Saül Gordillo

Bloc sense fulls

23 de novembre de 2006
3 comentaris

CiU?s challenge

Artur Mas has taken no time in laying out his strategy for the nationalist federation: contest the legitimacy of the new leftwing government that will be presided over by José Montilla and put himself forward as the "moral president" of Catalonia. By taking this line, which is justified as well as playing the victim, it seems difficult that CiU can encourage the electorate to come out in force for the spring municipal elections. We will have to see if turning the municipal elections into a second round of the parliamentary vote by presenting them as a choice between the tripartite government or CiU is the best strategy. In any case, CiU can see room for manoeuvre in the council elections in order to end its political isolation (imposed, say some, and the result of the electoral campaign, according to others) in the Parlament de Catalunya. Unusual and alternative alliances between parties?CiU-PP and PSC-ERC-ICV? should allow the party that Mas leads to find a way out of the complicated situation it is in today. Avoiding self-criticism, taking an overly aggressive tone and burning bridges is not the solution. Montilla-CarodSaura do not have an easy job. Nor has Artur Mas.

Bitllet d’opinió publicat avui al setmanari en anglès Catalonia Today.

  1.     Parlant de CIU, volia dir una cosa sobre el "Govern Moral" de CIU. Moral
    és un adjectiu derivat de la paraula llatina «more», el costum. Aixó
    significa que CIU està acostumada a manar i no en sap estar-s’hi sense.  

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