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Hem quedat els vuitens (8è classificat) de 48 participants amb només 3 estrangers: un japonès, un estudi barceloní i nosaltres; la resta italians. Aquest és nostre text explicatiu:



“This proposal LOGO about competition “VILLA SORRA’s LOGO” is intended to become a known brand so, working both ways, with or without letters as title and subtitle.


It works to underline the history of Reggio Emilia, its environment, architecture, and landscape from Villa Sorra which belong to own the place of exceptional roots.

These features are aimed through the color palette around the Villa, its green surroundings, and the soft coloring of its food, art-&-craft products.

If you would apply it to any place –independently its size- is always possible. As you can see on cards, bottles, bags, napkins, urban spots for advertising, fabric flags to receive any great event that to be presented.

This logo brings hidingly up the implementation of the Aurea Section on throughout the whole logo design. Put the light on the relation between Nature pattern and Emilia’s human facts.

Even, moreover, you can pick each component element up, and separately you can join in a new composition to adapt to others without losing its own character.

Because Villa Sorra’s shape recuts the skyline joining both: Sky to Earth.

This is its strength to show from the subtle way means this Logo.”




Aquesta entrada s'ha publicat en General el 27 de juliol de 2020 per josep_blesa

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