Jaume Renyer

per l'esquerra de la llibertat

21 d'agost de 2018
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La profunda hostilitat de Rússia envers Israel

A la segona meitat del segle XIX no solament els jueus comencen a retornar a la seva pàtria ancestral sinó que també el Kaiser alemany empeny la instal·lació de comunitats protestants germanòfones a Jerusalem, Haifa i voltants. El Tsar de totes les Rússies també ajuda l’església ortodoxa a incrementar la seva presència a Jerusalem, encara avui ben visible. Alemanya i Rússia coincidien, per motius polítics i religiosos, a tractar amb hostilitat la creixent població hebrea: el cristianisme que compartien es basava en la negació del judaisme. Una animadversió profunda que, en el cas de Rússia, encara es manté avui dia.

Si bé el naixement d’Israel l’any 1948 fou possible gràcies al suport a les Nacions Unides de l’URSS i els seus satèl·lits, Stalin ben aviat va canviar de parer en comprendre que el model sionista del nou estat jueu era un model alternatiu al règim soviètic i va intensificar les purgues contra els jueus russos i va encetar una etapa d’oberta hostilitat contra Israel. Aqueix capteniment es va mantenir després de la mort d’Stalin i l’ajut rus va ser decisiu per bastir la causa palestina com un moviment anti-imperialista contra Occident capaç de sumar les complicitats dels estats musulmans d’arreu del món.

Després de la fallida del sistema soviètic l’autocràcia imposada per Putin ha mantingut una aliança estratègica amb Iran, el principal enemic d’Israel, però alhora ja establert una entesa limitada amb Israel alhora que malda per afeblir la potència emergent de l’estat jueu. Segons Hillel Frisch és possible una entesa estratègica russo-israeliana, “Why Russia Needs Israel”, (Perspectives Paper, número 895, BESA Center, 16 de juliol del 2018). Però, en sentit oposat, Ronen Bergman publicà el proppassat 31 de juliol un extens report a Ynet News titulat “Israel under massive chinese, Russian cyberespionage attack”, (traduït al francès per Jewish Forum).

Simona Weinglass, per la seva banda, publica avui a The Times of Israel una punyent anàlisi preguntant: “Is Putin’s Kremlin subverting Israeli democracy ? A Russia expert thinks so”. El règim autoritari rus mira d’exportar el seu model a d’altres estats en detriment de les societats obertes occidentals dintre de les quals se situa Israel tot desestabilitzant sistema polític i interferint a les eleccions (com està fent als EUA, Itàlia i França). I com està intentant fer a Israel.

Post Scriptum, 31 d’agost del 2018.

Rússia dóna cobertura a l’estratègia iraniana d’assetjament a Israel des de Síria i Gaza segons informa avui Debka.

Post Scriptum, 7 d’octubre del 2018.

Abans d’ahir, el general a la reserva de les FDI, Gershon Hacohen, publicava als Perspectives Paper número 966 del BESA Center, un report recomanant “Israel must Rethink Its Syria Strategy After Downing of Russsia Plane”. Per altra part, Yigal Carmon, director del MEMRI, hi publica avui aqueix article analitzant la reacció de Putin després que un avió rus fos abatut per la defensa siriana acusant a Israel del fet i lliurant nous míssils antiaeris: “La masque tombe: la Russie se révèle être un ennemi d’Israel”.

Post Scriptum, 9 d’octubre del 2018.

També el digital DEBKA especialitzat en intel·ligència i estratègia alerta ahir que els S-300 lliurats per Rússia a l’exèrcit d’Al-Assad serà operat per militars iranians, més ben ensinistrats que no pas els sirians.

Post Scriptum, 21 de maig del 2020.

Shay Attias va publicar el proppassat dia 5 aqueix report titulat “Putin’s Religious Soft Power Hits Jerusalem“, als Perspectives Papers, número 1.550.

Post Scriptum, 24 de desembre del 2020.

Véronique Chemla publica avui al seu bloc una interessant ressenya: “L’antisémitisme en Russie de Catherine II à Poutine » par Jean-Jacques Marie”.

Post Scriptum, 27 d’octubre del 2021.

Avui, a The Times of Israel, Lazar Berman publica aqueixa anàlisi: “Poutine maintiendra les liens avec Israël et ses ennemis. La rencontre chaleureuse avec Bennett s’inscrit dans la stratégie régionale plus large de Moscou, qui comprend des partenariats stratégiques avec l’Iran et la Syrie.”

Post Scriptum, 5 de juliol del 2022.

