La Inveterada Memòria

El racó d'Ari i Linus Fontrodona

28 d'abril de 2017
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Vistes de la mar feréstega – Els grans olis de Winslow Homer, de 1873 a 1909

Una galeria amb dates i unes quantes referències —però sense comentaris, ara per ara

(Si us agrada Homer, podeu veure’n un aplec d’aquarel·les de temàtica marinera en un post meu anterior aquí mateix a VW:  Vistes de la mar grisa – Aquarel·les de Winslow Homer – 1880-1890 )

Homer The Herring Net (1885, oil) adj
The Herring Net (1885 – oil on canvas, 76.5 x 123 cm)

Winslow_Homer_-_The_Fog_Warning (oil 1885) adj2
The Fog Warning (1885 – oil on canvas, 76 x 122 cm)

Addison Gallery of American Art
Eight Bells (1886 – oil on canvas, 64.1 × 76.5 cm)

National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.
Breezing Up [A Fair Wind] – (1873–76 – oil on canvas, 61.5 cm × 97 cm)

The Life Line -1884 - W. Homer (adj)
The Life Line (1884 – oil on canvas)

Lost_on_the_Grand_Banks -1885 adj
Lost on the Grand Banks (1885 – oil on canvas, 81 x 130 cm)

Toledo Museum of Art, Ohio
Sunlight on the Coast (1890 – oil on canvas, 76.9 x 123.3 cm)

Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City
Moonlight, Wood Island Light (1894 – oil on canvas, 78.1 x 102.2 cm)

Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City
The Gulf Stream (1899 – oil on canvas, 71.5 × 124.8 cm)

West Point, Prouts Neck (1900 – oil on canvas, 76.4 × 122.2 cm)

Driftwood 1909 adj1
Driftwood (1909 – oil on canvas – Homer’s very last work)

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