24 de gener de 2012
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Montecarlo sense límits

Si els polítics tenen clar que totes les lleis estan per complir-se, els artistes de circ investiguen just tot el contrari, és a dir, com desafiar les lleis de la física i buscar sempre nous límits. Moltes de les proeses que s’han vist aquest any a Montecarlo, en el marc de la 36a edició del festival internacional de circ, eren només fa unes setmanes ciència-ficció.

La nova edició del festival que presideix la princesa Estefania ha recuperat tota la seva esplendor i ha catapultat per a la història del circ René Casselly Junior, un adolescent alemany que amb només 15 anys ja ha entrat a formar part de la llegenda del circ. (L’article continua).

Foto: El jove René Casselly Junior, després de saltar de la bàscula per l’impuls d’un elefant, en la darrera edició del Festival Internacional de Circ de Montecarlo. CHARLY GALLO

Article publicat a El Punt Avui



En una de les funcions, un elefant africà va aixecar una pota i la va impactar a l’extrem d’una bàscula. El nano va sortir projectat a gran velocitat i va executar un triple salt mortal agrupat per acabar caient sobre el llom d’un altre paquiderm. El circ es va ensorrar. Walt Disney no tindria cap dubte a contractar-lo com el Mowgli del segle XXI. S’enfilava amb la trompa, feia equilibris sobre els ullals, un espagat des de les altures amb una cama a cada elefant i un llarg etcètera d’exercicis inenarrables. L’expert circense Genís Matabosch el compara ja amb Günter Gebel Williams, un dels grans de la història del circ.

Aquest jove artista alemany es fotografiava durant el sopar de gala amb un artista xinès de la companyia de Shangai que va rebre un cop tan fort que se li va obrir el front; i amb la cara sagnant i el cap embenat va continuar heroicament la funció. Era la foto dels dos Clowns d’Or del festival: els elefants dels Casselly i el número de bàscula, que, tot i no ser una disciplina pròpia del circ xinès va tenir una factura perfecta, amb llançaments des de l’aparell, on l’acròbata semblava un bloc de gel. Excepcional número.

De la mateixa companyia forma part un equilibrista –Cai Yong– que va aconseguir la màxima perfecció tècnica, amb un equilibri final amb el cap que semblava una baldufa humana.

En les grans edicions del festival de circ –i aquesta ho ha estat– es viuen moments especials d’una extraordinària intensitat i emocions. Les Azzario Sisters –Quincy Santos i Katie Azzario– filles dels pallassos espanyols Michel, van aconseguir aquell clímax especial que es respira a la graderia de Fontvieille, amb capacitat per a 2.800 persones, quan el públic està tan concentrat com els artistes per aconseguir la gran proesa que t’ha de portar a l’Olimp del circ. Després d’adonar-se amb el regidor de pista del mal estat de l’arnès de seguretat es va decidir tirar pel dret i intentar la proesa de pujar i baixar una escala de 8 esglaons amb els dos caps tocant-se; un del dret i un altre del revés. Ho van aconseguir i el jurat no va tenir dubtes: un Clown de Plata per a aquesta jove parella, una de les quals, Quincy Santos, va néixer a Barcelona fa 18 anys.

Al límit del que ens podem imaginar van estar altres artistes. El rus Vladimir Gontxarov va ballar claqué com Fred Astaire davant del públic, un fet que no mereixeria les ratlles d’una crònica de circ si no fos perquè ho va fer davant de set lleons. Monumental imatge.

