Jaume Renyer

per l'esquerra de la llibertat

21 de maig de 2024
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TPI: capgirant els judicis de Nuremberg

L’acusació formulada ahir pel fiscal del Tribunal Penal Internacional és un episodi més de la campanya encetadafa dècades i accelerada a partir de la conferència de Durban contra el racisme per tal de deslegitimar Israel pintant-lo com un estat producte del colonialisme, racista i equiparable al nazisme. Aqueixes aberracions històriques i polítiques han progressat globalment per l’afany de tots els totalitarismes que convergeixen en el suport a la causa palestina, inclòs el progressisme occidental que ha acabat assumint el relat autodestructiu del wokisme antisemita.

Una mostra d’aqueixa inversió són les acusacions d’estats anti-occidentals, és a dir, antidemocràtics, com Nicaragua i la República Sudafriacana contra Israel davant el TPI acusant-lo de crims contra la humanitat i genocidi. El poble jueu és víctima de massacres persistents a la seva terra ancestral des de 1830 per part de les autoritats otomanes i les poblacions àrabs, com ha acreditat Georges Bensoussan. El gihadisme palestí, amb el suport del règim iranià, és el continuador d’aqueixa voluntat genocida que es proclama “del riu al mar” i cerca legimitar els seus propòsits amb la campanya multidimensional orientada a justificar la destrucció de l’estat-nació del poble jueu.

Només aqueix antisemitisme ambiental globalitzat explica que un veritable genocida com el president iranià mort abans d’ahir sigui exonerat dels seus crims presentant-lo mediàticament com un “conservador” i guardant el consell de seguretat de l’ONU un minut de ssilenci en honor seu. La demonització d’Israel porta als seus fanàtics propulsors a edulcorar els actors que aspiren a materialitzar-lo, com en aqueix cas Al Raisi, obviant la repressió que exerceix contra el seu propi poble i fent córrer la brama conspiracionista que veu la mà del Mosad rere la mort del carnisser de Teheran.

Avui, han publicat aqueixa valoració a l’INSS d’Israel: The Significance of the Request for Arrest Warrants Against Netanyahu and Gallant.

Karim Khan, chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court in The Hague (ICC), announced yesterday that he has submitted a request to issue arrest warrants against the leader of Hamas in Gaza, Yahya Sinwar; the head of the military wing of Hamas, Muhammad Deif; and the head of the political bureau of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, as well as against Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, and Defense Minister, Yoav Gallant.

In relation to Hamas, Khan claimed that there is a reasonable basis to assume that Sinwar, Deif, and Haniyeh are criminally responsible for war crimes and crimes against humanity, including extermination, murder, sexual violence and rape, holding hostages, torture, inhuman acts, cruel treatment, and a serious violation of personal dignity in the circumstances of captivity. Khan also called for the immediate release of the hostages. In this aspect, it is a positive development that gives a legal answer to the claims of those who deny or justify the actions of Hamas.

In relation to Israel, Khan claimed there is a reasonable basis for assuming that Prime Minister Netanyahu and Minister of Defense Gallant bear criminal responsibility for war crimes and crimes against humanity, including starvation of the population, causing suffering and serious injury to body or health, cruel treatment, malicious killing and murder, deliberate attacks against civilians, extermination, preventing the transfer of humanitarian aid, persecution, and inhuman acts. According to Khan, the evidence gathered by the investigation teams indicates that Israel has acted deliberately and systematically to deprive the civilian population in Gaza of essential means for their survival. This is through the imposition of a complete siege on the Gaza Strip, as part of a plan to use starvation as a method of warfare and other acts of violence, including collective punishment of the population. The requested arrest warrants focus at this stage on Israel’s humanitarian policy in the Gaza Strip, which explains why they were requested only against the political echelon. However, the prosecutor notes that he continues to investigate claims concerning widespread bombings in Gaza, as well as acts of sexual crimes by Hamas.

It is important to note that the orders have not yet been issued. A request has been submitted to the pre-trial court, composed of three judges, which will decide whether to issue the warrants. If the request is accepted, it will be the first time that arrest warrants are issued against the heads of a democratic state. In this case, each of the 124 member states of the Court will be obliged to arrest the prime minister and the minister of defense if they arrive on their territory. Claims of immunity from arrest based on the laws of the state will likely not be accepted. In addition, the issuance of the warrants is expected to affect other proceedings in Israel’s case, including the genocide proceeding at the International Court of Justice that South Africa is conducting against Israel.

One should pay attention to the signal that Khan is sending to Israel regarding the principle of complementarity. According to this principle, the court has the authority to conduct investigations and proceedings regarding the commission of crimes, only when the state does not act on its own. Khan emphasizes that his office will continue to examine compliance with the principle of complementarity in relation to the alleged crimes and other lines of investigation, only if there are thorough investigations and professional legal procedures regarding the actions and policies underlying the request. The request for the arrest warrants indicates a lack of confidence in Israel’s claims that it respects the laws of war and constitutes another serious blow to Israel’s international status. The comparison drawn from it between the actions of Israel and those of Hamas is particularly serious.

Post Scriptum, 22 de maig del 2024.

Avui, a Le Figaro, Rachel Khan (juriste, scénariste, actrice et écrivain. Elle est l’auteur de “Encore debout. La République à l’épreuve des mots” Éditions de L’Observatoire, 2024), adreça aqueixa lletra oberta,  «Monsieur le procureur général de la CPI, il faut un Tribunal de Nuremberg du 7 octobre, voilà tout».

Post Scriptum, 25 de maig del 2024.

Ron Ben-Yishai analitzà ahir a Yedioth Ahronoth la resolució del TPI sobre l’ofenssiva de Rafah:  “El fallo de La Haya no limita a Israel, pero compromete su legitimidad para defenderse. El tribunal adoptó la posición estadounidense. La decisión puede incluso favorecer a Israel, si sabe aprovecharlo“.

Post Scriptum, 3 de juny del 2024.

Michel Laval, un eminent jurista francès publica avui a The Times of Israel: “Comment se taire face aux accusations de génocide imaginaire ?

Post Scriptum, 11 de juny del 2024.

Avui Tribune Juive publica aqueixa ressenya: “Noëlle Lenoir, le meilleur avocat français relie la guerre judiciaire contre Israël à la bataille des pays du Sud contre les démocraties.

Post Scriptum, 14 de juny del 2024.

Ahir, al Jerusalem Post Neville Berman va publicar aqueix article punyent:  “How the ICC twisted the lessons of the Nuremberg, Tokyo trials. The recent actions of the chief prosecutor of the ICC to want to issue arrest warrants against two leaders of Israel are against the very foundational principles of the mandate of the ICC.”

Post Scriptum, 27 de juny del 2024.

La revista K. publicà el proppassat 22 de maig aqueixa entrevista a Yann Jurovics sobre la Cour Pénale Internationale: “les dirigeants au banc des accusés“.


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