
Jaume Vall

Anglès. INTERMEDIATE – II Vocabulary 2.000 + Irregular Verbs


2.000 most common words in English.
Això és un diccionari incomplet. Hem intentat relacionar el vocabulari suficient d’anglès per tenir una conversa, una lectura de nivell mitjà/avançat. Aproximadament 2.500 entrades. En principi, el que es necessita per entendre i fer-se entendre, excloent phrasal verbs, idioms, slang. Considerem que hi ha seleccionat l’equivalent a un 95% aproximat del total de paraules més utilitzades en anglès. I el 5% restant? Dues explicacions: La primera és que, de ben segur, hi ha oblits en la llista, o bé hi ha apreciacions equivocades sobre si algun terme està o no entre “els més utilitzats”. La segona explicació és que es tracta d’un vocabulari general. Particularment, cada usuari, en funció dels seus interessos, siguin professionals o de lleure, pot considerar que una sèrie de paraules que necessita, no estan representades. Sigui qualsevol dels casos, convidem a que cada lector acabi de completar aquest 5% de mots, i que el diccionari acabi sent fet a mida de cadascú. Si calculem 5% sobre 2.500 ítems totals, ens movem sobre una mica més d’un centenar de paraules que lliurement es poden afegir. Hi ha espai per fer-ho.
La manera d’utilitzar aquest recull és doble. D’una banda, es pot agafar un lletra, per exemple la F, i anar a buscar entre les paraules que hi comencen, la que no coneixem. Per exemple, imaginem que llegim : Face, fact, fail, fair, i arribem a faith, que no entenem què vol dir. Ens aturem aquí, busquem el significat de faith en un diccionari convencional, i seguidament, utilitzem la paraula tot construint una frase amb aquest vocable, per repetir-nos visualment la nova adquisició, tot consolidant que es mantingui més fàcilment a la nostra memòria.
D’altra banda, també es pot tenir com a diccionari de consulta. Estem llegint un text, veient una pel•lícula, sentint una cançó. De repent ens trobem amb una paraula nova, desconeguda, per exemple dig. Anem al grup sota l’epígraf D comprovar si és a la llista. Sí, per tant tenim la confirmació que dig és un mot que val la pena retenir, perquè es troba entre els 2.500 vocables anglesos més utilitzats. Imaginem que no, que no és a la llista. Poden haver passat dues coses. Una, que sigui un error, un oblit, i que realment cal que el mot s’incorpori a la llista. (Hem deixat suficient espai fer apuntar-lo manualment). Dues, que el mot que hem sentit o llegit, no sigui habitual, i potser no calgui incorporar-lo de moment en el nostre racó de memòria, perquè és esporàdic i segurament no ens el trobarem massa vegades. Finalment, aquest diccionari incorpora dos grups de paraules dintre del conjunt global de cada lletra. La raó és que el grup que trobem primer, és bàsicament el que ja tenim de nivells anteriors. La novetat rau en el segon, que és l’específic d’aquest nivell.
Després del darrer epígraf, la lletra Z, hi ha un annex on es complementa aquesta llista general composta de noms, verbs, adjectius i adverbis, -els maons d’una llengua- amb una sèrie d’elements complementaris d’un idioma -pronoms, preposicions, conjuncions- que serveixen per cimentar els elements bàsics. Així mateix hi ha una agrupació de vocabulari temàtic divers.
Esperem que tot plegat serveixi per enriquir el nostre vocabulari d’anglès. La finalitat, fer-ne un ús actiu de manera fàcil, progressiva, constant.

! Avís: El signe * vol dir que hi ha una paraula d’arrel comú tant o més usual que la pròpia llistada. Per exemple blend*, significa que a part de to blend : barrejar, mesclar, hi ha blender: batedora, liqüadora.
El símbol (x2) vol dir que el mot és polisèmic, que té un altre significat. Per exemble bark: pot ser 1: bordar, el so que fan els gossos, 2: escorça, dels arbres.
El subratllat _ en alguna paraula del primer grup vol dir que l’element en qüestió no sortia en el recull immediatament anterior, en aquest cas, en el nivell Pre-Intermediate amb les 1.200 paraules més usuals. Per exemple bug, apareix dins del primer grup a Intermediate, tot substituint brim, que canvia de grup i passa al segon de mots, en cursiva. Es tracta de les excepcions. La immensa majoria de paraules que defineixen el nivell superior (Intermediate – 2.000) són les cursives i subratllades del segon grup, que senzillament s’afegeix a les del primer grup Pre-Intermediate – 1.200), publicades prèviament.



