19 d'abril de 2011
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Tortell Poltrona fitxa l?exgerent del TNC Alfred Fort

L’administrador general del Teatre Nacional de Catalunya (TNC) fins fa poques setmanes, el tarragoní Alfred Fort, s’ha incorporat recentment al projecte del Centre de Recerca de les Arts del Circ (CRAC) dirigit des del 1995 per Jaume Mateu Tortell Poltrona i per Montserrat Trias i ubicat al Montseny. Segons Poltrona, el nou fitxatge vol “consolidar” el CRAC i crear circuits, empresa i producció. “També permetrà dedicar-me més a la creació”, segons Poltrona, que va afegir que “feia molt temps que buscàvem la seva incorporació”. Fort, impulsor fa 15 anys de la fira de circ Trapezi, va plegar del TNC després de cinc anys ocupant el càrrec per discrepàncies amb el nou equip del departament de Cultura encapçalat per Ferran Mascarell. A la imatge, Alfred Fort.

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  1. A les eleccions del 22m els partits de l’oposició es dediquen dia sí i dia també a utilitzar el festival Trapezi com a arma electoral. ës cert que hi ha coses millorables, però sense el Trapezi, el món del circ, les arts escèniques, i la cultura reusenca en aprticular en sortirien molt perjudicades.

  2. The building, like the Royal National Theatre in the UK, contains three theatre spaces: Sala Gran, Sala Petita and Sala Tallers, showing many different types of productions mainly in the Catalan language. Its current artistic director is Sergi Belbel.
  3. Catalonia is an autonomous community in northeastern Spain, with the official status of a “nationality” of Spain.Catalonia comprises four provinces: Barcelona, Girona, Lleida, and Tarragona. Its capital and largest city is Barcelona. 
  4. Catalonia covers an area of 32,114 km² and has an official population of 7,535,251. Its borders essentially reflect those of the former Principality of Catalonia. It borders France and Andorra to the north, Aragon to the west, the Valencian Community to the south, and the Mediterranean Sea to the east.
  5. The name Catalunya (Catalonia) began to be used in the late 11th century in reference to the group of counties that comprised the Marca Hispanica. The origin of the term is subject to diverse interpretations. A theory suggests that Catalunya derives from the term “Land of Castles”, having evolved from the term castlà, the ruler of a castle (see castellan). This theory therefore suggests that the name Castile and Catalonia have the same etymology.
  6. Catalonia then came under Visigothic rule for four centuries after Rome’s collapse. In the 8th century, it came under Moorish Al-Andalus control. Still, after the defeat of Emir Abdul Rahman Al Ghafiqi’s troops at Tours in 732, the Franks conquered former Visigoth states which had been captured by the Muslims or had become allied with them in what today is the northernmost part of Catalonia.
  7. For some time after the fall of Rome, Europe lacked a large and animal-rich circus. Itinerant showmen travelled the fairgrounds of Europe. Animal trainers and performers are thought to have exploited the nostalgia for the Roman circus, travelling between towns and performing at local fairs.
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