L’èxit de les manifestacions acorrala encara més Mubàrak
“Avui sí que cau Mubàrak, avui és el dia de la sortida, la darrera manifestació”
Centenars de milers d’egipcis demanen la “sortida” de Mubàrak
The Nation
Live From Egypt: The True Face of the Mubarak Regime
Podem seguir-ho en TV directe a: http://english.aljazeera.net/watch_now/
A twitter també va molt bé per a estar ben comunicats, informats i compartir impressions, vivències, expressions, detalls, i goig, ara molt.
Snorre Valen: Why I have nominated Wikileaks for the Nobel Peace Prize
“(…) It is always easier to support freedom of speech when the one who speaks
agree with you politically. This is one of the “tests” on liberal and
democratic values that governments tend to fail. For instance, western
governments have a long history on tolerating oppressive regimes that
are “friendly-minded”. Internet companies assist China in censoring
search engines. And many countries respond to Wikileaks‘ obvious right to publish material that is of public interest, by seeking to “shoot the messenger”. (…)”
Gràcies Wikileaks! Recomanable: THE AGE OF WIKILEAKS, Greg Mitchell (The Nation) ha fet un seguiment extraordinari de com ha anat i va.
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