

12 de novembre de 2010
11 comentaris


Alguns productes de les meves llibretes.

  1. entrat a la meva farmaciola?
    A excepció de Voltaren (crema) ho tinc tot. Per cert i als límits. Amb això et vull dir que fa cosa d’un mes, m’alimento de tota aquesta porqueria! Apunt d’acabar existències.
    I ummmmm, senyor Angelet, el cartellet número dos i tres…  ?
    Estàs fotut?

  2. Our life on the road across a barrier of some kind of power from our hearts. In fact, we fear over the mountains, to see over the hill there is no waiting. This power, to maintain the spirit of our food and clothing, support our spiritual home, let us keep in oakley mens jawbone sunglasses difficulties in the struggle, the rise in frustration. This power, once dispersed, our struggle will lose its meaning. Therefore, for us to go beyond their own power is an important part.

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