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El bloc de Carme-Laura Gil

23 d'octubre de 2012
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El PSOE i les seves marques blanques no cotitzen

El PSOE desapareix del mercat polític, no cotitza, no és “l’alternativa” ni per als desencisats del PP ni per als qui temen el nacionalisme no espanyol. I les seves marques blanques a Catalunya, Galícia i Euskadi ja no es venen, no tenen credibilitat.

El PSOE ha malbaratat per manca d’intel·ligència i intuició política el prestigi de la marca. Ha cregut de manera arrogant que el seu nom era sinònim d’ètica , honestedat , intel·ligència política i de regeneració virtuosa, sense que calgués haver-ho de demostrar amb fets. I en aquest paràmetre i el de la maldat de l’altri ha seguit ordinant el seu discurs, vell, polsós, centralista  i nacionalista espanyol incapaç de llegir els nous senyals del segle. 

Diumenge el PSOE es veié despullat, desvalgut a Galícia i a Euskadi i Espanya veié el PSOE reclòs en el passat.

Les marques blanques no cotitzen. El nacionalisme gallec es troba a dos escons del PSG, aquest no volgué recordar que Beiras és una bèstia política, formidable, el vell gran seductor. Al País Basc el PSE ha estat superat per 32 escons dels grups nacionalistes.

El PSC n’hauria de prendre nota.

