Raül Romeva i Rueda


Publicat el 27 d'abril de 2007

UNPA2007: Campanya en favor d?una Assemblea Parlamentària de Nacions Unides

Aquest matí hem presentat, a Madrid, la Campanya en favor d’una  Assamblea Parlamentària de Nacions Unides. Érem una quinzena de diputats i diputades dels Parlaments català, espanyol i europeu, juntament amb representants de la societat civil, com Federico Mayor Zaragoza o Josep Xercavins (promotors d’UBUNTU), entre d’altres. Les peticions i intents de reformar Nacions Unides són constants. La nostra és una més, que respon i pretén alimentar la iniciativa ciutadana de reclamar més, millors i més democràtiques NNUU. Entre els promotors ens trobem diversos diputats i diputades que formem part del Grup de Treball per a la Reforma de Nacions Unides al Parlament Europeu. La nostra proposta es fonamenta en la següent argumentació: (segueix…)

?Humanity faces the task of ensuring the survival and well being of future generations as well as the preservation of the natural foundations of life on Earth. We are convinced that in order to cope with major challenges such as social disparity, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, the threat of terrorism or the endangerment of global ecosystems, all human beings must engage in collaborative efforts.

To ensure international cooperation, secure the acceptance and to enhance the legitimacy of the United Nations and strengthen its capacity to act, people must be more effectively and directly included into the activities of the United Nations and its international organizations. They must be allowed to participate better in the UN?s activities. We therefore recommend a gradual implementation of democratic participation and representation on the global level.

We conceive the establishment of a consultative Parliamentary Assembly at the United Nations as an indispensable step. Without making a change of the UN Charter necessary in the first step, a crucial link between the UN, the organizations of the UN system, the governments, national parliaments and civil society can be achieved through such an assembly.

Such an assembly would not simply be a new institution; as the voice of citizens, the assembly would be the manifestation and vehicle of a changed consciousness and understanding of international politics. The assembly could become a political catalyst for further development of the international system and of international law. It could also substantially contribute to the United Nation?s capacity to realize its high objectives and to shape globalization positively.

A Parliamentary Assembly at the United Nations could initially be composed of national parliamentarians. Step by step, it should be provided with genuine rights of information, participation and control vis-à-vis the UN and the organizations of the UN system. In a later stage, the assembly could be directly elected.

We appeal to the United Nations and the governments of its member states to establish a Parliamentary Assembly at the United Nations. We call for all organizations, decision-makers and citizens engaged with the international common interest to support this appeal. 

Font foto: NNUU

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