17 de gener de 2012
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Louisa Raluy, nomenada nova directora del festival de circ Trapezi fins l?any 2013 amb l’oposició de la Generalitat

Confirmat. L’acròbata Louisa Raluy és la nova directora artística del festival de circ Trapezi de Reus en substitució de Jordi Aspa i Bet Miralta. Tot i que la Generalitat i l’Ajuntament de Reus només havien reconegut fins ara que l’artista havia estat fitxada com a assessora, en un intent de minimitzar el guirigall que hi ha a l’entorn del festival, el contracte especifica que Louisa Raluy és la nova directora i consellera de la fira Trapezi de Reus per un període de dos anys. Aquest contracte s’acaba a finals del 2013.

Des del mes d’octubre la fira de circ viu una situació més pròpia d’un sainet que d’un esdeveniment cultural que vol assolir prestigi internacional. Mentre els quatre candidats que s’han presentat al concurs per triar el director esperen una resolució que encara desconeixen, s’ha treballat a tota màquina en la pròxima edició de la fira, la setzena, i la programació està pràcticament tancada. De fet, artistes d’Ucraïna i Canadà, entre d’altres països, tenen previst viatjar a Reus per actuar al festival la pròxima primavera.

El concurs, declarat desert

Segons fonts solvents, el regidor de Reus, Joaquim Sorio, va contactar amb Louisa Raluy després que en la reunió de la comissió gestora del Consorci del Teatre Fortuny del passat 13 d’octubre, el secretari general del departament de Cultura, Xavier Solà, que assistia a la reunió per delegació del conseller Ferran Mascarell, va assenyalar que “cap proposta s’ha considerat satisfactòria i, per tant, s’ha declarat deserta la convocatòria”. La setmana passada, tres mesos després d’aquesta reunió, els candidats no coneixien encara la resolució. Els quatre aspirants són Clara Matas, Johnny Torres, José Antonio Hernández i Jordi Gaspar.

En el punt 11 de la mateixa reunió del dia 13 d’octubre es van delegar totes les competències de la comissió gestora al regidor de Cultura. Fent ús d’aquestes atribucions es va contractar a Louisa Raluy, segons les mateixes fonts coneixedores del contingut de la trobada. L’Ajuntament va entendre que tenia via lliure per contractar el nou director. També van assistir a la reunió Carles Pellicer, alcalde de Reus; Jordi Agràs, director del serveis territorials de Cultura; Josep Maria  Cruset, representant la Diputació; i Joan Francesc Ainaud, subdirector del departament de Cultura. 

La confusió respecte al què va passar en aquesta reunió és tan gran que fins i tot el conseller de Cultura, Ferran Mascarell, va demanar les actes de la trobada, en un intent de buscar una explicació racional i una mica de llum a tot plegat. Mascarell, molt molest amb l’Ajuntament de Reus per les formes en la tria del director i en clara sintonia amb els postulats de l’Associació de Professionals de Circ de Catalunya (APCC), va asegurar en la roda de premsa de presentació de l’última edició dirigida per Jordi Aspa i Bet Miralta que el relleu es triaria per concurs públic. 

Possible cessament

L’actual situació és tan enrevessada que inclús persones històricament vinculades a la fira com Alfred Fort han demanat al nou director del Centre d’Arts Escèniques de Reus (CAER), Ferran Madico, que anul·li la celebració de la fira aquest any. No sembla que aquesta  sigui la intenció del Consorci del Teatre Fortuny, ja que la web oficial de la fira assenyala les noves dates: Del 17 al 20 de maig.
La crisi de la fira, però, està lluny de calmar-se. La solució “imminent” que s’havia de produir, segons la Generalitat, abans de les vacances de Nadal s’allarga més de l’esperat. La Generalitat no accepta el recent nomenament de Louisa Raluy com a directora de la fira i s’especula en una possible rescissió del seu contracte. De fet, sembla que la conselleria ja ha  exigit el cessament de Raluy i aposta per una de les quatre persones que es va presentar al concurs, un fet que segur que satisfà a l’Associació de Professionals de Circ (APCC), que ha demanat respectar el concurs.  En el cas de cessament, Louisa Raluy seria l’artista enganyada. Nomenada i abans de començar.  

Quina pena fa tot plegat.   

