
El bloc de l’Associació Catalana d’Esperanto

79è Congrés Italià d?Esperanto

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El congrés italià d’esperanto d’enguany ha tingut lloc a Mazzara del Valo, bonic lloc de la costa siciliana, la setmana del 18 al 25 d’agost.

Hi varen assistir 325 persones de 32 països diferents, des de Corea del Sud i Austràlia fins a Canadà, passant per Amèrica del Nord i del Sud i per tota Europa.

Catalunya va ser representada per dues companyes: M.Dolors Godoy i Isabel Sancho.
L’estada es feu a l’hotel Hopps, davant mateix de la gran badia de Mazzara amb una cuina mediterrània excel·lent.

Es feren tallers d’iniciació a l’esperanto, al rus i a l’italià, d’altres de nivell intermedi, tallers d’origami, i de cant. Aquest darrer taller fou molt interessant ja que el conduïen la famosa parella frisona Kajto i els talleristes varen fer una coral que va actuar amb molt d’èxit a la vesprada de cloenda.

La nit de la festa internacional en la qual tothom portava per tastar els licors típics del seu país, ja us podeu imaginar l’alegria que regnava al final!

Els concerts es feien en la plaça pública principal per tal que en gaudissin també els convilatans i a més de Kajto, una de les actuacions més aplaudides fou, com no, la del cantant occità JoMo.

L’alcalde a més d’acompanyar als interessats a fer una ruta per tot el casc antic de la ciutat, ens va oferir també una desfilada amb coreografia i música, molt a la italiana, amb un llarg recorregut que va durar més de dues hores i que va acabar a la plaça.

Una cosa curiosa fou que el diumenge els catòlics varen poder assistir, a la Catedral de San Vito, a una missa en esperanto!

Una notícia interessant és que el dit alcalde ha arribat a un acord amb l’Associació esperantista italiana i s’ha fet aquest any un curs d’esperanto a totes les escoles de Mazzara que han seguit prop de 500 estudiants i que es repetirà els propers anys.

Boniques excursions, moltíssima calor ja que de dies sobrepassàvem els 40ºC i a la nir vorejàvem els 30ºC però uns dies de germanor molt agradables com passa a totes les trobades esperantistes.

Dolors Godoy 

  1. The North thiết bị văn phòng American automotive sector is structured by supply chains that cross national borders and link specialized production facilities spread widely through the three NAFTA nations. To build this one component of the final automobile, parts are brought together from thirteen different suppliers – three in Canada and ten in the US – located in Ohio, Michigan, North Carolina, Alabama, Kentucky, Illinois, Indiana and Ontario. This leads into many important and interesting themes.
    Trade policy issues can be considered here. The North American auto industry began with the Auto Pact of 1965 which created an integrated Canada-US production and marketing system. Mexican involvement increased as its parts industry developed. The 1988 Canada-US Free Trade Agreement (FTA) formalized the new system that had emerged since 1965. This led to the creation of larger, more efficient production units and encouraged national specializations. In 1994 the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) further extended the system – particularly Mexico’s involvement – but the NAFTA agreements implied national companies trading at arm’s length, not transnational companies trading as a function of joint production within their corporate systems.
    The three national governments have continued to emphasize that NAFTA is a classic free trade agreement among sovereign nations. To address this issue, students might consider: how does trade theory cope with the reality of deeply integrated, cross border production systems? How might NAFTA be reshaped to better recognize and support these arrangements? What has emerged in North America is not just a free trade agreement among three autonomous nations. What is it? máy may brother
  2. Trade policy issues can be considered here. The North American auto industry began with the Auto Pact of 1965 which created an integrated Canada-US production and marketing system. Mexican [url=
    in thẻ nhựa[/url] involvement increased as its parts industry developed. The 1988 Canada-US Free Trade Agreement (FTA) formalized the new system that had emerged since 1965. This led to the creation of larger, more efficient production units and encouraged national specializations. In 1994 the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) further extended the system – particularly Mexico’s involvement – but the NAFTA agreements implied national companies trading at arm’s length, not transnational companies trading as a function of joint production within their corporate systems.
    The three national governments have continued to emphasize that NAFTA is a classic free trade agreement among sovereign nations. To address this issue, students might consider: how does trade theory cope with the reality of deeply integrated, cross border production systems? How might NAFTA be reshaped to better recognize and support these arrangements? What has emerged in North America is not just a free trade agreement among three autonomous nations. 
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  6. El Centro de <a href=>tai lieu</a> Investigaciones Sociológicas (CIS) espanyol, 
    <a href=>bao cao thuc tap</a>  
    dependent del Ministerio de Presidencia, realitzà un estudi específic per a Catalunya, fet gens comú al CIS, 

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