Jaume Renyer

per l'esquerra de la llibertat

20 d'octubre de 2023
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Operació Espases de Ferro: els governs dels EUA, Alemany i Anglaterra al costat d’Israel, l’esquerra occidental i els mitjans afins, pro-jihadisme palestí

La visita del president dels EUA a Israel té un profunf significat estratègic, no solament en favor d’Israel sinó també d’Ucraïna, demostrant així la determinació de fer front a l’eix Iran-Rússia-Xina que fa costat als palestins. Especialment contundent ha estat el cap del govern alemany que ha equiparat els jihadistes de Hamàs amb els nazis i, com el seu homòleg britànic, ha de fer front a la violenta reacció interior dels col·lectius totalitaris de diversa mena (islamistes, wokistes, anticapitalistes) disposats a crear un conflicte al si de les societats obertes occidentals.

A Occident predomina dins les elits mediàtiques i acadèmiques una complicitat displicent envers el jihadisme pro-palestí, denominant-los resistents en lloc de genocides, atiant així la violència antijueva i antidemocràtica en nom d’una aparent equidistància que emmascara la renúncia d’aqueixes elits a preservar la identitat i les formes de vida de les nacions europees. El menysteniment de la causa dels pobles que fan front a agressions genocides: ucraïnesos, jueus, armenis, kurds, ignorats deliberadament pels qui només mostren solidaritat amb el palestinisme mític, és el senyal de la covardia i el cinisme de l’islamo-gauchisme.

Post Scriptum, 24 d’octubre del 2023.

Avui, a Le Figaro:  “La priorité est de vaincre le Hamas, Daech et al-Qaïda», déclare Macron à Netanyahu“, afegint que la coalició internacional que es va formar per lluitar contra el Califat Islàmic hauria de combatre també Hamàs. Per la seva part l’analista de l’INSS it publica avui:  “Western Leaders Stand with Israel. For Now”.

Under the determined leadership of President Biden, the United States and other Western countries continue to convey a clear message of understanding and support for Israel’s right to defend itself. A joint statement issued by the leaders of the United States, Canada, France, Germany, Great Britain, and Italy emphasized their support for Israel and its fight against Hamas. Visits by European leaders to Israel also testify to the legitimacy they give to the struggle that Israel is waging in order to realize its goals against Hamas. Even if the media and public opinion in some countries are wont to present, sometimes in distorted fashion, the events in the Gaza Strip as a result of Israel’s airstrikes, the leaderships are careful to allow Israel space and time to continue fighting, with the understanding that a ground operation in the Strip is required. Therefore, for now, they have refrained from demanding a ceasefire (and not even a temporary one for humanitarian needs).

At the same time, the public announcements of President Biden and other leaders have reiterated the need both to allow ongoing humanitarian aid to the Strip and to avoid harming civilians as much as possible. The drive to see the release of those abducted is mentioned repeatedly, but at least in public statements, the US administration and other countries have not directly linked it with Israel’s decisions regarding the nature of the military move and its timing.

Experience shows that international legitimacy is a sensitive and fragile issue, and the “political hourglass” may turn over in one moment. The continuation of the military campaign against Hamas, and in particular once the ground operation in the Gaza Strip begins, obliges Israel to pay great attention to preserving international legitimacy, and in this context, first of all, to ensure the support of the US administration.

Among the main issues that may affect US policy, and in turn, the position of the other Western countries:

Understanding that the ground operation achieves the desired goal – significant damage to Hamas’s capabilities. The administration is interested in the success of the operation and understands that a ground operation is also necessary, although according to media reports it is troubled by the possibility that Israel still does not have a clear military plan to achieve the goals. In any case, even if the media reports about requests to delay a ground incursion in order to exhaust the current effort to bring about the release of additional hostages are true, it is clear to the administration that the ground incursion will take place.

The possibility that the United States will be dragged into war against its will; fearing this, the administration is acting on several political and military levels with the aim of discouraging Iran and its allies from taking advantage of Israel’s focus on the southern arena as an opportunity to launch a campaign against it and harm United States interests. Pro-Iranian militias in Iraq and Syria have already attacked US targets.

Mass killing of civilians and/or a humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip – administration spokespersons repeatedly emphasize the need to ensure humanitarian supplies. President Biden is personally involved in promoting solutions for the ongoing supply of civilian equipment to the Strip.

Thinking in Israel about “the day after”: the administration opposes the idea that only after the elimination of Hamas will a discussion be opened regarding “what next.” From its point of view, the desired solution is political, and from here the assessment that significant damage to Hamas’s military and governmental capabilities will create an opportunity to initiate a political settlement that will be promoted in part by regional countries and the Palestinian Authority, based on the two-state vision.

Post Scriptum, 29 d’octubre del 2023.

es demana avui a The Times of Israel: “Pourquoi l’État d’Israël est-il blâmé pour les massacres du Hamas ? Effacer la légitimité du narratif israélien fait essentiellement renaître un trope antisémite pernicieux, celui que les Juifs méritent le sort qui leur est réservé”.

Post Scriptum, 12 de novembre del 2023.

L’antisemitisme desbocat que mostren els partidaris del jihadisme pro-palestí s’endu per davant no solament la moralitat sinó també la professionalitat dels periodistes occidentals. Cal llegir aqueixes dues informacions  punlicades ahir per The Times of Israel: “Pour 750 journalistes, les médias devraient qualifier les actions d’Israël de « génocide et d’apartheid ». Dans une pétition, d’anciens et d’actuels reporters critiquent Tsahal, affirment que la couverture mondiale du conflit ignore les voix palestiniennes et musulmanes”. Per contra, no donen cap resposta a aqueixa pregunta, “Dans un article écrit pas l’organisation, HonestReporting s’était interrogé : « Est-il concevable de présumer que des ‘journalistes’ ont soudainement fait leur apparition à la frontière, en tout début de matinée, sans coordination préalable avec les terroristes ? Ou est-ce que cela faisait partie du plan ? »

Post Scriptum, 27 de desembre del 2023.

La direcció del Jerusalem Post critica la persistent obsessió pro-palestina del New York Times:  “NYT criticized for running op-ed by Hamas-appointed Gaza mayor. The piece, entitled “I am Gazy City’s Mayor. Our Lives and Culture Are in Rubble,” ran on Sunday, December 24.

Post Scriptum, 4 de març del 2024.

Jeremy Stubbs decrita  avui a Causeur  la victòria local de George Galloway a Anglaterra: Islamogauchisme à Rochdale. La victoire du bouffon. Le populiste d’extrême gauche avait fait de sa campagne locale un « référendum sur Gaza ».

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