Abbey, able, about, above, abroad, accept, ace, ache, account, accuracy, accuse, acquaintance, acquit, add, address, admit, advice, afford, afraid, after, again, against, age, ago, agree, aid, aim(x2), air, alibi, alive, all, alone, allow, almond, almost, already, also, although, always, among, amount, anger, ankle, annoy, another, answer, ant, anthem, anyway, ape, apologize, appeal, apple, apricot, apron, argue, arm, around, arrange, arrive, arrow, ash, ask, attorney, aunt, avoid, away, aware, awe, awful, axe, aware, awful, 60,

To achieve, acumen, advertisement, to advise, allege, alley, altogether, to appear, appetizers, appointment, to apply, approach, to arise, army, to assess, asset, assignment, to astonish, attempt, attitude, auction, audition, available, average, award, awkward, 25,


Back, bad, bag, bake, ball, bark(x2), barley, basket, bath, battle, bay, be, beach, bear(X2), beard, beast, beat, beauty, because, become, bed, bee, beer, before, begin, behind, believe, bell, below, belt, berry, between, beyond, big, bike, bill, bird, birth, bishop, bitter, black, blame, block, blond, blood, blow, blue, blush, boast, boat, body, bone, book, boot, born, borrow, boss, both, bottle, bottom, bounce, boundary, bow, bowl, box, boy, brain, bread, break, breakfast, breast, breathe, brick, bride, bridge, bring, brother, brown, bug, build, bull, bunch, bundle, burn, business, butter, buy, bye 85

Badger, bail, balance, bald, ban, to banish, bandage, banner, bargain, barn, basement, bass, to batter, bead, beak, beam, beaver, beetroot, belief, beverages, bid, bigotry, blade, blank, blast, to bleed, to blend*, to bless, blister, blossom, breeze, bribe, brim, brink, broad, brooch, brook, broom, browse, bruise, buck, bulk, bullet, burglar, burden, 45


Cake, call, candle, car, card, care, carpet, carrot, carry, cartoon, case(X2), cash, castle, cat, celery, cell(phone), chain, chair, chance, change, cheap, cheek, cheese, cheetah, cherry, chess, chest, chicken, child, children, chin, choose, church, circle, citizen, city, class, clean, clear, clever, clock, close, clothes, cloud, coast, coat, cod, coin, cold, comb, come, complain, computer, congratulations, cook, cool, corn, corner, cost, cotton, council, count, country, couple, cow, crash, crazy, crew, cross, crowd, crumb, cry, cub, cup, cut , 75

Cab, cabbage, calf(x2), cap, carnation, career, carriage, to carve, cashew, caterpillar, cattle, cause, to cease, ceiling, century, chalk, character, chariot, charm, chart, to cherish, to chew, chill, chime, choir, to choke, to chop, chores, cinder, clam, clash, clay, clerk, cliff, cling, cloak, clove(x2), clue, cluster, clutch, coach(x2), coal, coffin, coin, to collide, to commit, to commute, company, conceal, concern, cone, contempt, contest, to convey*, to cope, copper, court, couch, cough, county, cover(x2), crack, cradle, cramp, crane, to crave, crawl, cricket, crimson, crop, crow, crown, crumble, crush, curfew, currency, curse, curtain, cushion, customer, cute, 80,


Dairy, daisy, damage, dance, danger, dare, dark, date(x2), daughter, dawn, day, deal, dear, death*, decrease, deep, deer, degree, dessert, desk, dessert, develop, devil, die, difficult, dig, dinner, dirt*, disagree, disappoint, dish, dive, do, dog, doll, door, dot, dove, down, draw(X2), drawer, dream, dress, drink, drive, drop(X2), drug, duck, during, dust, 50

Dagger, dam, damage, damp, dart, dash, to dazzle, decay, to deceive, decree, deed, default, defeat, delay, delight, to deliver, den, to deny, debt , to deprive, to deserve, to despise, device, dial, dice, to diminish, dime, disease, disgrace, disguise, to dismantle, to dismiss, display, ditch, dock, dodge, dome, donkey, draft, to drag, to drain, drought, drum, dry, dub, duke, dull, duty, dwarf, dye. 50



Each, eagle, ear, earn, earth, ease*, eat, edge, egg, either, elbow, elder*, eldest*, end, engine, enjoy, enough, environment, erase, eve, even, evening, ever, every, evil, expect, expensive, explain, eye, eyebrow, eyelash, eyelid, 30

Ebony, eel, else to embarrasse, to embed, ember, to embrace, empire, enable, enclosure, endeavour, to endure, to engage, to entail, envelop, envy, esteem, , exit, expel , expense, extent, 20.



