Dies molt intensos a la sessió plenària del Parlament Europeu a Estrasburg! El vot de la moció de resolució sobre el futur de l’agenda digital europeu, amb l’esmensa sobre el possible desmembrament de Google en cas de continuar les seves pràctiques monopolístiques a Europa (Google dóna un tracte preferent a les seves empreses en les compres al seu cercador internet), ha tingut un impacte mediàtic molt gran. Així, tant el dia abans del vot, quan vaig intervenir en el debat a plenari contra les pràctiques de Google, com el dia de la votació, aprovada per 384 vots a favor, 174 en contra i 56 abstencions, vaig tenir moltes peticions d’entrevistes de diferents mitjans internacionals. Tot seguit us adjunto els links del videos de les entrevistes de la CNN i Bloomberg, entre d’altres, els links de les entrevistes de ràdio de la CNBC i de la BBC i finalment els links dels diaris internacionals agrupats per llengua i per dates. N’hi ha certament, molts!
BBC Radio
3-Articles escrits sobre el cas Google:
Article written by Ramon Tremosa i Balcells and Andreas Schwab
Article written by Ramon Tremosa I Balcells: The Google case: what is at stake?
Premsa en angles: Dia 27-11-2014
Wall Street Journal
Just this week, a dozen lawmakers at the European Parliament held a closed-door meeting on Google that lasted more than two hours with the competition chief, during which he said that the deal wasn’t yet done. “Mr. Almunia said the case is not yet closed,” said Ramon Tremosa i Balcells, a Spanish lawmaker who organized the private briefing.
New York Times
E.U. Parliament, in Nonbinding Measure, Calls for Breaking Up Google
Ramon Tremosa i Balcells, a member of the Parliament from Catalonia who sits on the Parliament’s powerful economics and monetary affairs committee, said his message to Mr. Almunia’s successor on the case was: “You cannot close this for some years.”
Financial Times
One, suggested by Mr Schwab and Spanish MEP Ramon Tremosa, is a rotation mechanism, which displays Google’s commercial services and their competitors “in the same location and with the same prominence on the search results page.”
“European enterprises are losing revenues and people are getting fired,” Ramon Tremosa, a member of the EU parliament from Spain’s Catalonia region, said in a statement. “European consumers are not having the most pertinent choice, because of Google’s preferential treatment to its own services.”
The vote, proposed by European Parliament members Andreas Schwab, a German conservative, and Ramon Tremosa, will be the first time the European parliament will have voted on the break-up of a company, underlining how serious the conflict between the EU and Google has become.
Google should be broken up, say European MPs
“This was a clear political message from the European Parliament,” said a spokesperson for Ramon Tremosa, a member of parliament who authored the anti-Google proposal.
New Europe
Ansip will remain alert to search engine abuses
European Voice
Reaction to Google strains EU-US relations
EU Observer
MEP vote ups pressure on EU to break up Google
The Guardian:
Germany’s Andreas Schwab and Spain’s Member of European Parliament Ramon Tremosa i Balcells address the media on the Google antitrust case
EU lawmakers urge regulators to break up Google
Behind Google’s Europe woes, American accents
SF Gate
EU piling pressure on Google to change ways
European Parliament Passes Resolution Calling For Breakup Of Google
U.S. News and World Report
EU institutions try to pressure Google to change business practices with 2 moves in 2 days
The Times
European parliament votes to break up Google
The Telegraph
EU Parliament approves motion for Google break-up
The comments by the US. Mission came a week after Andreas Schwab, a German conservative, and Ramon Tremosa, a Spanish liberal at the European Parliament, unveiled a draft of their resolution saying that separating search engines from other commercial services would ensure a level playing field.
Of note, the message from the U.S. Mission comes less than a week after European Parliament members Andreas Schwab and Ramon Tremosa unveiled a draft of a resolution noting that separating the search engine division from other commercial services would help guarantee a level playing field for all European businesses.
Competition policy
EPs have reportedly sent a letter to the European Commission asking Competition Commissioner Joaquin Almunia to explain his reasoning for accepting a settlement offer with Google, say reports. The letter, addressed by Ramon Tremosa and Andreas Schwab, is reportedly calling on Almunia to appear before the EU’s economics and monetary affairs committee. The politicians are reportedly demanding answers as to why the regulator accepted Google’s concessions offer despite rejecting two early offers.
European lawmakers Ramon Tremosa and Andreas Schwab, who have fought hard to see the Commission’s proposed deal with Google shelved, welcomed Almunia’s “long awaited change of direction”.
Europe’s demands on Google mount
EU Business
Euro-Parliament debates Google break-up call
Dia 23/11/2014
Irish Times
MEPs seeking to combat what they consider anti-competitive behaviour by Google are considering calling for the breaking up of companies that focus on web search, according to a document prepared by members of the European Parliament. MEPs Andreas Schwab and Ramon Tremosa this week called for legislation if the EU can’t resolve its investigation.
The comments by the US. Mission came a week after Andreas Schwab, a German conservative, and Ramon Tremosa, a Spanish liberal at the European Parliament, unveiled a draft of their resolution saying that separating search engines from other commercial services would ensure a level playing field.
Andreas Schwab and Ramon Tremosa, said they aren’t opposed to Google, they “are against monopolies” and in favour of “fair and neutral search,” according to an emailed joint statement today.
Ramon Tremosa, a Spanish MEP who is sponsoring the motion, said it was necessary to consider unbundling as a long-term solution, because the commission could not “ask the secret of [Google’s] algorithm”.
Business Week:
Google, which has more than 90 percent of the search market in many European countries, is facing threats to its business, including a possible Internet copyright levy, that add to a lengthy EU antitrust investigation into allegations that it discriminates against rivals. Lawmakers Andreas Schwab and Ramon Tremosa earlier this week called for legislation if the EU can’t resolve its probe.
Mitjans Catalans:
Dia 27/11/2014
8TV, minut 26
La Vanguardia:
Dia 21/11/2014
Mitjans espanyols:
El País:
“Estamos pidiendo a la Comisión que se ponga las pilas, que vaya al grano en esta investigación. Y la partición es una de las soluciones propuestas”
Cinco Días:
Con toda probabilidad, la resolución saldrá adelante con el apoyo, como mínimo, de los dos grupos mayoritarios y de Los Verdes. El grupo liberal acude dividido entre quienes desean dar tiempo a la nueva comisaria de Competencia, la liberal danesa Margrethe Vestager, para que concluya la investigación iniciada por Joaquín Almunia, y quienes desean dar un ultimátum a Google. Entre estos últimos figura el eurodiputado Ramón Tremosa (CiU), que se ha convertido en uno de los fustigadores de la compañía estadounidense.
El Mundo:
El texto consensuado, encabezada por el español Ramón Tremosa (CiU) y el alemán Andreas Schaw, que cuenta con el apoyo de los principales grupos, demanda que se “apliquen las reglas de competencia de la UE de forma contundente” y que se impongan “medidas correctivas” para proteger la competencia y los usuarios, a los ciudadanos
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