Abril / Maig / Juny 2020
(veure al final de tot)
Del llibre “English Grammar in Use. Elementary learners”
UNITS 1 – 50
There is a mistake in each sentence. Find it and write the sentences properly.
Hi ha un error a cada frase. Trobeu-lo i escriviu les frases correctament.
Unit 1
1.1 My hands are’nt cold (My hands aren’t cold)
1.2 Today is hot (Today it is hot)
Unit 2
2.1 Where the camera is ? (Where is the camera?)
2.2 I am late ? (Am I late ?)
Unit 3
3.1 It is snowing every day (It snows every day)
3.2 She doesn’t eating the breakfast (She is not eating the breakfast)
Unit 4
4.1 Where he is working today? (Where is he working today ?)
4.2 Is it rain at the moment? (Is it raining at the moment ? )
Unit 5
5.1 Tom work very hard. He is 10 hours in the office. (Tom works very hard…)
5.2 We do a lot of different things right now. ( We are doing a lot of ……..now)
5.3 Sue often studys in the evening. (Sue often studies in ….)
Unit 6
6.1 My parents do no drink coffee after 19:00 o’clock (My parents do not ……)
6.2 I don’t like wash the car. (I don’t like to wash….)
6.3 You doesn’t speak Chinese well (You don’t speak…..)
Unit 7
7.1 Do you play very well the guitar ? (Do you play the guitar very well ?)
7.2 Does they live near here ? (Do they live near here ?)
7.3 How you wash your hair ? (How do you wash your hair ?)
Unit 8
8.1 Jack is watching tv, now he doesn’t play the violin. (….now he isn’t playing the violin)
8.2 Does the worker cleaning the window? (Is the worker cleaning the window?)
it’s also possible : (Does the worker clean the window?)
8.3 They are teachers, your friends? : (Are they teachers, your friends ?)
Unit 9
9.1 We have parents very nice. (We have very nice parents)
9.2 Have she has blue eyes? (Does she have blue eyes / Has she got blue eyes?)
9.3 Do he has a new car ? (Does he have a new car / Has he got a new car?)
Unit 10
10.1 Today Robert starts a interesting new job. (Today Robert starts an interesting new job)
10.2 Yesterday he were not in the office, but at home. (Yesterday he was not in the office, but at home)
10.3 Robert was in the bed yesterday? (Was Robert in the bed yesterday?)
Unit 11
11.1 They danced very well when they are young.
They danced very well when they were young
11.2 The dog breaked the glass when it jumped on the table
The dog broke the glass when it jumped on the table
11.3 The plane took off the airport and Lisa flied from London to Manchester.
The plane took off the airport and Lisa flew from London to Manchester
Unit 12
12.1 I do not watched the news on tv yesterday.
I did not watch the news on tv yesterday
12.2 They do not go to the city 20 minutes ago.
They did not go to the city 20 minutes ago
12.3 Did you enjoyed the film when you went to the cinema?
Did you enjoy the film when you went to the cinema ?
Unit 13
13.1 At 4:00 Paul didn’t be at home. The neighbours were singing the whole night.
At 4:00 Paul wasn’t at home. The neighbours were singing the whole night.
13.2 Jack and Kate were to the cinema to watch a film.
Jack and Kate went to the cinema to watch a film (Jack and Kate were in the cinema ..)
13.3 Was Mr. and Mrs. Marshall in the park for a walk?
Were Mr. and Mrs. Marshall in the park for a walk ?
Unit 14
14.1 Kelly is falling asleep while she was reading
Kelly fell asleep while she was reading.
14.2 Did you watched the game on tv last night?
Did you watch the game on tv last night?
14.3 Jack read a book when his phone rang.
Jack was reading a book when his phone rang
A partir de la Unit 15 només repassarem una unitat, però amb alguna frase més.
Unit 15
15.1 The man wears clean shoes. Yesterday they were dirty. This morning he have cleaned them.
The man wears clean shoes. Yesterday they were dirty. This morning he has cleaned them.
15.2 Albert is on holiday now. By the way, do you know where has he go?
Albert is on holiday now. By the way, do you know where has he gone ?