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  1. Doncs si que fa pena!!! I sobretot a mi em fa perdre confiança en el sistema politic!! Jo no hi veig democracia per en lloc i francament em desilusiona molt aquesta noticia! Reus era un festival dedicat al nou circ, Lluisa Raluy prove del circ tradicional em sembla, doncs realment hi ha alguna cosa que se m escapa, no entenc res!! Aviam com acaba, perque entre el festival de figueres amb en matabosch o el de Reus amb Raluy, a on anirem a parar els que ens expressem a través del nou circ?? Salut a tots que es el mes important…

  2. Louisa Raluy es la mas capacitada para este fin ya que ha trabajado tanto como gente del mundo del circo tradicional como con nuevos circos… y tiene todo el apoyo desde Madrid!
  3. Maria no solo es una gran profesional en todo el ambito del mundo del circo ya que es la quinta generacion de una gran saga circense, si no que ademas me consta que se ha estado informando de cada detalle del trapezi del año pasado, contactando con compañias de nuevo circo, con actuaciones de calle y artistas de gran renombre dentro del circo tradicional tamnbien a viajado viendo diversos espectaculos de toda clase con el fin de conseguir la maxima calidad y en solo 5 meses hacer de esta nueva edicion de Trapezi todo un exito. Siempre respetando la linea que hasta ahora a tenido el festival pero con ideas renovadas y muchas ganas e ilusion.
    Creo que si al final la señora Raluy lleb¡va a cabo esta edicion todos quedaremos gratamente sorprendidos.
    Exito y Circo!
  4. Si en un follon bien grande, pero solo porque los de arriba y todos los nuevo circo se la estan hechando encima solo por ser persona de circo tradicional…porque discriminan todo lo que viene de esa rama de circo! Lo que no saben es que esta señora sabe lo que hace y lo mas esencial es que sabe diferenciar entre calidad y humo! Y puede diferenciarlo en cualquier disciplina, ambito, rama de circo …etc!!!
  5. Si es un festival alternativo pero eso no quita que lo pueda llevar acabo una persona de circo tradicional junto con otras personas del mundo del circo alternativo con el fin de cada uno aportar lo mejor de las dos ramas de circo y hacer que este festival abarque todo tipo de espectaculo para todo tipo de gente y sea un poco mas reconocido. Ademas nadie sabe que Louisa en varias ocasiones a trabajado con nuevos circos, con compañias y tiene muchas amistades dentro de ese mundillo, los cuales había contactado ya para Trapezi 2O12. Y sera una pena si no llega ha hacerlo porque todo los de nou circ os quedarías sorprendidos y lo unico que podriais decirle es GRACIAS!
  6. A mi me parece que la gente de la APCC estan presionando a la conselleria (de hecho han enviado cartas a todo el mundo) por que tienen miedo que se les acabe el chollo que tenian hasta ahora en Trapezi que era un intercambio de franceses aqui y ellos para Francia año tras año ,que pasa que no hay mas nuevo circo que no sea en Francia???….y lo que mas miedo les da a los (nuevo circo) es que alguien de circo tradicional pueda hacerlo igual (seguro) o mejor que ellos y dejarles en ridiculo ….. La unica distincion que hace la Sra Raluy en materia de circos es CIRCO de CALIDAD o CIRCO de MALA CALIDAD cosa que los de nuevo circo parecen no saber distinguir ……. Veremos si hay democracia ????
    Un Saludo 
  7. One distinguishing characteristic of the Family Circus is the frequent use of Christian imagery and themes, ranging from generic references to God to Jeffy daydreaming about Jesus at the grocery store. Keane states that the religious content reflects his own upbringing and family traditions.
  8. A circus is commonly a travelling company of performers that may include clowns, acrobats, trained animals, trapeze acts, musicians, hoopers, tightrope walkers, jugglers, unicyclists and other stunt-oriented artists. The word also describes the performance that they give, which is usually a series of acts choreographed to music and introduced by a ringmaster..
  9. While the vastly increased wealth of stage properties relegated to the background the old-fashioned equestrian feats, which were replaced by more ambitious acrobatic performances, and by exhibitions of skill, strength and daring, requiring the employment of immense numbers of performers and often of complicated and expensive machinery. 
  10. Compared with the traditional circuses of the past, the contemporary approach tends to focus more attention on the overall aesthetic impact, on character and story development, and on the use of lighting design, original music, and costume design to convey thematic or narrative content.
  11. Circus skills are a group of pursuits that have been performed as entertainment in circus, sideshow, busking or variety/vaudeville/music hall shows. Most circus skills are still being performed today. Many are also practised by non-performers as a hobby.
  12. Circus schools and instructors have developed a variety of pedagogical classification systems for circus skills. Systems that have attempted to formally organize circus skills into pragmatic teaching groupings include the Gurevich system (the basis of the Russian Circus School’s curriculum) and the Hovey Burgess system.
