Raül Romeva i Rueda


Publicat el 26 d'abril de 2011

Fukushima només confirma l?enunciat declivi de la indústria nuclear

La setmana passada el Grup dels Verds/ALE vàrem
acollir al Parlament Europeu la presentació d’un nou estudi independent relatiu
a l’estatus de la industria nuclear. Es tracta d’una versió preliminar del The
World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2010-11
. La versió
final està previst que sigui presentada avui pel Worldwatch Institute, a Washington.

En essència, l’estudi deixa clar que la
industria nuclear es trobava ja en clar declivi, fins i tot molt abans de l’accident
de Fukushima.

Un cop més reivindico el clam que molta gent portem
anys fent per tal que la UE adopti una estratègia energètica basada en l’abandonament
de la nuclear. En aqeust sentit, faig meves les paraules de la co-presidenta
del Grup Verds/ALE, Rebecca Harms, qui a la presenteació de l’estudi esmentat
deia el següent:

“This report makes clear that the world
nuclear industry is in far poorer shape than its aggressive PR campaign would
lead you to believe. Even before Fukushima and the renewed nuclear safety
concerns provoked by the accident, the decline of the nuclear industry was
evident. If one good thing can come from the nuclear accident in Japan, it is
that we have now reached the final chapter for nuclear power.

“With many of the existing nuclear plants
reaching the end of their lifespan, and rethinks on nuclear in a number of
countries since Fukushima (most recently yesterday in Italy), we can expect the
share of nuclear power to decline more noticeably in the coming years

Així mateix, un altre col·lega del Grup, en Bas
va afegir:

“25 years on from Chernobyl, we are starting to witness a decline in
the output of nuclear power, while, on the other hand, renewable energy is
booming, with renewable energy capacity ahead of nuclear power in terms of
installed capacity for the first time in 2010. Concerns about nuclear safety
clearly remain as relevant today as they were 25 years ago. What has changed is
that we now have a completely viable, safe and sustainable alternative for
power generation, namely renewable energy. All that is lacking is the political
will to finally ensure a safe and sustainable energy future for Europe and

NOTA:Podeu trobar el text de l’informe (en format PDF) aquí

Foto: carretera direcció Txernòbil. Font: Ecologistas en acción

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