15.3 Can I have this newspaper if you just finished to read it ?
Can I have this newspaper if you have just finished to read it?
15.4 Robert was on holiday. Now he is back home. By the way, do you know where has he gone ?
Robert was on holiday. Now he is back home. By the way, do you know where has he been ?
15.5 Has the dog really broken the vase we have just buyed this week?
Has the dog already broken the vase we have just bought this week ?
Nota :
(Diferència entre “has gone” / “has been”. En el primer cas, algú ha anat, i encara està al lloc de destinació. En el segon, ja ha tornat.
El meu amic ha anat a Dublin (encara no ha tornat) : “My friend has gone to Dublin.”
El meu amic ha estat a Dublin (i ja ha tornat) : “My friend has been to / in Dublin.” )
Unit 16
16.1 Are Laura and Paul here? Yes, they have only arrived.
Are Laura and Paul here ? Yes, they have just arrived.
16.2 John, this is Emma. Yes, I know. We have still met
John, this is Emma. Yes, I know . We have already met.
16.3 Have Laura and Paul arrived already ? No, we are still
waiting for them
Have Laura and Paul arrived yet ? No, we are still waiting for them
16.4 Your friend has a new job. You want to ask her about it .:
Have you started yet your new job?
Have you started your new job yet?
16.5 Your neighbours have a new garden. They are working on it.
They haven’t watered the plants still.
They haven’t watered the plants yet.
Unit 17
17.1 Have you gone to Rome ? Yes, I have been many times
Have you been to Rome ? Yes, I have been many times.
17.2 Have you ever been to Japan ? No, I have ever been to Japan, but I would like to go there.
Have you ever been to Japan ? No, I have never been to Japan, but I would like to go there. (també : “I have not been to Japan, but ….”)
17.3 Where is your boyfriend? Now he is not here. He has been to Paris for two days.
Where is your boyfriend ? Now he is not here. He has gone to Paris for two days.
17.4 I have been to Scotland but I have not play golf there.
I have been to Scotland but I have not played golf there.
Recordeu Unit 15: Nota :
(Diferència entre “has gone” / “has been”. En el primer cas, algú ha anat, i encara està al lloc de destinació. En el segon, ja ha tornat.
El meu amic ha anat a Dublin (encara no ha tornat) : “My friend has gone to Dublin.
El meu amic ha estat a Dublin (i ja ha tornat) : “My friend has been to / in Dublin.” )
Unit 18
18.1 How time have you been married?
How long have you been married ?
I have been married for seven months. I have been married since last October
18.2 Where is your daughter?
She is in Ireland now. She has been in Ireland since six weeks.
She has been in Ireland for six weeks / (… since the beginning of March)
18.3 We met for the first time last summer.
How long do you know her ?
How long have you known her ?
18.4 Now it is raining.
How long has it had rained?
How long has it been raining ?
Unit 19
Susan went to Dublin on Monday. Today is Saturday. She came back yesterday.
19.1 Susan flew to Dublin six days.
1.Susan flew to Dublin six days ago
19.2 Susan has been in Dublin since five days.
2.Susan has been in Dublin since Monday
19.3 Susan has been in Dublin for five days ago.
3.Susan has been in Dublin for five days
19.4 Susan has gone to Dublin since Monday.
4.Susan has been in Dublin since Monday / Susan has gone to Dublin on Monday
Unit 20
20.1 Last week I lost my key ago.
Last week I lost my key
20.2 This morning she have lost her key
This morning she has lost her key
20.3 We lost our keys ago five days.
We lost our keys five days ago.
20.4 They have lived in Singapore for three years.Now they live in Kyoto.
They had lived in Singapore for three years. Now they live in Kyoto
20.5 They lived in Singapore for three years. Now they want to leave this city.
They have lived in Singapore for three years. Now they want to leave this city
Unit 21
21.1 Someone cleans the office everyday. The office is clean everyday.
Someone cleans the office everyday. The office is cleaned everyday
21.2 My car is in the garage. It is being repair.
My car is in the garage. It is being repaired.
