Raül Romeva i Rueda


Publicat el 26 de maig de 2011

Verds/Ale lideren reducció emissions al 30% pel 2020

Comissió de Medi Ambient del PE ha votat aquesta setmana a favor de reduir fins
a un 30% les emissions de gasos efecte hivernacle pel 2020 (actualment l’objectiu
és el 20%). La proposta la va fer el meu col·lega dels Verds Holandesos
(GroenLinks), Bas Eickhout, en el marc de l’informe
que ell mateix va liderar en relació a la Política Europea sobre Canvi Climàtic.

a continuació les declaracions d’en Bas:

“Today’s vote sends a timely and important signal
to European governments that stepping up to a higher emissions target is not
only essential for tackling the climate crisis, but would also give a boost to
the economy and innovation. We welcome the support of a large majority of MEPs
on the environment committee to this end (1) and expect that this will be
endorsed by the whole of the EP.

“Different research has underlined that the EU’s
current 20% emissions target for 2020 is completely obsolete. It is acting as a
barrier to proactive emissions reductions efforts and investments in green
technologies, and hence job creation. Stepping up to a 30% emissions reduction
target will create millions of extra jobs and boost public revenues, as well as
bringing major health benefits for our citizens.

“The inertia with the EU’s emissions target is
also a stumbling block in international efforts to tackle climate change in the
UNFCCC. Various countries have now pledged more ambitious climate change
actions than the EU and the EU’s refusal to increase from its outdated 20%
target means it is now a laggard rather than a leader in the area of
international climate diplomacy. EU governments should end their perpetual
prevarication and step up to a 30% target without delay.”

(1) 44 in favour, 14 against, 1 abstention.

Font foto: Stockxpert

  1. A altres es preocupa molt més les emissions que puguen generar les centrals nuclears i els residus nuclears, sense deixar de banda el fet I+D+I en el desenvolupament d’energies alternatives amb menys emissions de CO2 i de les energies renovables.

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