Nessie School of Languages

Learning languages in Amposta

A GAUDÍ-KULCS, Andreu Carranza i Esteban Martín

20 de maig de 2008
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 . Hongarian version of La clau Gaudí, by Andreu Carranza and Esteban Martin. Bestseller in Hungary!“Ármány, talány és misztikum Barcelonában A spanyol szerz?páros könyve méltó párja Dan Brown Da Vinci-kódjának: egy újabb izgalmas, misztikus elemekkel átsz?tt kultúrtörténeti thrillerregény… A 20. század eleji Barcelona növekszik, a modernizmus szelleme ellenállhatatlan hatással van a sötét oldal híveire. A

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Demonstration in Amposta: The river is life

18 de maig de 2008
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  18th of May, a very  important date for the Ebre lands: demonstration in Amposta against the deleting of water from the Ebre river. The Catalan government want to take water to Barcelona and its region, because they say we are going through an emergency period of extreme dryness. We don’t trust them, because we know there is enough

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International Day against Homophobia

17 de maig de 2008
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  The Fight Against Homophobia from the European Parliament: International Day Against Homophobia Raül Romeva, ViceChair of the LGBT Rights Intergroup Since its inception, the European Union has been a strong supporter of human rights. Having been founded upon the ashes of the Second World War, we know all too well the risks and dangers

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Manifest blocaire contra el transvasament

15 de maig de 2008
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El col·lectiu de blocaires ebrencs volem sumar-nos al rebuig que el projecte de transvasament de l’Ebre a Barcelona ha generat a la societat civil del territori. Considerem que la mesura no està justificada i que la canonada que ha d’unir la xarxa del Consorci d’Aigües de Tarragna (CAT) amb la d’Aigües Ter-Llobregat (ATLL) serà una infraestructura permanent

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Pep Guardiola, Barça’s new coach

9 de maig de 2008
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Josep Guardiola Sala, (Santpedor, Catalonia, January 18, 1971) is coach of FC Barcelona B and a Catalana former football player. He will take over F.C Barcelona at the end of the 2007/8 season, replacing current manager Frank Rijkaard. He was captain of FC Barcelona. He also played for Brescia Calcio, AS Roma, Al-Ahli Doha and

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Parôles du Daniel Mach, Assemblée française

8 de maig de 2008
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Monsieur le Président, Monsieur le Ministre, Mes Chers Collègues, Avant tout, en cette année 2008 déclarée « Année Internationale des Langues » par l’UNESCO, je souhaite vivement saluer cette initiative. En effet, l’engagement pris envers les langues régionales a été tenu et l’organisation de ce débat en est la concrétisation. Il révèle officiellement l’intérêt que

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Les langues régionales a la France

7 de maig de 2008
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El diputat nord-català de la UMP Daniel Mach ha parlat en català per primer cop davant de l’assemblea estatal francesa. El següent és un text escrit per un diputat bretó de la mateixa assemblea:“Les langues régionales ne sont plus un sujet tabou au Parlement. Le 7 mai prochain, l’Assemblée Nationale débattra en effet ouvertement de

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2 de maig de 2008
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 Aquest article l’ha publicat l’amic Brian Cutts al Catalonia Today. Brian is a Yorkshireman who has been living in Tortosa in the last twenty years. “The truth is the present state of national emergency regarding water supplies for Barcelona has been blown up out of all proportion. The truth is this so-called emergency is being

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Old Trafford in the wind

28 d'abril de 2008
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Flags in the wind, we shall win.Shoutings in a cloudless night, we shall win tonight.We’ll conquer Old Trafford and we’ll fly to Moscou,nobody can stop my love, Barça, for you.You’ll never  lose, you’ll never walk alone,we can win once and ever more.Cries of gaiety in this starry night,Cries of encouragement for our players all the time,We are wearing blue,

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The river is life

20 d'abril de 2008
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 We belong to a land of sweetest water,we love that lovely river of wet stars,and a piece of land in the middle of the country,and a language of ancestors, a language of all.And we scream at the top of our voices,The river is life!We belong to the people who live around us,gentle people who work in

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Guillem Agulló, you’ll never walk alone

11 d'abril de 2008
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The land of our ancestors, land of all!the language of the people, Catalan!the fight for freedom, all the time! We’ll never forget your death!We’ll never forgive those who killed youand left us in pain forever. You were young and full of life.You loved the country you were born,you didn’t accept to be a slave. Your youth

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Barça, a people’s passion

6 d'abril de 2008
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    FC Barcelona is much more than a football club- it is a social and political phenomenon. And this is much more than a book about football- it is also a story of more than one hundred years of obsessive Catalan pride. The only full history of FC Barcelona and Catalonia in English, it

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Night upon town, a poem

5 d'abril de 2008
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NIGHT UPON TOWN When the night falls upon town,Light flies unstoppable, and standsAbove, in hill’s eyes.Peace reigns in the parkAnd birds sing in dreamsWith tender words and kissed.  Quiet is a cloudless night.The stars do move and shine,While everyone sleeps tenderly,Apart from me, the strangest one.  I’m awake and seeThe yellowy moon watching life go

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Katalonien, eine kleine Landeskunde

4 d'abril de 2008
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Die Katalanische Kultur ist Ehrengast der Franfurter Buchmesse 2007, Jährlich besuchen über zwei Millionen Deutsche dieses Land am Mittelmeer. Die meisten dieser besucher fahren “nach Spanien”. Auch dis übergrosse Mehrheit der Spanier hält Katalonien füer eine Region ihres Landes. Die Meisten Katalanen dagegen halten ihr Volk für eine Nation und sehen sich nur ungern als

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Templars and Hospitalers in the Ebre area

2 d'abril de 2008
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The military orders of the Temple and the Hospital played a decisive role in the reconquest of the land taken by the Arabs in the East of the Iberian Peninsula. They were both associated with the Aragonese Crown in the Reconquest from Islam in the southern area of Catalonia and the north of the Kingdom

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