Raül Romeva i Rueda


Tonyina Vermella: l’hora de la veritat…europea

Fa mesos, de fet anys, que en parlem, li he dedicat nombrosos apunts en aquest bloc (els podeu trobar a la categoria Mars i Oceans), i els mitjans europeus hi paren cada cop més atenció (veure per exemple, aquesta nit, a les 23.05, a Canal +, el Documental ‘The End of the Line’). Parlo de l’estat dels nostres mars i, en particular, d’algunes espècies especialment amenaçades, com al Tonyina Vermella.

Fa uns dies els grans xefs francesos es van sumar a la ja llarga llista de grups, entitats i organitzacions que reclamen de fa temps una actitud més responsable en relació a la Tonyina Vermella, i demanàven donar suport a la proposta de Mònaco d’incloure l’espècie a l’Apèndix I de la Convenció que regula el comerç internacional d’espècies amenaçades (CITES), decisió que s’hauria de prendre el mes de març a la reunió que tindrà lloc a Doha.

A manca de saber encara quina és la postura oficial que prendrà la Comissió Europea (sabem, això sí, que hi ha una disputa entre la DG Medi Ambient, a favor de la proposta de Mònaco, i la DG Mare, contrària), els qui haurem de posicionar-nos aquesta setmana en plenària serem, finalment, el Parlament Europeu.

El context serà el debat relacionat amb la pregunta Oral a la Comissió i al Consell en relació a les principals prioritats de cara a la propera reunió de CITES, i la votació dimecres de la Resolució a càrrec de la Comissió de Medi Ambient (ENVI), intitulat: Principales objetivos de cara a la Conferencia de las Partes de la Convención CITES (
B7-0069/2010). És especialment important que en el votació es mantingui la redacció actual del paràgraf quart segons el qual el Parlament Europeu: Insta a la Comisión y a los Estados miembros a que apoyen la inclusión del atún rojo (Thunnus thynnus) en el Apéndice I de la CITES, de acuerdo con la propuesta del Principado de Mónaco;.

Diversos diputats i diputades, entre els quals nombrosos espanyols del PP i del PSOE, han presentat esmenes per intentar eliminar o, almenys, diluir, aquest redactat. Seria un greu error que alguna d’aquestes esmenes prosperessin.

En aquests moments estic preparant la meva intervenció per demà a la tarda, moment en què tindrà lloc el debat.

Font foto: WWF.

  1. Raul, esperem que inclos en el CITES o no, al final es consegueixi que les captures sobre la tonyina no fagin que desapareixi dels nostres mars. Al final sempre crec el mateix, una cosa es la llei i l’altre l’aplicacio d’aquesta. No dupto mai de les  bones intencions, pero sembla que sempre queda un forat per on pasar i seguir fent el de sempre. Vivim una societat plena de normes i lleis, pero sembla que el que viu sempre  al marge , en ell no l’afecte. Espero s’aprobi aquesta llei i al mateix temps es doti de medis i diners per poder perseguir i condemnar els que no la compleixin. Doncs sino  estarem al principi de la correguda.
    Sort, felicitacions i endavant !!! 






    Plenary vote: Wednesday 10 February 2010

    WWF calls on all MEPs to support a ban on international trade in Atlantic bluefin tuna, under CITES, at this week’s plenary vote – by voting for listing bluefin tuna on CITES Appendix I.  By doing this, Parliament will vote to save bluefin tuna and secure future jobs for Europe’s tuna fishermen.


    In the light of the dangerous decline of bluefin tuna stocks, science shows that Atlantic bluefin tuna meets the criteria for listing in Appendix I of CITES.  This has been endorsed by the Scientific Committee of ICCAT and the overwhelming majority of the FAO Expert Panel which assessed the CITES proposals.


    The majority of Member States have declared support for Appendix I listing, including: France, UK, Germany, Poland, Austria, Netherlands ;

    Italy is now ‘open to Appendix I’ and considering its position.  Spain seems still opposed to the proposal.


    Listing on Appendix I of CITES could permit:

    Low catch levels which would ensure recovery for the species.

    European artisanal fishermen to continue fishing for bluefin tuna (see French proposal below)

    Bluefin tuna (BFT) to be sold to the internal European market.


    CITES Appendix I will only cut international trade and hence the flows of tuna to the Japanese market, which has been the economic driver for the overcapacity of the industrial purse seine fleets, and the virtual collapse of the tuna population.


    NOTE: Appendix II listing would change nothing and only confirm the status quo, since CITES provides that pre-existing agreements on marine species, like ICCAT, override their listing on Appendix II. 


    To date ICCAT has failed to manage tuna stocks, by systematically setting fishing quotas typically two to three times higher than the levels scientifically advised. The current quota for 2010 is 1.7 times higher than the level which scientists said would give just a 50% chance of rebuilding the stock. Listing in CITES App I will help ICCAT to efficiently manage the fishery by creating the conditions for setting low catch levels consistent with the recovery of the species’ populations.




    EU position on bluefin tuna at CITES:

    The Council will shortly reach its position on BFT for the CITES conference. Although several large Member States supported Appendix I listing at the end of 2009, France, Italy and Spain were not supportive.  Since then, both France and Italy have changed their position:


    France: announced on 3rd February its official support for listing BFT on Appendix I of CITES, by ensuring that its artisanal fleet can continue to fish in French waters and sell the products in the European market (legally possible under CITES App I and EU regulation 338-97).  France will create an Exclusive Economic Zone beyond the current territorial waters strip (12 mn), which will allow fish caught in this zone to be sold on the EU market. This has been welcomed by French artisanal fishermen. (A similar Fisheries Protection Zone was already created by Spain in 1997).


    Italy: Last week senior Fisheries official Mr Buonfiglio announced that Italy had agreed a 1-3 year moratorium on industrial purse seining and was open to support a CITES listing on Appendix I.  Hence, Italy has also acted to save its own artisanal fishery. Mr Buonfiglio publicly welcomed the official French support for Appendix I listing and called on France to set an immediate moratorium on industrial purse seine vessels.


    Spain alone seems not to share the wish to preserve its artisanal fishery to supply the internal EU market.  In opposing Appendix I listing (as it seems), the Spanish authorities are defending the activity of just SIX Spanish industrial purse seine vessels – against the interests of the much more numerous artisanal vessels, which includes the oldest bluefin fishery in the world: the traditional tuna traps in the Straits of Gibraltar.


    UK: On 3rd February Minister Huw Irranca-Davies officially confirmed the full support of UK for the listing of Atlantic bluefin tuna in CITES App I.


    CITES Secretariat official announcement of support: 5th February;


    “The Secretariat concurs with the majority of the FAO Ad Hoc Expert Advisory Panel, that this species meets the criteria for inclusion in Appendix I. On the basis of the available information… the Secretariat recommends that this proposal [listing on Appendix I] be adopted”[1].


    Parliament’s plenary vote on CITES:


    Next Wednesday, you have the opportunity to vote for saving the Atlantic bluefin tuna and for helping small-scale traditional EU fishermen to keep their jobs and future.




    WWF urges all MEPs to


    CITES Appendix I listing for bluefin tuna




    For further information contact:

    Sergi Tudela, WWF International Fisheries expert –  studela@atw-wwf.org

    Elizabeth Drury, WWF European Parliament liaison – edrury@wwf.panda.org

    Isabelle Laudon, WWF France – ILaudon@wwf.fr

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