  1. Penso que hi ha dues formes dolentes de fer oposició: la de pals a les rodes de forma sistemàtica, que es tradueix en grolleria parlamentària (el “Váyase señor González”, del senyor Aznar, els crits ensordidors en els bancs de l PP quan un altre parla o la execrable actitut del senyor Rajoy, consistent a rebentar-ho tot); i la contrària, la de voler ser tan educat i constructiu que, en la pràctica, es tradueix en la mandra de fer oposició. Crec que aquesta última ha estat la del senyor Rubalcaba. Aquest senyor no ha defensat els que hauria d’haver defensat: les víctimes de les retallades, les famílies desnonades, els avis aterrits davant l’encariment de les medecines, els infants amb escolarització precària i, sobretot -i això clama el cel- els treballadors que, amb l’excusa de crear ocupació (!!!) ara poden ser acomiadats de forma pràcticament lliure. Evidentment, aquesta defensa no es podia esperar d’alguns partits -en concret, els catalans no la podiem esperar de CiU-, però evidentment als socialistes els hauria tocat fer-la; i el cert és que tampoc l’han fet. Per a ells faran: es lògic que la gent no se’n refiï. em sap greu.
  2. El PSOE ha malbaratat per manca d’intel·ligència i intuició política el prestigi de la marca. Ha cregut de manera arrogant que el seu nom era sinònim d’ètica , honestedat , intel·ligència política i de regeneració virtuosa, sense que calgués haver-ho de demostrar amb fets. I en aquest paràmetre i el de la maldat de l’altri ha seguit ordinant el seu discurs, vell, polsós, centralista  i nacionalista espanyol incapaç de llegir els nous senyals del segle. clubbing limousine services
  3. El PSOE ha malbaratat per manca d’intel·ligència i intuició política el prestigi de la marca. Ha cregut de manera arrogant que el seu nom era sinònim d’ètica , honestedat , intel·ligència política i de regeneració virtuosa, sense que calgués haver-ho de demostrar amb fets. I en aquest paràmetre i el de la maldat de l’altri ha seguit ordinant el seu discurs, vell, polsós, centralista  i nacionalista espanyol incapaç de llegir els nous senyals del segle. clubbing limousine services
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  9. Oreck vacuum cleaners have always been light and powerful but the company has continually improved their products. Those who face trouble in maneuvering a full sized vacuum and for those who lives in lofts with hard surfaces, Stick vacuum are best choice. Dyson DC26 Specifications for components such as the motor do not necessarily relate to the performance of the entire vacuum cleaner, and therefore are only a part of the story.
  10. Check how well it handles, its weight, size and comfortability. Noise – If you are sensitive to noise, then you might want to consider buying a vacuum cleaner with insulated materials around the motors. Filtration – Check the efficiency of its filter, especially if you are prone to allergies. Attachments – Check the attachments that come with your vacuum cleaner. The following guidelines will help you find the answer. Hoover MaxExtract Finally, Wet and Dry vacuum cleaners are versatile units. The primary thing is the size of the brush head. I know where to shop for what and I love to share my opinions and findings. oral b triumph 5000 not charging Electric toothbrushes have been prescribed by dentists as a possible work around for fillings and root canals.
  11. Depending on where you are living and the amount of humidity in the air, most things will be completely dehydrated by the end of the day. Vertical air flow dehydrators have their heating element and fan located at the base of the dehydrator. Food dehydrator reviews If ever in doubt shoot for 1000 watts and 10 trays to keep it at a happy medium.
  12. For this reason, as well as for the great look and obvious durability, many people choose to purchase an all-stainless steel model dehydrator. But there are other important factors to consider when deciding which dehydrator to buy. Nesco 700 These tips may just help you the next time you decide to buy a food dehydrator or when you are doing your next batch of dehydrated food. • Ear protectors – chainsaws can be powerful and hence can also be very noisy. They can be bought with protection only at the front of the leg or all around the trouser area. this site In a recent pole to see which chainsaw is the best Husqvarna received 41 percent of the votes out of around 3,100, Stihl -came in second with 40 percent of the votes, after that Jonsered received 7 percent, Echo 4 percent and all others a whopping 8 percent.
  13. Water Lift (Sealed Suction)The sealed suction of a vacuum cleaner is measured in inches of water lift. But don’t purchase those you don’t need. read more It is currently being designed in England and its primary goal is to not suck air in and then exhaust it out but to circulate the air in a closed chamber so that dust particles are not released into the air. Today’s vacuum cleaner buyer has such a wide list of options and features to choose from when purchasing a new vacuum cleaner, that it makes choosing the right vacuum cleaner a daunting tasks. The back pack vacuum is one of these hybrids and consists of a canister like vacuum cleaner that is worn on the back like a back pack with a long hose that is used to clean walls ceilings and hard to reach places. miele s4212 costco Ask the salesperson about the vacuum’s airflow since this is a big factor to the cleaner’s effectiveness. Vacuum cleaners with filtration systems cost more, but are more effective in filtering out up to 99. The rechargeable battery comes to your help at that time. Cheaper shavers tend to take more time to shave and can leave an irritation rash on your skin. Braun Series 3 350cc You will get both dry and wet shave facility available with most of the electric shaver regardless of the type of the shaver’s head.
  14. You should also invest in a good ground sheet to reinforce the tent for camping and protect it from rips, tears and wear, as well as to keep the groundwater away from youKeeping these simple pointers in mind will have you well on your way to learning how to build a camping tent. With the availability of affordable high quality camping tents and some planning you will find yourself camping in your tent like a seasoned camper.For those of you yearning to spend time camping outdoors, camping tents are a must have and a worthwhile investment. msr hubba hp These tents are very popular due to their versatility; however, they are not designed for cold winter weather.
  15. If you are going camping with kids, consider one with more than one room with a divider that you can take off to have one large room when the kids are younger and then divide the tent up in later years when they start requiring their own space for their games (if you need a quiet space for yourself). Online sources provide the best prices compared to your local shops, but you get the best knowledge and advice from you local salesperson. kelty gunnison 2.1 review Yet depending on the geographic area, ask yourself how often could you experience more extreme weather? We all know that sudden rain storms and high winds do happen, and if you typically camp in areas where the possibility of extreme weather can happen, you want to be prepared. Vacuum cleaner ratings depend on the following:o Brand dependabilityo Efficiencyo Effectivenesso Durabilityo After sales serviceo Availability of parts and accessoriesBest way to access the above is to talk to your friends, neighbors, associates and most importantly, to have a little chat with the store sales person. If you have furniture that is difficult to get under, be sure your vacuum cleaner has a low enough profile cleaning nozzle to reach these areas and so on. Electrolux Ergorapido This is a good reason to choose full sized vacuum cleaners versus medium or compact ones.
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