21.3 The telephone was invented for Alexander Bell in 1876.
The telephone was invented by Alexander Bell in 1876
21. 4 It is not sure that all the plays were wrote by W.Shakespeare
It is not sure that all the plays were written by W.Shakespeare
Unit 22
22.1 Somebody has painted the door. The door has been painted for somebody.
Somebody has painted the door. The door has been painted by somebody.
22.2 The Chinese invented noodles many centuries ago. Noodles have been invented by Chinese many centuries ago.
The Chinese invented noodles many centuries ago. Noodles were invented by Chinese many centuries ago.
22.3 The room is not dirty any more. It has had cleaned by the owners.
The room is not dirty any more. It has been cleaned by the owners.
Unit 23
23.1 Please, be quiet. I work.
Please, be quiet. I am working
23.2 When he arrive, I was working
When he arrived, I was working
23.3 Your children have haved their breakfast this morning
Your children have had their breakfast this morning
23.4 What do you usually doing on Sundays?
What do you usually do on Sundays ?
Unit 24
(fàcil, només és saber el passat dels verbs irregulars / regulars)
24.1 I cook a special food today. I cook a special food yesterday
(….. I cooked a special food yesterday.)
24.2 You go to the city and work many hours everyday. You gone to the city and worked many hours last week. (……. went…. last week.)
24.3 He makes an apple pie for his friend’s birthday. Yesterday he maked an apple pie for his friend’s birthday. ( …. yesterday he made…)
24.4 The dog brokes the glass vase when it jumped on the table. (…broke…)
24.5 The film usually begins late, after some advertisements. Yesterday it begun on time. (…. yesterday it began….)
Unit 25
25.1 What are you doing now? And, what will you doing tomorrow?
What are you doing now ? And, what are you doing tomorrow?
25.2 Are you meet your friends tonight?
Are you meeting your friends tonight?
25.3 I am going to a concert next Saturday. The concert starts at 20:45.
25.4 What are you going to do in the evening? Today, in the evening, I drink a beer with my colleagues.
What are you going to do in the evening? Today, in the evening, I am drinking a beer with my colleagues.
Avui la qüestió és de matisos. Quin present és el que s’utilitza amb significat de futur. És de segon nivell, per tant, els de primer nivell, tranquils.
La clau està en la frase 25.3 : Quan es diu que he previst de fer una cosa en un futur, a part de “I will do something next week” per exemple, es pot dir “I am doing something next week”. (amb gerundi, no present simple) (*)
En canvi, si no és una cosa prevista per mi, sinó planificada i amb horari fix, com ara l’arribada o la sortida d’un tren, aleshores es pot dir : “The train arrives / departs at 17:00” (amb present simple, no gerundi)
(*) no confondre amb el “going to do”, quan és una cosa segura “Next week I am going to do something”, molt semblant a “Next week I will do something”
Reviseu la 25.3
No és : ( I go to a concert next Saturday. The concert is starting at 20:45. )
Sinó : (a) “I am going to a concert next Saturday. The concert starts at 29:45)
També estarien bé les frases alternatives següents:
(b) “I will go to a concert next Saturday” (és un futur previst , una intenció més o menys sobtada, un desig, el que vull fer ; se m’acaba d’acudir, però encara no he reservat, ni comprat les entrades….)
(c) “I am going to go to a concert next Saturday” (és un futur molt probable, ja he reservat, ja he comprat les entrades….)
Per tant : Les tres frases, a,b,c, de futur estan bé. Tampoc no és tan estrany respecte del català i castellà.
(a) “El proper dissabte vaig al concert” (el próximo sábado voy al concierto)
(b) “El proper dissabte aniré al concert” (el próximo sábado iré al concierto)
(c) ——————————————— (el próximo sábado voy a ir al concierto)
Unit 26
26.1 I going to watch TV this evening with my friends
I am going to watch TV this evening with my friends.
26.2 Sarah is to go to sell her car and she will get a lot of money
Sarah is going to sell her car and she will get a lot of money.
26.3 Are going you to invite Marta to your party, or do you prefer she doesn’t come?
Are you going to invite Marta to your party, or do you prefer (that) she doesn’t come?
