider, sport, spoon, spot, square, stand, stair, star, start, stay, steal, steel, still, sting, stone, stop, storm, story, strawberry, street, strong, sugar, sun, sweet, swim, 100
Table, tail, take, tale, tall, talk, taste, tea, teach, tear, tell, team, thank, thick, thief, thin, thing, think, thirsty, thought, throw, thunder, tick, tide, tie, time, tired, today, together, tomato, tomorrow, too(x2), tool, tooth, top, touch, towel, tower, town, toy, trade, train, travel, tree, trouble, trousers, true, trust, try, turn, twist, 50
Ugly, umbrella, uncle, under, understand, unless, until, up, upset, use, 10
Valley, vast, vegetable, veil, velvet, very, view, village, voice, vowel, 10
Wait, wake, walk, wall, want, war, warm, wash, watch, water, wave, way, weak, week, weapon, wear, weather, web, wedding, welcome, well, wet, whale, wheat, wheel, white, whole, wide, wife, wild, will, win, wind, wine, wing, window, wise, wish, with/without, witness, wolf, woman, wonder, wood, word, work, world, worry, write, wrong, 50
Yacht, yard, year, yellow, yesterday, yet, yolk, young, youth, 8
Zebra, zero, zest, zigzag, zip, zoo, zoom, 7
Total words : 775
A continuació, elements de connexió de les paraules.
I, you, he/she/it, we, you, they
My, your, his/her/its, our, your, their
Me, you, him/her/it, us, you, them
Mine, yours, his/hers/its, ours, yours, theirs
(preposition & conjunctions)
A, and, any, as, at, but, by, for, from, if, in, into, of, or, out, so, to.
(W-words, for questions)
What, when, where, who, why, how, which
(Aquí, allà ; aquest, aquell ; aquests, aquells / Hi ha )
Here, there / This, that / These, those / There is, there are
(Comparatius : més que …. / menys que)
More than….. / less than ……
Spring, Summer, Autumn(Fall), Winter
January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.Christmas, Easter
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
Dawn, Morning, Noon, Afternoon, Evening, Night, Midnight.
East, South, West, North.
Zero(Nought), One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen, Sixteen, Seventeen, Eighteen, Nineteen, Twenty. Thirty, Forty, Fifty, Sixty, Seventy, Eighty, Ninety, Hundred. Thousand. Million. Billion.
First, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eight, ninth, tenth, eleventh…twentieth…
Yes / No (Not) /
Indeed : (certament)
Maybe / Perhaps : (potser)
Not at all : (en absolut)
Anyway : (de totes maneres)
By the way : (per cert)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Juliol 2019
A continuació la primera de les tres llistes de verbs irregulars en anglès :
Past Simple AHIR, FA TEMPS |
Past Participle (amb auxiliar, “have”) AQUEST MATI, RECENTMENT |
Traducció |
be | was/were | been | ser,estar | |
begin | began | begun |
bite | bit | bitten | mossegar | |
break | broke | broken | trencar | |
bring | brought | brought | portar | |
build | built | built | construir | |
buy | bought | bought | comprar | |
can | could | (been able) | ||
choose | chose | chosen | escollir | |
come | came | come | venir | |
cut | cut | cut | tallar | |
do | did | done | fer | |
drink | drank | drunk | beure | |
drive |
drove |
driven |
conduir |
eat | ate | eaten | menjar | |
fall | fell | fallen | caure | |
feel | felt |
sentir (una sensació) | |
found | trobar | |
fly | flew | flown | volar | |
forget | forgot | forgotten | oblidar | |
give | gave | given | donar | |
go | went | gone | anar | |
have | had | had | tenir, haver de | |
hear | heard | heard | sentir(un soroll) | |
know | knew | known | Saber | |
learn | learnt/learned | learnt/learned | aprendre | |
lose | lost | lost | perdre | |
make | made | made | realitzar,crear | |
read |
read |
llegir |
put | put | put | posar | |
run | ran | run | córrer | |
say |
said |
said |
dir |
see | saw | seen | veure | |
sell | sold |
vendre | |
sing | sang | sung | cantar | |
speak | spoke | spoken | parlar | |
swim | swam | swum | nedar | |
take |
took |
taken |
agafar |
teach | taught | taught | ensenyar | |
think | thought | thought | pensar | |
understand | understood | understood | entendre | |
will | would | – | ||
win | won | won | guanyar | |
write | wrote |
escriure |