  13. Contemporary circus combines traditional circus skills and theatrical techniques to convey a story or theme. Such acts include acrobatics, juggling, trapeze, acting, music and aerial silk. For aesthetic or economic reasons, contemporary circus productions may be staged in theaters rather than in large outdoor tents
  14. One of the most horrific topics of animal welfare is the use of animals, namely elephants, in circuses. In the wild elephants roam hundreds of acres of savannah or forest, using their strength to take down tall trees, and even zoos are revamping their enclosures to more closely mimic the wild. Free contact is illegal in zoos, with enforcement starting in two years. We know that elephants are sophisticated animals with intelligence levels up there with chimps and dolphins, and social and emotional levels rivaling our own, yet we permit this type of thing to go on.
  15. Some circuses stayed afloat by merging with other circus companies. However a good number of old-fashioned travelling circuses with their usual mixture of acrobat, clown and animal acts are still active in various parts of the world ranging from small family enterprises on the edge of survival to the three ring extravaganzas like Vazquez Hermanos Circus in Mexico.
  16. A circus is commonly a travelling company of performers that may include clowns, acrobats, trained animals, trapeze acts, musicians, hoopers, tightrope walkers, jugglers, unicyclists and other stunt-oriented artists. 
  17. Circus skills are a group of pursuits that have been performed as entertainment in circus, sideshow, busking or variety, vaudeville, music hall shows. Most circus skills are still being performed today. Many are also practised by non-performers as a hobby. 
  18. Some circuses stayed afloat by merging with other circus companies. However a good number of old-fashioned travelling circuses with their usual mixture of acrobat, clown and animal acts are still active in various parts of the world ranging from small family enterprises on the edge of survival to the three ring extravaganzas like Vazquez Hermanos Circus in Mexico.
  19. For aesthetic or economic reasons, contemporary circus productions may sometimes be staged in theatres rather than in large outdoor tents. Music used in the production is often composed exclusively for that production, and aesthetic influences are drawn as much from contemporary culture as from circus history.
  20. In arenas too large for speech to be easily audible, the traditional comic dialog of the clown assumed a less prominent place than formerly, while the vastly increased wealth of stage properties relegated to the background the old-fashioned equestrian feats, which were replaced by more ambitious acrobatic performances, and by exhibitions of skill, strength and daring, requiring the employment of immense numbers of performers and often of complicated and expensive machinery.
  21. The activity of the circus traditionally takes place within a ring; large circuses may have multiple rings, like the six-ringed Moscow State Circus. A circus often travels with its own band, whose instrumentation in the United States has traditionally included brass instruments, drums, glockenspiel, and sometimes the distinctive sound of the calliope.
  22. As the Roman Empire grew in stature and political power, the Circus Maximum didn’t lose any of its splendour or relevance – far from it! Ludi were held at the Circus Maximus on 57 days of the year, and the venue would have been a hubbub of activity even on days when no official event was scheduled, as charioteers practised on the track.  
  23. The other shows it hosted were no less spectacular; in one, it is reported, the emperor Probus organised a spectacular event in which beasts were hunted through a forest of artificial trees, on a specially built stage. Now that’s an interesting spectacle for imaginative students on their study tours to contemplate! 
  24. One of the most horrific topics of animal welfare is the use of animals, namely elephants, in circuses. In the wild elephants roam hundreds of acres of savannah or forest, using their strength to take down tall trees, and even zoos are revamping their enclosures to more closely mimic the wild. 
  25. If you are searching for Ringling Brothers Circus Coupons for New York, the NY Daily Post often runs a special for free circus tickets. Usually it calls for getting so many papers and turning in the forms to get a free ticket. It is a fun way to get a free ticket to check out the circus. Look for this offer up to 2 months before the circus is supposed to show up. 
  26. Maybe, if you can’t handle knowing that something so severe occurs in animal circuses, you shouldn’t be giving them your admission money so quickly. Maybe you shouldn’t show your kids the “wonders of the circus” because you know what happens right before they all go on stage, and right after. Maybe you should just skip the circus instead. 
  27. A circus is a company of performers that specialize in the circus and variety arts. Circus companies typically include various ground acrobatics, balance acts, manipulation acts, aerial acts, and trained animal acts, among many others..
