Raül Romeva i Rueda


Toca concretar la Iniciativa Ciutadana Europea / Time to define what the Citizens Iniciative must be

(In english, below, after the Catalan text)

Tal i com ja explicava en un apunt anterior, un dels aspectes positius del Tractat de Lisboa és la figura de la Iniciativa Ciutadana Europea. El text, prou inespecífic, diu: “not less than one million citizens who are nationals of a significant number of Member States may take the initiative of inviting the Commission, within the framework of its powers, to submit any appropriate proposal on matters where citizens consider that a legal act of the Union is required for the purpose of implementing the Treaties”.

La Comissió proposarà un Reglament que haurà de ser debatut i votat tant pel Consell com pel Parlament Europeu. La Comissió preveu/voldria que el Reglament pugui ser adoptat als voltants de desembre del 2010.

Com a primer pas, la Comissió ha publicat un Llibre Verd (Green Paper) en què ha subratllat els aspectes més importants de la proposta per tal que la ciutadania, la societat civil, les autoritats públiques dels Estats Membres o qualsevol altra persona/institució interessades puguin expressar la seva opinió sobre com hauria de funcionar aquesta iniciativa. Adjunto la presentació de la proposta:

‘Key issues linked to the implementation of the Citizens Initiative are the following:
    •    Minimum number of Member States from which citizens must come
    •    Minimum number of signatures per Member State
    •    Eligibility to support a citizens’ initiative – minimum age
    •    Form and wording of a citizens’ initiative
    •    Requirements for the collection, verification and authentication of signatures
    •    Time limit for the collection of signatures
    •    Registration of proposed initiatives
    •    Requirements for organisers of citizen’s initiatives
    •    Transparency and funding
    •    Examination of citizens’ initiatives by the Commission
    •     Initiatives on the same issue.

Les contribucions s’han de fer arribar a la COmissió abans del 31 de gener del present.

Donada la importància de la figura en qüestió, convido a tothom qui tingui propostes que les faci, per tal que la proposta que ens arribi al Parlament sigui ja una proposta treballada per la societat.

Tota la informació necessària es pot trobar al web de la Comissió:

El Grup Verds/Ale tenim previst discutir algunes de les activitats i propostes al respecte a gener de 2010. Us mantindré informats/des.

(follow in English)


One of the aims of the Lisbon Treaty, which entered into force on 1 December 2009, is to increase citizen participation in EU processes through the EU Citizen’s initiative –  “not less than one million citizens who are nationals of a significant number of Member States may take the initiative of inviting the Commission, within the framework of its powers, to submit any appropriate proposal on matters where citizens consider that a legal act of the Union is required for the purpose of implementing the Treaties”

A Regulation will establish the rules for such initiatives.  Ths Commission will propose a Regulation which will be decided between the Council and the European Parliament.  The Commission is keen  for this Regulation to be adopted by December 2010.

As a first step, the Commission  has  published a Green Paper outlining the most important questions  regarding  the implementation of the Citizens’ Initiative in order to give citizens, civil society, public authorities in Member States and all other  interested stakeholders the opportunity to  give their  opinion on how the citizens’ initiative should work.

Key issues linked to the implementation of the Citizens Initiative are the following:
    •    Minimum number of Member States from which citizens must come
    •    Minimum number of signatures per Member State
    •    Eligibility to support a citizens’ initiative – minimum age
    •    Form and wording of a citizens’ initiative
    •    Requirements for the collection, verification and authentication of signatures
    •    Time limit for the collection of signatures
    •    Registration of proposed initiatives
    •    Requirements for organisers of citizen’s initiatives
    •    Transparency and funding
    •    Examination of citizens’ initiatives by the Commission
    •     Initiatives on the same issue.

Given the importance of the future proposal for citizens and the  fact that civil society  can participate in shaping the legislative proposal, we invite you to  circulate this information to all interested parties and encourage them to  give their input in this Consultation

All the necessary information can be found on the European Commission website :

The Greens/EFA Group  will  discuss a series of activities at the beginning of January  2010 on the Citizens Initiative . We will keep you informed about the  latest developments.

Foto: Tractat de Lisboa. Font: EC.

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