Face, fact, fail, fair(x2), faith, fall, false, family, far, farm, fashion, fast(x2), fat, father, fear, feather, feed, feel, female, fence, few, field, fight, fill, find, fine(x2) finger, finish, fire, fish, fit, fix, flag, flat, flee, fly, floor, flower, fog, follow, food, fool, foot, forbid, force, forest, forget, forgive, fork, form, fox, free*, freeze*, fridge, friend, frighten, frog, front*, fruit, full, fun, 60,

Factory, to fade, failure, faint, fake, fancy, fare*, to fasten, faucet, fault, feat, feature, fellow, fern, to fetch, file, fist, fizzy, flaw, flea, fleet, flesh, to float, flock, flood, flour, to flourish, flow, flu, flush, fog, fold, fond, foreign, forever, former, frame, freak, freight, fringe, frost, frown, to fry, fuel, to fulfil, fund, fur, furniture, fuse, fuss, 50



Game, garden, garlic, gate, get, ghost, gift, girl, give, glad, glass, glasses, glove, go, goal, goat, god, gold, good, grandchildren, granddaughter, grandfather, grandmother, grandparents, grandson, grape, grass, great, greet, green, grey, grind, ground, grow, gun, guy, 35,


Gain, to gamble, gap, garment, to gather, gaze, gear, gipsy, glance, glide, glow, glue, goose, gospel, gossip, gown, grab, grant, grasp, grasshopper, grave, to graze, grease, greed, grid, grief* grim, grin, grind, grocery, groom, to guess, guest, guilt, gull, 35




Hair, half, ham, hammer, hand, happen, happiness*, hard, harvest, hat, hate, have, hazelnut, head, health, hear, heart, heat, heaven, heavy, hell, hello, help, here, hide, high, hill, hip, hit, hold, hole, holy, holiday, home, honey, hood, hook, hope, horse, host, hot, hour, house, hug, huge, humble, hunger*, hunt, hurry, hurt, husband, 50


Hail, hall, hamper, handful, hankerchief, handle, harbour, hare, harm, harsh, to to hasten, hatchling, haul, to haunt, haven, haze, hawk, hazard, heal, hedge(x2), heel, heir, heist, helmet, hen, herd, heritage, hermit, herring, to hike, hind, hint, to hire, hive, hoard, hollow, horn, hound, to hover, hull, hump, 40



Ice, idle, igloo, ill, improve, increase, injury, ink, inside, instead, involve, iron, island, item, 14


Inception, incumbent, inch, indeed, to inherit, inkling, inquiry, insight, to insulate, intake, to invest, invoice, issue. ivory, ivy, 15.




Jail, jam(x2), jar, jaw, jelly, jewel, job, joke, to join, journey, joy, judge, jug, juice, to jump, just, 16


Jab (to) , jackal, jay, jester, joint, jolt, joggle, junk, 5,



Keen, keep, kernel, key, kick, kid, kidney, kind(x2), king, kill, kiss, kit, kitchen, kite, knee, knife, knock, know*, 15

Kerb, kennel, to kidnap, kindle, kink (x2), kitten, knight, knot, knuckle, 5



Label, lady, lake, lamp, land, large, last(x2), late, laugh, law, lay, lazy, lead(x2), leaf, leak, learn, least, leave, left, leg, lemon, lend, less, let, letter, lettuce, level, lie(x2), life, light, like, line, lion, lip, listen, little, live, liver, lobster, long, look, lose, lot, loud, love, low, luck, luggage, lunch, lung, 50

Lack, lace, lad, ladder, ladle, lamb, lame, lane, lap, lash, launch, laundry, lawn, to lay, to leak, to lean, leap, leash, leather, leek, leisure, lens, lentil, levee, lift, lighting, lily, lime (x2), link, litter, lizard, load, loaf, loan, loathe, lobster, lock, lodge, loft, log(x2), loose, loop, loot, loss, lounge, louse, lumber, 30




Mad, magnet, make, mail, main, male, mammal, man, many, marble, market, marry, match(x2), may*(x2), maybe, mayor, meal, mean(x2), meat, meet, melon, melt, mess, middle, midnight, might, milk, mind(x2), mint, mirror, miss, mistake, mix, mobile, money, monkey, month, moon, morning, mother, mountain, mouse, mouth, move, movie, much, murder, mushroom, mussel, must, 50

Magpie, maid, major, maple, marrow, mash, mass, mate, matter(x2), maze, meadow, means, memo, to mend, meow, mercy, to merge, mice, might(x2), mild, mile, mill, mince, mink, minor, mist, mitten, mixture, mob, mood, moose, mop, mortgage, moss, mould(x2), moth, to mow, to mumble, mustard, muzzle. 40.