26.4 Something bad are going to happen if so many people go to walk together
Something bad is going to happen if so many people go to walk together
Unit 27
27.1 It is 10 o’clock. Tom is at work. At 10:00 yesterday he was also at work. At 10 o’ clock tomorrow he be at work, too.
It is 10 o’clock. Tom is at work. Yesterday at 10:00 he was at work. Tomorrow at 10 o’clock he will be at work, too.
27.2 Sarah travels a lot. Tomorrow she’ll be to Manchester and next weekend she will be in Venice.
Sarah travels a lot. Tomorrow she’ll be in Manchester and next weekend she will be in Venice.
27.3 The forecast speaker says tomorrow it will rain.
The forecast speaker says tomorrow it is going to rain
27.4 We will go to the theater next weekend. It would be great if they come with us.
We will go to the theater next weekend . It would be great if they came with us.
(We will go to the theater next weekend. It will be great if they come with us)
Unit 28
28.1 I am thinking I will phone you
I think I will phone you
(Penso que et telefonaré) (I am thinking…. seria “jo estic pensant, reflexionant, en aquest moment)
28.2 I think I am going to bed early
I think I will go to be early
(Penso que aniré a dormir aviat, si és una decisió espontànea) (Si ja al matí o a migdia, he près la decisió, sí, que puc dir “Tonight I am going to go early to bed”)
28.3 It’s a nice day. Will we go out for a walk ?
It’s a nice day. Shall we go out for a walk?
(….. Will we go out for a walk?” és gramaticalment correcte. Es traduiria per ‘sortirem fora a caminar?’)
(Però el que vol dir “Shall we go out for a walk?” és ‘sortim a fora a caminar?’)
28.4 What you will do at the weekend?
What will you do at the weekend? (òbviament, és l’ordre correcte per a preguntes)
Avui 02.06.20 la unitat és una mica més complicada. Modal Verbs. Verbs que ajuden i complementen altres verbs: “puc / he / estic obligat / ….. a fer una cosa ? “
És de BASIC, però del final. Per tant, tranquil·litat. Pot ser que la frase sigui gramaticalment correcta, però depèn del context sigui “millorable”. Tranquils, fixeu-vos demà en les solucions.
In English : can / shall / will / may / must >> could / should / would / might / had to
(els primers, present, els segons >> el seu passat)
Unit 29
29.1 – Where are they going for their holidays?
– They are not sure. They can go to Prague.
– They are not sure. They may (might) go to Prague
(They can go to Prague : ells tenen permís per anar a Praga
They may go to Prague : és possible que ells vagin a Praga)
“can” és demanar/donar permís, “may” és possibilitat/opció de fer (“might” és el passat de “may” , com “could” és el passat de “can”, com “should” és el passat de “shall”, com “would” és el passat de “will”)
29.2 – You are playing tennis tomorrow. It’s sure.
– You may to play tennis tomorrow. It’s possible.
You may play tennis tomorrow (it is possible)
“may” (com “might” / “can”, “could” / “will”, “would” / “shall / “should”, NO van seguits de “to” (infinitiu) sinó directament del verb principal (forma base, que en la immensa majoria coincideix amb el present)
29.3 Let’s buy a lottery ticket. We may being lucky.
Let’s buy a lottery ticket. We may be lucky
(mateix raonament, ni “to” ni “-ing” form, sinó forma base)
29.4 Liz mights not come to our party. It’s possible that she does not come.
Liza might not come to our party. (òbviament la “s” no hi fa res, aquí)
(Liza podria no venir a la nostra festa. És possible que ella no vingui. També seria correcta “Liza may not come to our party”, Liza pot no venir a la nostra festa)
29.5 I don’t understand the example. Do I may ask a question?
I don’t understand the example. May I ask a question?
Si “may” és un auxiliar (un modal verb) del verb principal, ja no cal posar cap altre auxiliar , ni “do”, ni “be”, ni “have”.
“May I ask a question? : Pregunto una qüestió, si no hi ha cap inconvenient. (ja ho vaig a fer, per defecte)
“Can I ask a question? : Demano permís per preguntar. (no ho vaig a fer fins que tingui el permís)
També seria gramaticalment correcte : “….. Do I ask a question?”, però voldria dir, “Pregunto una qüestió ?”, amb sentit informatiu, no de sol·licitud.
