18 de gener de 2012
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Louisa Raluy serà rellevada en el càrrec de directora de la fira de circ Trapezi

El Consorci del Teatre Fortuny, format per la Generalitat, l’Ajuntament de Reus i la Diputació de Tarragona, nomenarà amb tota probabilitat aquest divendres un nou director de la fira de circ Trapezi en substitució de l’acròbata Louisa Raluy, que tot i tenir un contracte de directora i consellera i el suport de l’Ajuntament de Reus no és previst que continuï exercint el càrrec per l’oposició del departament de Cultura i l’Associació de Professionals de Circ de Catalunya (APCC). Tal com informava dimarts aquest bloc, el contracte de Louisa serà rescindit. Amb aquesta decisió, el conseller Ferran Mascarell guanya finalment el pols que mantenia amb el consitori encapçalat per Carles Pellicer. Raluy era l’aposta de l’Ajuntament de Reus i els últims mesos havia tancat quasi tota la programació de la 16ª edició de Trapezi, que se celebrarà entre els dies 17 i 20 de maig. Tot i el contracte que l’acredita com a directora, fonts de la Generalitat neguen que l’artista Louisa Raluy hagi estat mai la directora de la fira de circ i asseguren que en qüestió de “dies” es coneixerà el nom de nou responsable de la fira.

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  1. Jajaja!!! Vaya telaaaaa!!! Aixo si que es una falta de respecte cap a tots els artistes de circ i cap al public de Reus!!! I en general cap a tots els paguem amb els nostres impostos aquesta colla de polítics impresentables!!! Quin engany tot plegat!!! Quina vergonya!!!

  2. Doncs si, quina tristesa i quina llàstima, 
    el que més greu em sap de tot plegat, és que tots aquests descosits polítics ens han portat a confrontar-nos, creant debat sobre la legitimitat i capacitat de Luisa Raluy. Debat que trobo lògic ja que els mètodes de la contractació de Raluy han sigut més que dubtosos, i per altre banda els partidaris de la darrera s’han sentit ben enganyats.
    Mentre el passat 20 de desembre ens trobàvem disfrutant, professionals de circ tradicional i de nou circ, de la gala “Nits de circ” a la carpa del circ Raluy, avui l‘ambient em sembla més aviat tens. Doncs quin greu començar l’edició del Trapezi d’aquesta manera.
    I és que SENYORS de DALT! quan les coses es fan tan malament, és difícil de sortir-ne quelcom constructiu per a tothom.
    Ànims per tots els professionals del circ català, del tradicional o del nou, que ens ho mereixem!
  3. Golpe de Estado también fue el empresario de circo primero en utilizar los trenespara el transporte de circo del circo de pueblo en pueblo, una práctica que continúa hasta hoy y presentó a los primeros circos anillos múltiples
  4. The Circus-Circus is what the whole hep world would be doing Saturday night if the Nazis had won the war. This is the sixth Reich. The ground floor is full of gambling tables, like all the other casinos . . . but the place is about four stories high, in the style of a circus tent, and all manner of strange County-Fair/Polish Carnival madness is going on up in this space.
  5. A circus often travels with its own band, whose instrumentation in the United States has traditionally included brass instruments, drums, glockenspiel, and sometimes the distinctive sound of the calliope.
  6. Time-Lapse Consortium es una idea que había estado dando vueltas en mi cerebro desde hace bastante tiempo. Durante años he estado fascinado por losdirectores de orquesta más y arreglistas de los años 50 y 60. La gente comoQuincy Jones, Esquivel, Sergio Mendes, etc ..
  7. A circus is commonly a travelling company of performers that may include clowns, acrobats, trained animals, trapeze acts, musicians, hoopers, tightrope walkers, jugglers, unicyclists and other stunt-oriented artists. 
  8. The first true animals acts in the circus were equestrian acts. Soon elephants and big cats were displayed as well. Isaac A. Van Amburgh entered a cage with several big cats in 1833, and is generally considered to be the first wild animal trainer in American circus history.