Nail, naked, name, napkin, narrow, nation, navy, near, nearly, neck, need, needle, neighbour, neither*, nephew, nest, net, never, new, news, next, nice, niece, night, nightmare, nod, noise, noon, nose, nothing, now, number, nun, nurse, nut(X2), 35.

Naive, nap, nasty, natter, nimble, nip, nipple, noose, nostril, nude, numb, nurture, 10



Oak, oat, octopus, odd, odyssey, off, offal, office, often, oil, old, omelet, on, once, one, onion, only, open, orange, order, ostrich, other, ought, out, oven, over, owl, own, ox, oyster, 30.

Oath, oddity, offal, otter, outrage, owe, 5




Pack, pain, paint, pair, palm, pan, park, parrot, parsley, part, party(x2) past, path, pay, pea, peace, peach, peak, peanut, pear, pearl, peel, pen, pencil, penguin, people*, pepper, pheasant, phone, picture, pie, piece, pig, pigeon, pill, pillow, pine, pineapple, pink, place, plan, plane, play, please, plenty, plum, pocket, point, poison, polite, pool, poor, post, potato, pot*, pound, powder, power, prawn, praise, pray, present(x2), press, pretend, pretty, prevent, price, pride, prince, print, prisoner, private, prize, problem, promise, proof, proud, pull, punish, puppet, purple, purpose, purse, push, put, pawn, 85

Pace, (to), pad, paddle, pant, partner, pastry, patch, patrol, pattern, paw, pawn, peasant, pebble, pedestrian, peer, performance, to perish, to pick, pickle, pier, pilgrim, pin, pitch, pity, plague, plaster, plate, platform, pledge, pliers, plot, plough, to plug, to plunge, pod, poise, pole, to polish, pond, poultry, pour, poverty, prattle, to preach, pregnant, prestigious, prey, priest, prize, prompt, proper, property, pros, to provide, pumkin, pulp, punch, pup, purse, puzzle. 60



Quality, quarrel, quarter, queen, question, queue, quick, quicksand, quicksilver, quiet, quince, quit, quite, quiz, quote, 15

Quagmire, quail, quaint, quay. quid, 5 




Rabbit, raccoon, race(x2), radish, rail, rain*, raise, raw, ray, reach, read, ready, realize, really, reason, recipe, red, refuse, regards, regret, relationship, reliable, remain, remember, remind, remove, renew, report, reply, rescue, research, rest, reward, rib, ribbon, rice, rich, ride, right(x2), ring, rip, rise, river, road, rob, robin, rock, rocket, roll, roof, room, root, rope, rough, round, rug, rule*, run, rub*, rye, 60


Rack, rag, raid, raisin, rake, rank, random, range, rattle, raven, razor, rear, receipt, reap, to reckon, reed, reef, reel, rehearsal, relay, release, relief, to relieve, reluctant, to rely, request, reservoir, resort, retail, retreat, retrieve*, revenge, rid(of), riddle, ridge, riot, to rip, roar, roast, rooster, rosemary, row(x2), rubber, rubbish, ruffle, rush , 40



Sack, sad, safe, sail, salad, salt, same, sand, sausage, save, say, school, scissors, sea, seal(x2), search, season(X2), seat, see, seed, seem, self, sell, send, sentence, set, several, sew, shadow, shake, shame, shape, share(x2), shark, sheep, sheet, shelf, shell, shine, ship, shirt, shoe, shoot, shop, short, shoulder, shout, show, shower, shrimp, shut*, sick, side*, sight*, silk, silver, sin, sing, single, sister, sit, size, skin, skill, skirt, skull, sky, slave, sleep, sleeve, slice, slide, slight, slim, slow, small, smell, smile, smoke, smooth, snail, snake, snore, snow, soap, sock, soft, solve, some, son, song, soon, sorry, soul, sound, soup, souvenir, space, sparrow, speak, speech, speed, spell, spend, spice, spider, sport, spoon, spot, spread, square, squid, squirrel, stain, stair, stand, star, start, state, stay, steal, steel, step, still, sting, stone, stop, storm, store, story, strawberry*, stream, street, strike(x2), sudden*, sugar, suit(x2), sun, surface, surgery, surname, survey, swallow(x2), sweat, sweep, sweet, swim, swing, sword, 150