Dues notícies que cal interpretar lligades: Russia demands Israel unconditionally cease its ‘unacceptable’ Syria airstrikes i Jewish Agency source: Moscow’s steps against us ‘no real threat’ to operations in Russia, ambdues extretes avui de The Times of Israel. Els efectes de la guerra de Rússia contra Ucraïna impacten la comunitat jueva russa, com va explicar, també a TOI el proppasat 18 d’abril el rabí Motl Gordon: LA VIE JUIVE EN RUSSIE TELLE QUE JE LA CONNAISSAIS TOUCHAIT À SA FIN.

Post Scriptum, 21 de juliol del 2022.

Fa quatre dies, a The Times of Israel: “Pinchas Goldschmidt craint le retour du « rideau de fer » qui bloque l’émigration juive. L’ex-grand rabbin de Moscou affirme que l’Agence juive n’est pas appréciée par le Kremlin, qui veut garder la communauté juive pour ses contributions économiques et universitaires”. Avui, al mateix diari es confirma que “En Russie : le ministère de la Justice demande la dissolution de l’Agence juive. Moscou avait averti l’organisation quasi-gouvernementale, il y a quelques semaines, qu’elle pourrait faire l’objet de sanctions”. La resposta d’Israel: “Punir l’Agence juive pour la position d’Israël sur la guerre est «déplorable». Les Juifs russes ne seront pas pris en otage par la guerre en Ukraine,” a averti le ministre des Affaires de la Diaspora.

Post Scriptum, 29 de setembre del 2022.

Avui, a The Times of Israel: “Avec la guerre, l’antisémitisme s’infiltre dans les médias russes. Parmi les incidents récents dans les médias, un animateur de talk-show accuse les Juifs de manquer de patriotisme, un chroniqueur les qualifie “d’agents étrangers”.

Post Scriptum, 27 d’abril del 2023.

Ahir, a JForum, “ONU: l’ambassadeur israélien dénonce la Russie”.

Post Scriptum, 16 d’octubre del 2023.

Avui, publica a l’INSS d’Israel aqueixa anàlisi :From Russia – With Hate?

In contrast with the condemnation and solidarity that characterize the West’s position, the reactions sounded in the public and the media in Russia can be described in three words: schadenfreude, antisemitism, hatred. Russia’s official position reflects all the elements of the hostile Soviet policy toward Israel, including a direct comparison between the activities of the IDF and the actions of the Nazi army.

The official position of Putin and the Russian Foreign Ministry leaves no doubt that Russia stands by Hamas. Since October 7, the Russian leadership has not uttered a single word of condemnation of the massacre committed by Hamas, and has taken pains to mention the legitimate rights of the Palestinians that have not been fulfilled. In line with his increasing anti-Western rhetoric since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, Putin blamed the United States for what was happening and for the failure to establish a Palestinian state. Neither he nor a representative on his behalf has called the Prime Minister of Israel to express solidarity. On the other hand, the Russian leadership contacted Hamas immediately after the attack and received an update on developments. According to Hamas representative Ali Baraka, in an interview with the Russian propaganda channel RT, which is directly connected to the Kremlin, Russia supports Hamas politically and “sympathizes with us.”

Six days after the massacre, President Putin decided in offhanded fashion to mention Israel’s right to self-defense, saying that it had suffered an unprecedented attack. But immediately afterward, he compared the Israeli operation in Gaza to the Nazi army’s siege of Leningrad, which is considered in cognitive terms in the USSR and Russia, and in the eyes of Putin himself, who lost his brother in this siege, to be the most terrible crime committed by Nazi Germany on the territory of Russia. Under the auspices of the Russian president, the narrative that compares the IDF to Nazi Germany has spread like wildfire and is echoed by all official media.

The Putinist Telegram channels were filled with an endless stream of despicable expressions of antisemitic schadenfreude. Messages such as “It’s a shame that so few people were killed”; “It’s a shame that we can’t join in”; “Tie Israeli abductees to posts around Gaza and it will make it harder for the IDF to bomb you”; “There is no empathy or mercy for the Israelis who are fleeing the Gaza envelope cities” were rampantly across all the social media platforms.

But beyond its public positioning alongside Hamas, weighty questions arise regarding Russia’s involvement in the October 7 events. Over the past year there were several visits by Hamas representatives to Russia. Russian Foreign Ministry officials meet with Hamas figures in Arab countries. Russia permitted Hamas to manufacture the AK-47 (Kalashnikov) assault rifle and appropriate ammunition. Hamas terrorists infiltrated Israel’s territory with Russian-made weapons and/or weapons produced under the Russian franchise in Iran. There are growing reports, which have not yet been verified, about the involvement of Russian elements in terrorist training.

A flare-up in our region serves the Russian interest in diverting the attention and resources of the United States from the war scene in Ukraine. In the wake of the tightening of military cooperation between Russia and Iran, Russian support for Hamas, and the increasing antisemitic trend in Russia, Israel must change its policy toward Moscow. The massacre in the Gaza Strip has revealed Russia’s sympathetic attitude toward our enemies and its close ties with them. Russia and its leadership can no longer be trusted.

