Raül Romeva i Rueda


Resultats/valoració votacions sobre estratègia marina, mercuri i control tràfec aeri: legislar en favor del Medi Ambient

Tal i com estava previst el plenari del Parlament Europeu hem votat avui, entre d

altres assumptes, en relació a tres qüestions especialment rellevants pel medi ambient: Directiva sobre estratègia marina, Directiva sobre prohibició d

usar mercuri en termòmetres i baròmetres, i Sistema de gestió del tràfec aeri (SESAR). Pel què fa a la Primera qüestió, l

Informe Lienemann sobre la Directiva d

Estratègia Marina
(ja comentada en altres apunts d

aquest bloc), (segueix…)

el vot positiu que la majoria de l

Eurocambra li ha atorgat posa de manifest no només el suport del Parlament a la proposta de la Comissió, sinó que l

enforteix, ja que estableix un marc mitjançant el qual els Estats membres han d

assolir un bon estat ecològic dels mars i oceans europeus com a molt tard l

any 2017 (la proposta original de la Comissió parlava de 2021). En concret hauran d

adoptar, per tal d

assolir aquest fi, mesures que:


a) protegeixin i conservin el medi marí o en permetin la seva recuperació o, en aquells casos en què sigui possible, reestableixin el seu funcionament, els processos i l’estructura de la biodiversitat marina i dels ecosistemes marins;


b) previnguin i eliminin de manera progressiva la contaminació del medi marí per tal de garantir que no es produeixin repercussions o riscos greus per a la biodiversitat marina, els ecosistemes marins, la salut humana o els legítims usos del mar;


c) mantinguin l’ús dels serveis i els bens marins, així com les altres activitats desenvolupades en el medi marí a nivells que siguin sostenibles i no comprometin els usos i activitats de les generacions venideres, ni la capacitat de reacció dels ecosistemes marins davant dels canvis provocats per la natura o per l’ésser humà.”


Per cert, que en relació a la denuncia que fa avui Oceana sobre que Espanya, França, Polònia i Portugal lideren l

oposició a que es reguli l

explotació dels fons marins (en concret denuncien que aquests països

rebutgen les propostes destinades a evitar el col.lapse d

espècies que viuen en profunditat i reclamen quotes de pesca que clarament posen en risc el futur de la pesca d

aquestes espècies

recordo que ara fa uns díes vaig presentar una pregunta a la Comissió sobre aquesta qüestió (veure Pregunta num


Pel què fa als altres dos aspectes, el del mercuri i el del control del tràfec aeri, adjunto les notes de premsa que han elaborat els nostres ponents en l

ombra per a cadascun dels dos temes, Carl Schlyter (dels verds suecs) pel primer, i Caroline Lucas (dels verds anglesos) pel segon:


Toxic substances (mercury): EP reneges on agreement, jeopardising mercury ban


Following today

s vote by the European Parliament to exempt barometers from an EU ban on mercury in measuring devices, Swedish Green MEP and environment spokesman Carl Schlyter said:



s decision of the EP to exempt barometers from an EU ban on mercury in measuring devices
 risks completely derailing this important legislative proposal on this highly toxic substance. It is a disgrace that a handful of small producers of new barometers should be able to hold public health to ransom by de facto blocking an agreement on the phase out mercury in fever thermometers and it is irresponsible of those MEPs who have pushed for this.


“The EP and Council had agreed on a text on the phase out of mercury from all measuring devices (with an exemption for antique barometers), however today

s vote in the EP reneges on that agreement and casts serious doubt over the possibility of finalising this legislation prior to the REACH regulation. If we fail to agree on the phase-out of mercury
 in measuring devices prior to finalising REACH, it could be years before a proper ban on this toxic substance is adopted (1).


“Mercury-based measuring devices (e.g.  fever thermometers, devices for the measurement of blood pressure , barometers) have been estimated to account for the release of about 8 tons/year from a consumption of 33 tons/ year, with an additional 27 tons entering the waste stream from old equipment. Mercury is highly toxic and poses a global and chronic problem and it would be a major setback for the environment if the EU failed to introduce these restrictions.”


Editors notes:


(1) In order to ensure a first reading agreement on this proposal, in advance of REACH being finalised, the four biggest political groups in the EP and Council had agreed on a proposal to ban mercury in all fever thermometers and in all measuring devices for sale to the general public. Today’s EP vote overturns that agreement by granting an exemption to producers of barometers and thus jeopardises the prospects for ensuring a first reading agreement in advance of the final agreement on REACH. If there is no agreement prior to REACH, a mercury restriction would then have to be introduced under the REACH framework after it has come into force – this would likely delay any action on mercury for a number of years.


Aviation and climate change: New EU air control system must also play a role in limiting climatic impact of aviation


 Commenting on today

s vote in the European Parliament on a new air traffic management system for Europe (SESAR),
Green MEP and rapporteur for the EP on climate change and aviation, Caroline Lucas said:


“Aviation is the fastest growing source of climate change, with flights set to double by 2020. Equipping air traffic management systems to play a role in reducing the climate damage of airlines is an important concrete step in combating climate change and we welcome today

s EP vote, which supported Green proposals to this end.


“Under the proposals adopted by the EP, the new EU air traffic management system (SESAR) would be given competences in the area of speed control to reduce fuel consumption and, consequently, emissions. In addition, SESAR would integrate cooperation with meteorological services to limit the overall climate impact of airlines: this would include using meteorological forecasts to help select flight paths (altitudes) that would limit the extent of vapour contrails (1).


“The rapidly growing climatic impact of aviation is undermining progress made in reducing emissions from other sectors and the EU needs to do all it can to address this. While introducing a separate emissions trading scheme (with rigorous caps) and a kerosene tax must be priorities, the EU should do all within its power combat the climate threat of aviation. Air traffic management clearly has an important role to play in this regard.”


Editors notes:


(1) The impact from aviation on climate change is far from confined to its growing CO2-emissions. Pollution of the highly sensitive stratosphere contributes considerably to the destruction of the ozone layer. The damage caused by H2O or vapour contrails (such as building artificial cirrus clouds) is affected by prevalent meteorological conditions.


Font foto: WWF-Adena


  1. No dic que l’argent viu no sigui tòxic. Però al cap i a la fi és un material natural. Tant contamina? Vull dir comparat amb d’altres coses com ara aires condicionats o vehicles (terrestres o areis)….que es fan servir molt més sovint.

    No seria més pràctic reciclar-lo com les piles?

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