Saddle, sale, sample, savoury, saw, scale, scan, scarce, scare, scarf, scatter, scent, schedule, scold, scoop(x2), scope, score, scramble, scrap, scratch, to scream, screen, screw(x2), script, scroll, seam, seed, seek, settle, sewer, shackle, shallow, shamrock, to shatter, to shave, to shed, shelf, shelter, shelf, shelter, shepherd, shield, shift, shin, shiver, shore, shovel, shrewd, shrine, shrink, shrug, shuttle, shutter, sibling, sieve, sigh, silly, sin, sink(X2), sip, skate, sketch, sickle, site, skirt, slack, slam, slap, slate, sleeve, slender, slice, slide, slight, slim, slip, slippers, sliver, slope, smack, smooth, snack, snail, snap, sneak, sneeze, snore, snorkel, snooze, to soak, solicitor, sore, sorrow, sour, source, spade, spam, span, spare, spark, spear, species, spell(X2), spice, spill, spin, spit, spite, splash, split, spoil, spot, spring(X2) spur, stab, staff, stag, stage, stain, stake, stall, stamp, staple, to stare, to starve, steak, steam, steel, stem, stew, steward, stick, stiff, stink, stir, stock, stool, store, stork, stout, stove, straight, strand, strange, stream, strengthen, strike(x2), string, strip, stripe, struggle, stuff, submit, succeed, suitable, suitcase, supply, surround, survey, swallow(x2), swarm, swan, swear, sweep, swift, swing, to switch, sword, 120



Table, tag, tail, tailor, take, tale, tall, talk, tangerine, tape, target, tap, taste, tax, tea, teach, tear(x2), tell, team, thank, thick, thigh, thief, thin, thing, think, thirst*, thought, throat, throne, throw, thumb, thunder, thyme, tide, tie, tiger, timber, time, tip, toast(x2), today, toe, together, tomato, tomorrow, tongue, too(x2), tool, tooth, top, touch, towel, tower, town, toy, trade, train, travel, tray, tree, treat, trial, trick, trigger, trip, troop, trouble, trousers, truth*, trust, try, turkey, turn, turtle, twist, 75


Tackle, to tame, tan, tangle, tapestry, to tease, tend, tense, tent, term, thigh, thistle, thorn, thread, threat*, threshold, thrill, thrive, thug, tick, tickle, tile, toad, toss, torch, track, trait, tramp, to translate, trap, trash, to tread, treat, treatise, to trek, trench, trend, trigger, trim, trout, truck, trump, trunk, truth, to tumble, tuna, tune, turnip, twig, tycoon, 50




Ugly, umbrella, uncle, under, understand, undertake, underwear, university, unless, until, unwind, upset, update, use, 14

Ufo, unabated, to undergo, underneath, to unwind, to upgrade, upright, upside, utmost, utter, 10



Vaccine, vain, valley, van, vast, veal, vegetable, vein, velvet, very, view, village, voice, volunteer, vow, vowel, 16

Vantage, to vanish, vassal, veil, vendee, venison, venom, vent, venture, venue, verge, vessel, viceroy, vixen, vulture, 15



Waist, wait, wake, walk, wall, wallet, walnut, want, war*, warm, warn, wash, wasp, waste, watch(x2), water, wave, wax, way, weak, week, wealth, weapon, wear, weather, web, wedding, weight, welcome, well(x2) wet, whale, wheat, wheel, while, white, whole, wide, widow, wife, wild, will(x2), win, wind, wine, wing, window, wise*, wish, with/without, witness, wolf, woman, wonder(x2), wood, wool, word, work, world, worry, wound, write, wrist, wrong, 65

Wad, wage, walrus, waltz, wan, wand, ward, warren, weasel, to weave, wedge, weed, to weep, welfare, weird, whey, whig, whim, to whine, whip, whirl, whisker, whisper, withdraw, wield, wig, willing, willow, wink, wipe, wit, witch, wizard, womb, worm, worship, worth, to wrap, wrath, wreck, wrench, wrestle, to wring, wrinkle, wrist, 45


Yard, yacht, yawn, year, yellow, yesterday, yet, yield, yoghurt, yolk, youth, yummy, 12

Yarn, yearling, to yearn, yeast, yelling, yelp, 5



Zap (to), Zebra, Zealot*, Zero, Zest, Zigzag, Zip, Zoom, 8


Total words : 2.000




I ara afegim la tercera llista de verbs irregulars. Juntament amb les llistes 1, BASIC,   i   2,INTERMEDIATE I,  arribem als 115 verbs que de moment són els que necessitem.


