Nessie School of Languages

Learning languages in Amposta

Le Barca était plus fort

11 de març de 2009
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  Les lyonnais ont souffert comme rarement dans une rencontre européenne. Menés 4 buts à 0 en première période les olympiens ont réduit la marque juste avant la pause et ont espéré en revenant à 4-2 mais la supériorité du Barca a été incontestable. Cliquez ici pour lancer le live audio Pour ce match retour

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9 de març de 2009
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THE WINNER TAKES IT ALL by ABBA 1. Students X X X X complete the lyrics with the words given below: 1. was 2. Loses 3. friend 4.’ve played 5. figured 6. decide 7. used to 8. bad 9.’ve gone 10. say 2. Students X X give the definitions of these words: – cards …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

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Les Catalans manifestent pour l’indépendance

8 de març de 2009
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  Bruxelles – manifestationLes Catalans manifestent pour l’indépendance BELGA Mis en ligne le 07/03/2009 Près de 2.300 Catalans et sympathisants se sont rassemblés samedi matin à la Gare du Nord de Bruxelles pour manifester en faveur de l’indépendance de la Catalogne, région espagnole. Parmi eux se trouvait également une délégation de la N-VA et du

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Liverpool, Liverpool and Liverpool

25 de febrer de 2009
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Jamie Carragher labelled Yossi Benayoun‘s late header ‘massive’ after Liverpool left the Bernabeu with a 1-0 advantage in the Champions League second round. The Israel captain nodded home a Fabio Aurelio free-kick on 82 minutes to give the Reds a priceless away goal.   The sides will reconvene at Anfield in two weeks, when Juande Ramos

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23 de febrer de 2009
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YOU CAN’T WEAR THAT HAT! My name is Rachel 1. There’s a market every Sunday in London called Spitalfields market. I often go there to look for clothes and CDs. Today, I’m taking Abby there for the first time. Dan and Hanif are coming along too. Hanif likes shopping for clothes, but Dan isn’t really

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16 de febrer de 2009
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CATALÀCom a campredonencs, ens ha fet una especial il·lusió comptar amb la presència de Xavi Sarrià al nostre poble per presentar el seu llibre “Històries del paradís”. Va tenir lloc ahir dissabte 14 de febrer a les 18 hores al Casal Francesc Llop. Li vam preparar com a acte central d’aquest cicle de presentacions que

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Translating a song by Obrint pas

13 de febrer de 2009
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As I am upsetI am trying to rememberalong my solitude paths,and the smell of burninggunpowder turns up,and the red bonfires in the summer solstice.Parties in the street,thousands of stars,on 25th April feelingson our hearts.Hope in our eyes,flags in the wind,and happy wishes of my people. Fighting, creating, buildingpopular power. As I’ve come backI’m walking again

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Alguns paràgrafs en anglès d’Històries del paradís de Xavi Sarrià

10 de febrer de 2009
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  Aquesta és la setmana del tour literari que ha de realitzar Xavi Sarrià, el cantant d’Obrint pas, per les Terres de l’Ebre, durant la qual visitarà les poblacions de Flix, Roquetes, Jesús, Amposta, Campredó i Tortosa. Ja hem publicat en posts anteriors el programa d’actes. Per a Soldevila és una visita important que ens permetrà continuar

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4 de febrer de 2009
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MA LIBERTÉpar Georges Moustaki Ma libertéLongtemps je t’ai …..1) Comme une perle rare Ma liberté C’est toi qui m’as …..2) A larguer les amarres Pour aller n’importe où Pour aller jusqu’au bout Des chemins de ….. 3) Pour cueillir en rêvant Une rose des vents Sur un rayon de ….. 4) Ma liberté Devant tes

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3 de febrer de 2009
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LA PIOGGIAda Gigliola Cinquetti Sul giornale ho letto cheil tempo cambieràle nuvole son nere in ……….. 1) e i passeri lassùnon voleranno più. Chissà ………..2)? Io non cambio mai no, non cambio mai! Può cadere il ………. 3) ma ma che importa a me? La pioggia non bagna il nostro ………..4) quando il cielo è

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Xavi Sarrià presents his book in Terres de l’Ebre

2 de febrer de 2009
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  ?The cultural association Soldevila, from Campredó, is going to organise several presentations of the book Històries del paradís by Xavi Sarrià, the singer of Obrint pas, one of the main bands of Catalan rock . It has been published by Bromera and has become one of the winter best-sellers. Xavi Sarrià wrote some social

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1 de febrer de 2009
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I STILL HAVEN’T FOUND WHAT I’M LOOKING FOR by U2 I have climbed the highest ….. (1)I have run through the fieldsOnly to be with youOnly to be with …..(2) I have run I have crawledI have scaled these city …..(3),these city wallsOnly to be with youBut I still haven’t found What I’m looking for

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1 de febrer de 2009
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I STILL HAVEN’T FOUND WHAT I’M LOOKING FOR by U2 I have climbed the highest ….. (1)I have run through the fieldsOnly to be with youOnly to be with …..(2) I have run I have crawledI have scaled these city …..(3),these city wallsOnly to be with youBut I still haven’t found What I’m looking for

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Translation of Dream, by Edgar Allan Poe

29 de gener de 2009
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Somni, d’Edgar Allan Poe DREAM In visions of the dark nightI have dreamed of joy departed-But a waking dream of life and lightHath left me broken-hearted. Ah! what is not a dream by dayTo him whose eyes are castOn things around him with a rayTurned back upon the past? That holy dream- that holy dream,While

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Lletres ebrenques, colloquio con il Presidente Ernest Benach

27 de gener de 2009
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Lletres ebrenques, colloquio con il Presidente Ernest Benach Il prossimo Venerdì, 30 gennaio, durante il programma radiofonico Lletres Ebrenques (Antena Caro Roquetes, 96,0 fm), Emigdi Subirats intervista il Sig. Ernest Benach i Pasqual, il Presidente del Parlamento della Catalogna. Bisogna dire che ci sentiamo molto orgogliosi di averlo in un programma come il nostro, che

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