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  1. Piccadilly Circus connects to Piccadilly, a thoroughfare whose name first appeared in 1626 as Pickadilly Hall, named after a house belonging to one Robert Baker, a tailor famous for sellingpiccadills, or piccadillies, a term used for various kinds of collars.  
  2. The Chinese State Circus is a touring circus that aims to present Chinese circus arts to European audiences. The show is based on Chinese acrobatic acts. All the performers come from China and are trained in the Chinese tradition of Ma Xi, or hippodrama horse theatre.
  3. Beginning in the summer of 2009, the Flying High Circus introduced a summer circus camp held at the Florida State University. Over the course of the summer, campers get to learn and try out different circus acts such as spanish webs, cloud swing, juggling, and the flying trapeze.
  4. Common acts include a variety of acrobatics, gymnastics including tumbling and trampoline, aerial acts, contortion, stilts and a variety of other routines. Juggling is one of the most common acts in a circus; the combination of juggling and gymnastics is called equilibristics and include acts like plate spinning the rolling globe.
  5. Most people’s perception of unicycles and those who ride them revolve around the circus, clowns, and street performing jugglers. It’s true, the unicycle is a cornerstone of circus performance skills, but the unicycle has so much more to offer. 
  6. While circus and performance skills are a thriving and important part of the unicycle community, for the good of the sport in general, I encourage other unicyclists to help the sport overcome the stereotypes by actively educating others about the unicycle, its diversity, and its benefits.
  7. The earliest involvement of animals in circus was just the display of exotic creatures. Going as far back as the early eighteenth century, exotic animals were transported to North America for display, and menageries were a popular form of entertainment. 
  8. If you are searching for Ringling Brothers Circus Coupons for New York, the NY Daily Post often runs a special for free circus tickets. Usually it calls for getting so many papers and turning in the forms to get a free ticket. It is a fun way to get a free ticket to check out the circus. Look for this offer up to 2 months before the circus is supposed to show up. 
  9. People learning circus skills are always taught that as soon as they learn how to do a trick using mainly their stronger hand, that they should then learn to do the trick using their weaker hand. 
  10. Many of us have happy memories of visiting the circus as a kid, I know I do. I mean what’s not to like about it right… There are tigers, elephants, horses, clowns and acrobats, all in one place and you get to eat yummy popcorn and cotton candy. And my kids are no different. Any visit to the circus is sure to give children happy memories to last a lifetime. 
  11. For some time after the fall of Rome, Europe lacked a large and animal-rich circus. Itinerant showmen travelled the fairgrounds of Europe. Animal trainers and performers are thought to have exploited the nostalgia for the Roman circus, travelling between towns and performing at local fairs.
  12. The Roman circus consisted of tiers of seats running parallel with the sides of the course, and forming a crescent around one of the ends. The lower seats were reserved for persons of rank; there were also various state boxes, e.g. for the giver of the games and his friends. In Ancient Rome the circus was the only public spectacle at which men and women were not separated.
  13. The Monte Carlo Casino is owned and operated by the Société des bains de mer de Monaco, a public company in which the Monaco government and theruling family have a majority interest. The company also owns the principal hotels, sports clubs, foodservice establishments, and nightclubs throughout Monaco.
  14. The Circus Festival is a large event that takes place in France once every year. All performers from far and wide come out to perform at this large gathering and perform to win. The winning team from last year is automatically allowed to compete and they send a Phoenix Ticket to the performers in that team. However, this place is not all fun and games. All the performers are jumpy and nerve ridden. 
  15. Compared with the traditional circus, the contemporary genre of circus tends to focus more attention on the overall aesthetic impact, on character and story development, and on the use of lighting design, original music, and costume design to convey thematic or narrative content. For aesthetic or economic reasons, contemporary circus productions may sometimes be staged in theatres rather than in large outdoor tents. 
  16. A freak show is an exhibition of biological rarities, referred to as freaks of nature. Typical features would be physically unusual humans, such as those uncommonly large or small, those with both male and female secondary sexual characteristics, people with other extraordinary diseases and conditions, and performances that are expected to be shocking to the viewers.
  17. A circus school has activities that will surely be perfect for any person of age, size and personality. In addition to learning something new, this experience will improve group coordination and can be a regular activity that brings families and friends closer.
  18. En una de les funcions, un elefant africà va aixecar una pota i la va impactar a l’extrem d’una bàscula. El nano va sortir projectat a gran velocitat i va executar un triple salt mortal agrupat per acabar caient sobre el llom d’un altre paquiderm. El circ es va ensorrar. Walt Disney no tindria cap dubte a contractar-lo com el Mowgli del segle XXI. S’enfilava amb la trompa, feia equilibris sobre els ullals, un espagat des de les altures amb una cama a cada elefant i un llarg etcètera d’exercicis inenarrables.
  19. It was the picture of two Clowns Golden Festival: Casselly of elephants and the number of scales, which, although not a Chinese circus discipline and had a perfect bill, with releases from the device, where ‘acrobat like a block of ice.Exceptional number.

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