  9. Originally envisioned as an auto-biography the final work features monkeys, dogs playing poker and robot clowns. The dialogue is troublesome and centres on the search of the protagonists search of self while battling with ebola, in a circus.
  10. In addition to these major systems, virtually every circus school in the world – and to a lesser extent every circus arts teacher in the world – has, over time, developed their own pedagogies for teaching circus arts.
  11. A variety of animals have historically been used in acts. While the types of animals used vary from circus to circus, big cats, elephants, horses, birds, sea lions and domestic animals are the most common. 
  12. In other countries, purpose-built circus buildings still exist which are no longer used as circuses, or are used for circus only occasionally among a wider programme of events; for example, the Circus Schumann in Copenhagen, Denmark or Cirkus (Stockholm)|Cirkus in Stockholm, Sweden.
  13. Films about the circus made since 1959 include B-movie Circus of Horrors, musical Billy Rose’s Jumbo, A Tiger Walks a Disney film about a tiger that escapes from the circus and Circus World starring John Wayne. In the film Jungle Emperor Leo, Leo’s son, Lune, is captured and placed in a circus, which burns down when a tiger knocks down a ring of fire while jumping through it.
  14. In advertising, the idea is king. But if it doesn’t look great, no one will notice it. Art direction students work with copywriters, photographers and designers to develop print ads, digital messages, ambient concepts, and integrated brand communications for speculative real-world assignments.
  15. Masks are central to the Carnival celebration, and worn to many of the festivities, including concerts and parties. Children and teachers are commonly allowed to wear masks to school for a day, and also wear masks at school dances or while trick-or-treating. 
  16. Next in importance to the Circus Maximus in Rome was the Circus Flaminius, the Circus Neronis, from the notoriety which it obtained through the Circensian pleasures of Nero. A fourth, the Circus of Maxentius, was constructed by Maxentius; the ruins of this circus have enabled archaeologists to reconstruct the Roman circus.
  17. Some circuses stayed afloat by merging with other circus companies. However a good number of old-fashioned travelling circuses with their usual mixture of acrobat, clown and animal acts are still active in various parts of the world ranging from small family enterprises on the edge of survival to the three ring extravaganzas like Vazquez Hermanos Circus in Mexico.
  18. The Chinese State Circus is a touring circus that aims to present Chinese circus arts to European audiences. The show is based on Chinese acrobatic acts. All the performers come from China and are trained in the Chinese tradition of Ma Xi, or hippodrama.
  19. The earliest involvement of animals in circus was just the display of exotic creatures. Going as far back as the early eighteenth century, exotic animals were transported to North America for display, and menageries were a popular form of entertainment.
  20. The animal rights group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) contends that animals in circuses are frequently beaten into submission and that physical abuse has always been the method for training circus animals. 
  21. Feld stated that these practices are necessary to protect circus workers. Feld also acknowledged that an elephant trainer was reprimanded for using an electric shock device, known as a hot shot or electric prod, on an elephant, which Feld also stated was appropriate practice. Feld denied that any of these practices harm elephants.
  22. The modern circus is an amalgam other influences as well. Bands of Gypsies often brought with them circus skills and trained animals while traveling Britan, and Antonio Franconi, the founder of the French circus, is often credited as a co-creator of the modern circus.Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show was also an precurser to the circus we are now familar with.
  23. The performances are renowned for being an empowering celebration of the participants’ experience, cultural exchanges between participants and artsworkers, cross-arts collaborations, the innovative use of circus and physical theatre, high production values and inspiring circus skills.
  24.  Circuses would quickly lose their appeal if more people knew about the cruel methods used to train the animals; the cramped confinement, unacceptable travel conditions, and poor treatment that they endure; and what happens to them when they retire.
  25. Circus schools and instructors have developed a variety of pedagogical classification systems for circus skills. Systems that have attempted to formally organize circus skills into pragmatic teaching groupings include the Gurevich system, the basis of the Russian Circus School’s curriculum and the Hovey Burgess system.
