Indústries i caminars.

Bloc de Sílvia Martínez

19 de febrer de 2008
0 comentaris

The Catalan Countries recognize Kosovo.

Countries that have recognized

or Announced the recognition

of Republic of Kosova

Recognized by 14 out of 192 United Nations members
Thank You!!! United States Recognition Text
Thank You!!! France Recognition Text
Thank You!!! United Kingdom
Thank You!!! Germany
Thank You!!! Estonia
Thank You!!! Afghanistan
Thank You!!! Italy
Thank You!!! Latvia
Thank You!!! Albania Recognition Text
Thank You!!! Australia
Thank You!!! Belgium
Thank You!!! Turkey Recognition Text
Thank You!!! Finland Recognition Text
Thank You!!! Lithuania Recognition Text


Salutacions Senyor de les muntanyes!!


Countries that will recognize Kosova…

39 out of 192 are ready to recognize Republic of Kosova


Thank you for all the emails!!!

We have received many many emails from people the world over wishing
Kosova the best of luck and congratulating on this historic event. We
will compile a list of comments and publish them soon.
We Thank You All!!! from Kosova

Video: Send in your videos of how you are celebrating
the Independence Day!!!

What could be called as Independence 2.0, Kosovars are being called
upon to record their own videos of the celebrations, and send them to
"Jeta ne Kosove". Of course they would eventually end up on YouTube!!!
A coverage never before seen of a special event like this.


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