Unit 30
30.1 My sisters can to play the piano. My brother can to play the piano too.
My sisters can play the piano. My brother can play the piano, too
30.2 Can change this 100 Euro note for smaller ones?
Can I (you, we, they) change this 100 Euro note for smaller ones?
30.3 When my parents arrived in Girona, they coudn’t understand some specific local words
When my parents arrived in Girona, they couldn’t understand some specific local words.
30.4 Sarah, could you to pass me the salt ?
Sarah, could you pass me the salt, please?
Unit 31
31.1 It is a terrific theatre play. We must do see it !
31.1 It is a terrific theatre play. We must see it !
31.2 You were very thirsty. You musted drink a glass of water.
31.2 You were very thirsty. You had to drink a glass of water.
31.3 They must come in a minute. They musn’t arrive late at the meeting.
31.3 They must come in a minute. They mustn’t arrive late at the meeting
3.4 They don’t need to drive. They can take a taxi.
31.5 Match the sentences with the same meaning.
(enllaça les frases amb el mateix significat)
1.You must visit the ancient ruins. A You can’t visit the ancient ruins
2.You mustn’t visit the ancient ruins. B.It is possible for you to visit them
3. You can visit the ancient ruins . C. It was possible for you tho visit them
4. You don’t need to visit the ancient ruins. D. You had to visit the ancient them
5. You needed to visit the ancient ruins. E. You don’t have to visit them
6. You could visit the ancient ruins F. You have to visit the ancient ruins
1 / F 2 / A 3 / B 4 / E 5 / D 6 / C
Unit 32
32.1 We should not read as many bad books as tthe teacher gives to us. We should not read as much bad literature as the teacher gives to us.
32.2 Bad students usually don’t study enough. They should study more.
32.3 Do your brother think I should buy the blue jacket ?
Does your brother think (that) I should buy the blue jacket?
32.4 The band offers a terrific concert. You had to go to enjoy it.
The band offers a terrific concert. You must go and enjoy it.
( “offers” és present, no podem posar “had to” passat, hem de posar “have to”, o bé “must” que vol dir el mateix. Però sempre en present)
32.5 I like this car. Do you think I should by it?
I like this car. Do you think I should buy it ?
32.6 I think you do not should by it. It’s too expensive.
I think you should not buy it. It’s too expensive
Unit 33
33.1 It’s an amazing CD, you must listen to its songs. Really, you have to listen to them
33.2 They don’t work tomorrow. So, they have not to get up early.
They don’t work tomorrow. So, they don’t have to get up early.
33.3 These are your pills. You have to take four times a day.
These are your pills. You have to take them four times a day
33.4 What time do he has to go to the eye doctor (ophthalmologist)?
What time does he have to go to the eye doctor ?
33.5 The child is very hungry today. He must eat something right now.
He was very thirsty yesterday. He musted drink something urgently.
He was very thirsty yesterday. He had to drink something urgently
Unit 34.
Quina de les dues opcions és correcta ?
Les dues frases són gramaticalment correctes, però només una és adequada segons el context.
34.1 Do you like Catalan cream for dessert ? / Would you like Catalan cream for dessert? No, thanks.
34.2 Do you like apples? / Would you like apples? Yes, I like them very much
34.3 What kind of cinema do you like / would you like ? All kind of cinema
34.4 What kind of cinema do you like / would you like to see this evening ?
I prefer a musical film
34. 5 I like mushrooms / I would like mushrooms, but I don’t eat them often
Unit 35
35.I t’s a nice day, we can enjoy a picnic in the open air. Let’s go out !
35.2 It’s a rainy day, it’s better that we stay inside. Let’s not go out ! (Let’s stay inside !)
35.3 Bye, enjoy your holiday in Scotland. Your plane is ready. Let’s go you to the gate!
“…… Your plane is ready. Go to the gate !”