Base Form




Past Simple




Past Participle

(amb auxiliar, “have”)



arise arose  



sortir, presentar-se,  aparèixer
bear bore  



aguantar, suportar
bend bent  



bet bet  



bind bound  






lligar, unir


burst burst  



catch caught  



atrapar, enganxar
cling clung  



deal dealt  



tractar, negociar
dig dug  



cavar, excavar
draw drew  



feed fed  



forbid forbade  



freeze froze  



hang hung  






kneel knelt  



lay laid  



lean leant/leaned  



lend lent  



lie lay  



jeure, estar ajagut
may might
must had to
ride rode  



conduir, cavalcar
ring rang  



rise rose  



pujar, elevar-se
saw sawed  



sew sewed  



shake shook  



shall should      
shine shone  



brillar, lluir
shoot shot  



disparar, xutar
show showed  



shrink shrank  



sink sank  



slide slid  








spill spilt/spilled  



spread spread  



escampar, estendre
stand stood  



estar o posar-se dempeus
sting stung  



stink stank  



fer mala olor
strike struck  




donar un cop


swear swore  






sweep swept  



tear tore  



arrancar, esqueixar
weep wept  



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Publicat dins de General | Deixa un comentari

Anglès. INTERMEDIATE-I Vocabulary 1200 + Irregular Verbs


Afegim uns centenars de mots, per assolir una base suficient per al dia a dia.



Able, about, above, abroad, accept, ache, accuse, action, add, address, admit, afford, afraid, after, again, against, age, ago, agree, air, alive, all, alone, allow, almond, almost, already, also, although, always, among, anger, ankle, annoy, another, answer, ant, anyway, ape, apologize, apple, apricot, apron, argue, arm, around, arrange, arrive, arrow, ash, ask, aunt, avoid, away, aware, awful, 54


Back, bad, bag, bake, ball, bark(x2), barley, basket, bath, battle, bay, be, beach, bear(X2), beard, beast, beat, beauty, because, become, bed, bee, beer, before, begin, behind, believe, bell, below, belt, berry, between, beyond, big, bike, bill, bird, birth, bishop, bitter, black, blame, block, blond, blood, blow, blue, blush, boast, boat, body, bone, book, boot, born, borrow, boss, both, bottle, bottom, bounce, boundary, bow, bowl, box, boy, brain, bread, break, breakfast, breast, breathe, brick, bridge, brim, bring, brother, brown, build, bull, bunch, bundle, burn, business, butter, buy, bye 85


Cake, call, candle, car, card, care, carpet, carrot, carry, cartoon, case(X2), cash, castle, cat, celery, cell(phone), chain, chair, chance, change, cheap, cheek, cheese, cheetah, cherry, chess, chest, chicken, child, children, chin, choose, church, circle, citizen, city, class, clean, clear, clever, clock, close, clothes, cloud, coast, coat, cod, coin, cold, comb, come, complain, computer, congratulations, cook, cool, corn, corner, cost, cotton, council, count, country, couple, cow, crash, crazy, crew, cross, crowd, crumb, cry, cub, cup, cut , 75


Dance, danger, dare, dark, date(x2), daughter, dawn, day, deal, dear, death*, decrease, deep, deer, degree, dessert, desk, dessert, develop, devil, die, difficult, dig, dinner, dirty, disagree, dish, dive, do, dog, doll, door, dot, dove, down, draw(X2), drawer, dream, dress, drink, drive, drop(X2), drug, duck, during, dust, 46.


Each, eagle, ear, earn, earth, ease*, eat, edge, egg, either, elbow, elder*, eldest*, end, engine, enjoy, enough, environment, erase, eve, even, evening, ever, every, evil, expect, expensive, explain, eye, eyebrow, eyelash, eyelid, 32


Face, fact, fail, fair(x2), faith, fall, false, family, far, farm, fashion, fast(x2), fat, father, fear, feather, feed, feel, female, fence, few, field, fight, fill, find, fine(x2) finger, finish, fire, fish, fit, fix, flag, flat, flee, fly, floor, flower, fog, follow, food, fool, foot, forbid, force, forest, forget, forgive, fork, form, fox, free*, freeze*, fridge, friend, frighten, frog, front*, fruit, full, fun, 61


Game, garden, garlic, gate, get, ghost, gift, girl, give, glad, glass, glasses, glove, go, goal, goat, god, gold, good, grandchildren, granddaughter, grandfather, grandmother, grandparents, grandson, grape, grass, great, greet, green, grey, grind, ground, grow, gun, guy, 37


Hair, half, ham, hammer, hand, happen, happiness*, hard, harvest, hat, hate, have, hazelnut, head, health, hear, heart, heat, heaven, heavy, hell, help, here, hide, high, hill, hip, hit, hold, hole, holy, holiday, home, honey, hook, hood, hope, horse, host, hot, hour, house, hug, huge, humble, hunger*, hunt, hurry, hurt, husband, 50


Ice, idle, igloo, ill, improve, increase, injury, ink, inside, instead, involve, iron, island, item, 14


Jail, jam(x2), jar, jaw, jelly, jewel, job, joke, join, journey, joy, judge, jug, juice, jump, just ,16


Keen, keep, kernel, key, kick, kid, kidney, kind(x2), king, kill, kiss, kit, kitchen, kite, knee, knife, knock, know*, 18