  28. The circus has a long and involved history, with its roots dating back to Ancient Rome. Much of the earliest history is heavily debated. What is presented here is a middle of the road view suitable for the general public.
  29. If your child loves the circus, then consider throwing a circus theme party for his or her next birthday. Circus theme birthday parties are certain to thrill and delight kids and adults the same. The party should be lively with lots of activity throughout the party so that kids stay interested and ready to have fun. 
  30. Everyone knows that no circus is complete without the big top, and one can easily be created for even an indoor kid’s birthday party. You do not have to spend a ton of money on a big top, just rent a helium tank from your local rental supply store and fill a ton of balloons. 
  31. A traditional circus performance is often led by a ringmaster who has a role similar to a Master of Ceremonies. The ringmaster presents performers, speaks to the audience, and generally keeps the show moving. The activity of the circus traditionally takes place within a ring; large circuses may have multiple rings, like the six-ringed Moscow State Circus.
  32. A circus often travels with its own band, whose instrumentation in the United States has traditionally included brass instruments, drums, glockenspiel, and sometimes the distinctive sound of the calliope.
  33. If you are planning to go to Vegas and are looking for a place which may be suitable for the whole family (where there are children), you are probably going to ponder booking the Circus Circus or the Excalibur, in the hope that your children won’t hate you forever because you dragged them to an adult-oriented place.
  34. The Circus Ring from Playmobil, allows your children to recreate the magic of a real circus by conducting from their own homes. The Circus Ring from Playmobil, allows your children to recreate the magic of a real circus by conducting from their own homes.
  35. Whenever we go to the circus we joke about whether we should just skip the show entirely and hang out by the bathrooms. Yet, I can’t help but be reminded how easy it is to get so wrapped up in managing the three ring circuses we live in that we forget to stop and smell the roses. 
  36. Despite the reputation of the Circus Maximus as an arena for chariot races, history and classics students on their study tours are often surprised to find that there was a bewildering array of entertainments on offer, athletic competitions, plays, poetry recitals, beast-hunts and even the type of gladiator contests that you might have expected to find at the Colosseum!
  37. Fans of traditional circus shows as well as ballet, theatre and fine art can enjoy and appreciate Cirque du Soleil’s unique mixture of genres. Though Cirque du Soleil was only meant to be a 1-year project for the show has grown in popularity year after year.
  38. The trainers believe that to make the animals obey, they must fear the consequences of a mistake. Animals are shocked with electricution prods, slashed with sharp hooks whipped, beaten with clubs and canes, choked with collars, given tight muzzles and even starved and denied socialization. No matter how small the mistake is, animals that act out in fear can be deemed dangerous  and shot.
  39. People learning circus skills are always taught that as soon as they learn how to do a trick using mainly their stronger hand, that they should then learn to do the trick using their weaker hand. Juggling is a skill which requires throwing and catchign skills, rhythm and timing, hand-eye co-ordination. These in turn encompass both fine and gross motor co-ordination.
  40. The influence of the American circus brought about a considerable change in the character of the modern circus. In arenas too large for speech to be easily audible, the traditional comic dialog of the clown assumed a less prominent place than formerly, while the vastly increased wealth of stage properties relegated to the background the old-fashioned equestrian feats, which were replaced by more ambitious acrobatic performances, and by exhibitions of skill, strength and daring, requiring the employment of immense numbers of performers and often of complicated and expensive machinery.
  41. Nights at the Circus incorporates multiple categories of fiction, including postmodernism, magical realism, or postfeminism. As in her previous works, Angela Carter plays with many literary aspects and dissects the traditional fairy tale structure.
  42. Don’t focus on your own skills when you are wandering around the event, be on the look out for people who might be interested in seeing a few tricks or having a try at spinning a plate or learning to juggle. You will soon develop a useful radar for such people and also for knowing which people to avoid completely.
  43. Another popular type of circus fancy dress outfit is that of the ringmaster. These range from the straight forward circus ringleader costume to the sexy lion-tamer outfits, however, there are also a number of villainous ringmaster outfits available, which make for great looking circus Halloween costumes
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