35.4 We are hungry. Don’t let to have only vegetables, but to eat meat and rice.
“…. Let’s not have only vegetables, but (to eat) meat and rice”
35.5 Let’s not have gazpacho for dinner. Eat a pizza.
“Let’s not have gazpacho for dinner. Let’s eat a pizza”
Continuem, més avall :
ARA TOCA UNA SETMANA MÉS DE REPÀS, SENSE COMENÇAR-NE CAP DE NOVA.Per tant avui us proposo un repàs de les primeres 15. Ara us haurien de sortir millor, perquè són temes que ja hem fet. Recordeu, només un error per a cada frase.
1.My hands don’t are cold . My hands are not cold.
2. Where are my new camera ? Where is my new camera ?
3. She don’t eat the breakfast but the lunch. She doesn’t eat the breakfast but the lunch.
4. Is it raining normally ? Does it rain normally ? / Is it raining now?
5. We usually are working a lot during the whole day.
We usually work a lot during the whole day
6 My parents aren’t drinking coffee after 19:00 o’clock
My parents don’t drink coffee after 19:00 o’clock.
7. How wash you your hair ? How do you wash your hair?
8. Jack is seeing tv, he is not playing violin right now.
Jack is watching tv, he is not playing violin right now.
9.Does she has blue eyes?
Does she have blue eyes ? / Has she got blue eyes ?
10. Yesterday he was in the office, but at home.
Yesterday he was not in the office, but at home
11. They danced country style very well , when they are young.
They danced country style very well, when they were young.
12. They did go not to the city 20 minutes ago.
They did not go to the city 20 minutes ago.
13. At 4:00 Paul wasn’t at home and the neighbours are singing the
whole night.
At 4:00 Paul wasn’t at home and the neighbours were singing the whole night.
14. Jack read a book when his phone rings.
Jack reads (is reading) a book when his phone rings. / Jack read (was reading) a book when his phone rang.
15. Albert is in holiday now. By the way, do you know what hotel does he stay in ?
Albert is on holiday now. By the way, …….
Encara no aquí, més avall, baixem, més :
Cap de setmana, 13 i 14 de juny. Vint frases, de les Units 16 a 35. De les vint frases, n’hi ha deu que són correctes, i deu que tenen un error. Vinga, a veure com va la investigació ! Ànims!!
Es tracta d’un resum del que ja hem vist. Let’s start !!!
16. Are Laura and Paul here? Yes, they have only arrived.
Are Laura and Paul here ? Yes, they have already (just) arrived.
17. Have Laura and Paul arrived yet ? No, we are still waiting for them. RIGHT
18. Have you ever been in China? No, I have never been in China, but I really would love to visit it. RIGHT
19. Do you know how long has it been snowing ? RIGHT
20. Sue has been in Dublin since three days
Sue has been in Dublin since last Sunday
Sue has been in Dublin for three days.
Sue arrived in Dublin three days ago
21 We lost our keys ago five days
We lost our keys five days ago
22.They lived in Chicago for three years. They found it very cold. They wanted to leave this city.
23. My bike is in the garage. I told the mechanic to repairing it.
My bike is in the garage . I told the mechanic to repair it.
24. The telephone was invented for Alexander Bell in 1876
The telephone was invented by Alexander Bell in 1876
25. Chinese invented powder some centuries ago. Powder were invented by Chinese some centuries ago.
Chinese invented powder some centuries ago. Powder was invented by Chinese some centuries ago.
26. What do you are doing on Sundays?
What are you doing this Sunday?
What do you do on Sundays?
27. Yesterday he made an apple pie for the whole family because he likes cooking on special days. RIGHT
28. Sarah is going to sell her car and she will get much money. RIGHT
29.You are playing tennis tomorrow. It’s sure. She may play basketball tomorrow. It’s possible. RIGHT
30. We don’t understand the example. May I ask a question? RIGHT
31. When my parents arrived at Girona, they couldn’t understand some Catalan words. RIGHT
32. “You must visit the ancient ruins” they recommended us in the hotel. The local guide said the same : “you may visit the ruins, if you want.”
(…)The local guide said the same : “you have to visit the ruins”.
33. Does our sister think you should buy the blue jacket ? RIGHT
34. You have to take the pills three times each day of the week. RIGHT
35. He was starving yesterday. He had to eat something urgently. RIGHT
36. Enjoy your holidays. Look, your plane is boarding now. Let’s go quickly to the gate !!!! (… is boarding now. Go quickly to the gate.)