Label, lady, lake, lamp, land, large, last(x2), late, laugh, law, lay, lazy, lead(x2), leaf, leak, learn, least, leave, left, leg, lemon, lend, less, let, letter, lettuce, level, lie(x2), life, light, like, line, lion, lip, listen, little, live, liver, lobster, long, look, lose, lot, loud, love, low, luck, luggage, lunch, lung, 50


Mad, magnet, make, mail, main, male, mammal, man, many, marble, market, marry, match(x2), may*(x2), maybe, mayor, meal, mean(x2), meat, meet, melon, melt, mess, middle, midnight, might, milk, mind(x2), mint, mirror, miss, mistake, mix, mobile, money, monkey, month, moon, morning, mother, mountain, mouse, mouth, move, movie, much, murder, mushroom, mussel, must, 50


Nail, naked, name, napkin, narrow, nation, navy, near, nearly, neck, need, needle, neighbour, neither*, nephew, nest, net, never, new, news, next, nice, niece, night, nightmare, nod, noise, noon, nose, nothing, now, number, nun, nurse, nut(X2), 35.


Oak, oat, octopus, odd, odyssey, off, offal, office, often, oil, old, omelet, on, once, one, onion, only, open, orange, order, ostrich, other, ought, out, oven, over, owl, own, ox, oyster, 30.


Pack, pain, paint, pair, palm, pan, park, parrot, parsley, part, party(x2) past, path, pay, pea, peace, peach, peak, peanut, pear, pearl, peel, pen, pencil, penguin, people*, pepper, pheasant, phone, picture, pie, piece, pig, pigeon, pill, pillow, pine, pineapple, pink, place, plan, plane, play, please, plenty, plum, pocket, point, poison, polite, pool, poor, post, potato, pot*, pound, powder, power, prawn, praise, pray, present(x2), press, pretend, pretty, prevent, price, pride, prince, print, prisoner, private, prize, problem, promise, proof, proud, pull, punish, puppet, purple, purpose, purse, push, put, pawn, 86.


Quality, quarrel, quarter, queen, question, queue, quick, quicksand, quicksilver, quiet, quince, quit, quite, quiz, quote, 15.


Rabbit, raccoon, race(x2), radish, rail, rain*, raise, raw, ray, reach, read, ready, realize, really, reason, recipe, red, refuse, regards, regret, relationship, reliable, remain, remember, remind, remove, renew, report, reply, rescue, research, rest, reward, rib, ribbon, rice, rich, ride, right(x2), ring, rip, rise, river, road, rob, robin, rock, rocket, roll, roof, room, root, rope, rough, round, rug, rule*, run, rub*, rye, 60


Sack, sad, safe, sail, salad, salt, same, sand, sausage, save, say, school, scissors, sea, seal, search, season(X2), seat, see, seed, seem, self, sell, send, sentence, set, several, sew, shadow, shake, shame, shape, share, shark, sharp, sheep, sheet, shelf, shell, shine, ship, shirt, shoe, shoot, shop, short, shoulder, shout, show, shower, shrimp, shut*, sick, side*, sight*, silk, silver, sin, since, sing, single, sister, sit, size, skin, skill, skirt, skull, sky, slave, sleep, sleeve, slice, slide, slight, slim, slow, small, smell, smile, smoke, smooth, snail, snake, snore, snow, soap, sock, soft, solve, some, son, song, soon, sorry, soul, sound, soup, souvenir, space, sparrow, speak, speech, speed, spell, spend, spice, spider, sport, spoon, spot, spread, square, squid, squirrel, stain, stair, stand, star, start, state, stay, steal, steel, step, still, sting, stone, stop, storm, store, story, strawberry, stream, street, strike(x2), strong, sudden, sugar, suit*, sun, sure, surface, survey, swallow(x2), sweat, sweep, sweet, swim, swing, 150


Table, tag, tail, tailor, take, tale, tall, talk, tangerine, tape, target, tap, taste, tax, tea, teach, tear(x2), tell, team, thank, then, there, thick, thigh, thief, thin, thing, think, thirsty, thought, throat, throw, thumb, thunder, tie, tide, tiger, tiny, time, tip, tired, toast, today, toe, together, tomato, tomorrow, tongue, too(x2), tool, tooth, top, touch, towel, tower, town, toy, trade, train, travel, tray, tree, trial, trick, trip, troop, trouble, trousers, truth*, trust, try, turkey, turn, turtle, twist, 75


Ugly, umbrella, uncle, under, understand, undertake, underwear, university, unless, until, unwind, upset, update, use, 14


Vaccine, vain, valley, van, vast, veal, vegetable, vein, velvet, very, view, village, voice, volunteer, vow, vowel, 16