Post Scriptum, 1 de novembre del 2023.

Aqueixa és l’anàlisi d’ sobre  “The Pogrom in Dagestan against Jews and the Russian Response”: The Russian word “pogrom” became part of the international lexicon after particularly severe incidents of violence against the Jewish community in Russia at the end of the 19th century, which were carried out while the Russian Empire authorities turned a blind eye to the attacks. History in Russia seems to be repeating itself.

The pogrom at the airport in Makhachkala, the capital of Dagestan, on October 29, was a new height in a series of antisemitic events in the Caucasus region of Russia over the past weekend. On October 28, in Nalchik, the capital of Kabardino-Balkaria, adjacent to Dagestan, residents of the city threw Molotov cocktails and set fire to the Jewish community building that was under construction. In Cherkessk, the capital of Karachay-Cherkessia, protestors gathered for a demonstration in front of the local government building and demanded that all Jews be expelled from the area. In the city of Khasavyurt in Dagestan, an enraged mob broke into two hotels in the city to look for Jews and Israelis. That same day, the local Telegram channels began to put out a call to the residents to come to the Makhachkala airport to prevent the entry of the “refugees from Israel.” According to various estimates, about 1,500 people responded to this call and waged the pogrom. The police did not confront the crowd, which raged without interruption for long hours and without the response of the security forces.

Dagestan, Kabardino-Balkaria, and Karachay-Cherkessia are Russian autonomous regions (republics) in the North Caucasus region, where the majority of the population is Muslim (Sunni). These areas are economically, socially, and infrastructurally inferior, with a high percentage of a young population. The unemployment level in Dagestan is among the highest in Russia (10 percent), and the situation is similar in the other republics. To ensure the stability of these districts, the federal government gives them the highest subsidies in the country. The combination of the above-mentioned difficulties with the serious problem of corruption has contributed to the process of Islamist radicalization in Dagestan and other provinces. Ties have tightened between Dagestan and Iran in the economic field (Iran is Dagestan’s second largest trade partner), including the construction of the Iran-Azerbaijan-Dagestan transport route.

In response to the antisemitic pogrom, President Putin pointed the finger of blame at the United States – in his words, the “root of evil in the world.” According to Putin, the US is holding the reins both in Ukraine and the Middle East and wants to sow chaos in the world in order to continue its control. He did not condemn the rioters and their actions. To him, the United States is the element behind the attempts to damage Russia’s stability in the wake of the war in the Middle East. Putin has also blamed Israel, which, according to him, instead of fighting the terrorists, chose collective punishment against the Palestinians. According to him, “The terrible situation in Gaza, where hundreds of thousands of innocent people who have nowhere to run or hide from the bombs are killed indiscriminately, cannot be justified under any circumstances.” He also said that he understands the feelings evoked by the difficult images of children, women, and old people killed in Gaza, but called on Russian citizens not to react emotionally. According to him, the right course of action is to “take up arms and join your brothers” in the Russian army who are fighting in Ukraine “for Russia and for the whole world, including the future of the Palestinian people”.

Putin’s response constitutes a further escalation in the anti-American and anti-Israeli rhetoric since the events of October 7. It reveals a conspiratorial and manipulative worldview that presents the attacker as a victim, denies Israel’s right to respond, and blames the US for all the evil in the world. Putin’s anti-Israel rhetoric, which is a direct continuation of antisemitic statements over the last six weeks, and its dire result in the form of the first pogrom in Russia after more than a century must be taken seriously.

Post Scriptum, 3 de desembre del 2023.

publicà abans d’ahir a The Times of Israel aqueix advertiment: “S’opposant à Israël, Moscou ne condamne pas le meurtre de ses citoyens par le Hamas. Le refus de Moscou d’enquêter sur les atrocités commises contre des Israéliens de nationalité russe le 7 octobre signifie qu’Israël ne peut plus ignorer le problème”. I ahir, al mateix diari, David Klein afegia: “Face au regain d’antisémitisme en Europe, la Russie pointée du doigt. En pleine guerre d’Israël contre le Hamas, des sources affirment que les Russes alimentent une situation déjà tendue, stratégie éprouvée contre l’Occident depuis la guerre froide”.

Post Scriptum, 9 de desembre del 2023.

Avui Renée Fregosi publica aqueix punyent article a Tribune Juive: “De l’Ukraine à Gaza, l’antisémitisme russe est de retour”.

Post Scriptum, 2 de maig del 2024.

Ahir, l’INSS d’Israel publicava aqueix report, “Russian Influence Campaign Against Israel: Strategic and Cognitive Implications“.

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