Atenció : penúltim apunt. 15.06.2020 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Efectivament, avui proposo el penúltim apunt en aquesta entrada de BASIC. Units 1-50. Demà farem l’últim, i donarem per tancat aquest curs atípic 2019/2020. (continuarem en un altra entrada, i ja sense gramàtica)
Avui i demà es tracta de llegir les duples de frases que proposem, algunes tenen errors, altres són correctes. Podeu prendre-ho com un test. Hi ha 25 parells de frases. A veure quin resultat d’encert teniu. Ja sabeu que ” podeu enviar-me les vostres respostes i la vostra nota a iuaruelcom@gmail.com . Si preferiu no fer-ho, no passa res.”
Let’s start ! :
It is more hot now than yesterday |
It’s hotter now than it was yesterday |
The house isn’t big enough of all the residents. ( for all the residents ) |
The house has not enough big rooms to be used. |
Do you like a wine glass ? (en una tenda de gots : “t’agrada un got per a vi?” |
Do you like a glass of wine? (Would you like a glass of wine?) |
I should not drive. |
I should not driving. |
I want eating right now |
I want to eat now
6 |
Is there any room for seven more girls in the class? |
Are there any rooms for seven less girls in the class? |
I didn’t listen to one more news on the radio |
I didn’t listen many more news in the radio |
My flight departs in time to catch the next connection |
My flights departs at 5:00 am, on time according to the plan |
I promise that I’ll call you next week. |
I promise I call you next week.
10 |
He cooked the dinner themself and it was terrible. |
They cooked the dinner themselves and it was terrific. |
My brother and I visited PortAventura last weekend |
My brother and I have visited PortAventura last weekend |
All the women who work in the company are from Netherlands |
All the women which work in the company are from Netherlands |
He is married with a nurse |
He is married to a nurse |
The students were amazing in the class. |
The students were amazed in the class. |
You don’t must phone them too late.
You mustn’t phone them too late.
The whole class like the professor. |
All the classes likes the professor |
Despite it was raining they went to the forest. |
Although the rain they went to the forest. |
18 |
He enjoyed watching the movie in tv. |
He liked to watch the movie at home in the tv. |
They are looking forward meeting you. |
I look forward to meet you. |
She likes eating ice cream much. |
She likes very much to eat ice cream
21 |
She can be a very fast driver. |
She can be able to drive very fast. |
Where do you can find a good restaurant ? |
Where can you find a restaurant that is good ? |
My daughters live in United States. |
My daughters live in the United States. |
When we will arrive at the town, we will phone you. |
When we arrive in the town , we will call you. |
The police is coming by car | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The police are coming on foot.
. Últim apunt 16.06.2020 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 26.
Please explain to us how to improve our paddle skill.
juny 2020 jvallp .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-…-..-..-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.
.-.-.-.-. (qualsevol dubte, ja ho sabeu : iuaruelcom@gmail.com) -.-.-.-.-.
Bon estiu. Fins aviat !!! Have a nice summer. See you soon !!!
GENER 2021
Reprenem el llibre Basic. “Essential Grammar in Use for Elementary learners”.
Unit 36
36.1 When we were children we played football all the time. Nowadays we rarely have time to play it.
a. When we were children we used playing football
b. When we were children we were using play football
c. When we were children we used to play football
d. When we were children we were playing football
36.2 My best friend worked in a factory since 2003 until 2009. At the present she works in a library.
a. She uses to work in a factory for six years
b. She is used to work in a factory for six years
c. She used to work in a factory during six years
d. She used to work in a factory since six years
36.3 Tony liked apples but he didn’t like pears some years ago (*)
a. Tony was used to like apples
b. Tony didn’t use to like pears
c. Tony didn’t like pears
d. Tony get used to like pears
36.4 You played basketball when you attended university. Now you are working and you play paddle at the weekends with your colleagues
a. You use to play paddle with your colleagues
b. You used to play basket with your workmates
c. You are using to paly paddle at the present
d. You used to play basketball some time ago
Unit 37