Waist, wait, wake, walk, wall, wallet, walnut, want, war*, warm, warn, wash, wasp, waste, watch(x2), water, wave, wax, way, weak, week, wealth, weapon, wear, weather, web, wedding, weight, welcome, well(x2) wet, whale, wheat, wheel, while, white, whole, wide, widow, wife, wild, will(x2), win, wind, wine, wing, window, wise*, wish, with/without, witness, wolf, woman, wonder(x2), wood, wool, word, work, world, worry, wound, write, wrist, wrong, 65


Yard, yacht, yawn, year, yellow, yesterday, yet, yield, yoghurt, yolk, youth, yummy, 12


Zap, Zebra, Zealot, Zero, Zest, Zigzag, Zip, Zoom, 8


Total words : 1.111


Plus, other groups of words:

Ant, Bear, Bee, Bull, Butterfly, Camel, Cheetah, Chimpanzee, Cow, Cod, Crocodile, Donkey, Dolphin, Duck, Eagle, Elephant, Fly, Goat, Giraffe, Gorilla, Horse, Lion, Monkey, Octopus, Ox, Parrot, Pig, Seal, Sheep, Snake, Spider, Squid, Tiger, Vulture, Wolf.

Apple, Apricot, Bean, Berry, Carrot, Celery, Cherry, Garlic, Lemon, Lettuce, Melon, Onion, Orange, Pea, Pear, Peach, Pepper, Potato, Radish, Strawberry, Tomato, Watermelon,

Taste, Sight, Hearing, Feel, Smell. Blind, Deaf, Mute, Numb.
Height, Health, Hunger, Thirst, Wealth, Weight, Youth.

Always, Usually, Frequently, Often, Sometimes, Seldom, Hardly ever, Rarely, Never.

Although, Despite, Forward, However, In spite of, Nevertheless, Otherwise, Then, Though, Throught, Towards, Unless,

Alike, Amazing, amazed, Amusing, amused, Annoying, annoyed, Awake, (awakened), Boring, bored, Bright, Courageous, Delayed, Delightful, Disgusting, disgusted, Eager, Easy, Empty, Excited, exciting, Filthy, Foolish, Frightening, frightened, Grateful, Gloomy, Guilty, Hungry, Marvellous, Organized, Pleasant, Pleasing, Pleased, Relieved, Spotless, Successful, Tiring, Tired, Tireless, True, Ungrateful, Valuable, Vibrant, Weary, Worthy,

Awfully, Badly, Bitterly, Casually, Clearly, Commonly, Completely, Comfortably, Deadly, Deeply, Difficultly, Dramatically, Early, Easily, Emotionally, Extremely, Financially, Frankly, Generally, Hugely, Incredibly, Marvellously, Obviously, Plainly, Pretty, Reasonably, Ridiculously, Seriously, Surprisingly, Terribly, Totally, Wonderfully

Artist, Baker, Banker, Bricklayer, Builder, Butcher, Carpenter, Cashier, Civil Servant, Cook, Cosmonaut, Driver, Fireman, Hairdresser, Hotel Attendant, Journalist, Judge, Lawyer, Mayor, Mechanic, Musician, Nurse, Officer, Painter, Plumber, Policeman, Politician, Sailor, Scientist, Shop Assistant, Smith, Surgeon, Tailor, Teacher, Waiter, Writer.


—————————————— juliol 2019 ——————————————-



Ara llistem la segona tanda de verbs irregulars, d’aquest nivell 2.


Base Form




Past Simple




Past Participle

(amb auxiliar, “have”)



awake awoke awoken despertar-se
beat beat beaten bategar, batre
become became become esdevenir, tornar-se
bleed bled bled sagnar
blow blew blown bufar, inflar
burn burnt/burned burnt/burned cremar
cost cost cost costar
dream dreamt/dreamed dreamt/dreamed somniar
fight fought fought lluitar
forgive forgave forgiven perdonar








hide hid hidden amagar
hit hit hit colpejar
hold held held sostenirr
hurt hurt hurt ferir
keep kept kept mantenir, guardar
leave left left abandonar
light lit/lighted lit/lighted il·luminar, encendre
may might
mean meant meant significar
meet met met trobar-se, reunir-se
must had to
send sent sent enviar
set set set establir, col·ocar
shall should  
shut shut shut tancar
sit sat sat seure
sleep slept slept dormir
smell smelt smelt olorar
spell spelt/spelled spelt/spelled deletrejar
steal stole stolen robar
stick stuck stuck adherir-se, estar enganxat
swim swam swum nedar
tell told told dir
throw threw thrown llençar
wake woke woken despertar
wear wore worn portar (al damunt)


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