30 de setembre de 2008
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Sobre el traductor de Google

A la notícia que heu publicat sobre el nou traductor de Google caldria afegir-hi una ‘curiositat’.

Comproveu com tradueix el primer paràgraf de la notícia:
Google Transalte, the translator of Google, has joined the Catalan between the thirty-two languages currently available. This is a bi-directional translator which can translate words and full texts through which you can translate web sites at the time. So the news in Spanish can be translated into thirty different languages, including Arabic, English, Japanese and Russian, and vice versa: Websites thirty different languages can be translated into Spanish.

Tot i que la primera vegada que apareix ‘català’ ho fa correctament, les altres dues vegades tradueix per ‘Spanish’!!!

Misteriós (o misterioso, ves a saber)

Pere Folguera i Parcet, 30 de setembre del 2008

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