  26. The only way to train wild, undomesticated animals, like the elephants in this circus, is through torture and the subsequent threat thereof. These innocent creatures obey commands because they see the whips, prods and bullhooks with which they’ve been beaten and they fear them. It’s a Pavlovian reaction: they are intelligent, sentient beings who associate these objects with the violence that has been perpetrated on them.
  27. Delirium was a Cirque du Soleil live music event created in conjunction with Live Nation. Instead of being a standard touring show, it was a multimedia/theatrical arena production that featured remixes of existing Cirque music and reinterpretations of performances. 
  28. The Circus Maximus, Latin for great or large circus, in Italian Circo Massimo is an ancient Roman chariot racing stadium and mass entertainment venue located in Rome, Italy. Situated in the valley between the Aventine and Palatine hills, it was the first and largest stadium in ancient Rome and its later Empire
  29. There is the large circus tent arena-like area, a merry-go-round, a maze-like out-doors, and a cage room. This is the setting of the circus freaks. The music featured here is a mischievous style circus band music. This map is last on the map selection screen, preceded by Site.
  30. The word also describes the performance that they give, which is usually a series of acts choreographed to music and introduced by a ringmaster. A traditional circus performance is normally held in a ring 13 m (42 ft) in diameter. 
  31. For aesthetic or economic reasons, contemporary circus productions may sometimes be staged in theatres rather than in large outdoor tents. Music used in the production is often composed exclusively for that production, and aesthetic influences are drawn as much from contemporary culture as from circus history. Animal acts appear less frequently in contemporary circus than in traditional circus.
  32. Films about the circus made since 1959 include B-movie Circus of Horrors, musical Billy Rose’s Jumbo, A Tiger Walks a Disney film about a tiger that escapes from the circus and Circus World starringJohn Wayne. In the film Jungle Emperor Leo, Leo’s son, Lune, is captured and placed in a circus, which burns down when a tiger knocks down a ring of fire while jumping through it.
  33. Theatre is a collaborative form of fine art that uses live performers to present the experience of a real or imagined event before a live audience in a specific place. The performers may communicate this experience to the audience through combinations of gesture, speech, song, music or dance. Elements of design and stagecraft are used to enhance the physicality, presence and immediacy of the experience.
  34. The earliest involvement of animals in circus was just the display of exotic creatures. Going as far back as the early eighteenth century, exotic animals were transported to North America for display, and menageries were a popular form of entertainment. The first true animals acts in the circus were equestrian acts.
  35. In England circuses were often held in purpose built buildings in large cities, such as the London Hippodrome, which was built as a combination of the circus, the menagerie and the variety theatre, where wild animals such as lions and elephants from time to time appeared in the ring, and where convulsions of nature such as floods, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions have been produced with an extraordinary wealth of realistic display.
  36. In other countries, purpose-built circus buildings still exist which are no longer used as circuses, or are used for circus only occasionally among a wider programme of events; for example, the Cirkusbygningen (The Circus Building) in Copenhagen, Denmark or Cirkus in Stockholm, Sweden.
  37. Three important circus innovators were Italian Giuseppe Chiarini, and Frenchmen Louis Soullier and Jacques Tourniaire, whose early travelling circuses introduced the circus to Latin America, Australia, South East Asia, China, South Africa and Russia. Soullier was the first circus owner to introduce Chinese acrobatics to the European circus when he returned from his travels in 1866 and Tourniaire was the first to introduce the performing art to Ranga where it became extremely popular.
  38. There are a lot of options that are available when it comes to showers with circus theme, such as for the decorations, cakes and party games. However, there are more things about circus themed baby showers that can make the host more convenient and happy during the planning days and the celebration itself.
  39. The show involves the stand up comedians from all parts of India. There are three members in all teams in which one is singer, actor and one comedian. This season is judged by Archana Puran Singh and Daler Mehndi along with different super stars from Bollywood as celebrity guests.s
  40. Despite the Disneyesque look, Excalibur is really not suitable for children. Yes, they do have a basement area where children and families can find games to play together, but they certainly cannot even compare to the great Adventuredome of Circus Circus. I view Excalibur as a mediocre compromise for those who seek budget accommodation with something for children in a slightly better location than Circus Circus.

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