Raül Romeva i Rueda


Publicat el 16 de maig de 2011

Menjar més del què hi ha, és intel.ligent?

M’acaba d’arribar un document molt interessant que posa clarament de manifest com els/les ciutadans/es europeus/es consumim molt més peix del que produeixen els nostres mars, de manera que hem esdevingut un continent netament depenent dels productes marins d’altres mars i oceans.

Si a la UE només consumíssim peix provinent dels nostres mars, ens quedaríem sense el proper 2 de juliol. A partir de llavors, tot el que consumim seria importat.

L’estudi l’han fet des NEFneweconomics (economics as if people and planet mattered, i l’editen conjuntament amb Oceans2012

El títol és Fish dependence – 2011 update. The increasing reliance of the EU on fish from elsewhere, i el podeu trobar aquí.

Adjunto a continuació el resum executiu.

Executive Summary

European Union (EU) fish stocks are in an unprecedentedly poor state yet fish consumption throughout Europe remains high. The EU has been able to maintain and even expand its levels of consumption by sourcing fish from other regions of the globe, both through the catches of its distant-water fleet and imports. This report highlights Europe’s increasing reliance on fish products originating from external waters for its fish supplies, and provides pointers towards a more sustainable future for dwindling global fish stocks.

nef (the new economics foundation) has estimated the degree of ‘self-sufficiency’ in fish consumption achieved by the EU as a whole and for each of its Member States; self-sufficiency is defined as the capacity of EU Member States to meet demand for fish from their own waters. We have expressed the degree of self-sufficiency in the form of a ‘fish dependence day’. Based on a Member State’s or region’s total annual fish consumption, the fish dependency day is the date in the calendar when it would start to depend on fish from elsewhere because its own supplies were depleted.

For the EU as a whole this is now 2 July, indicating that one-half of fish consumed in the EU is sourced from non-EU waters. Last year it was 9 July, which indicates that there has been a further decline of almost 200,000 tonnes of fisheries products over 12 months. Since 2000, the EU’s fish dependence day has fallen earlier and earlier in the year and is now more than one month earlier than in 2000, revealing a continuously increasing level of fish dependence.

Of course, Member States with little or no access to EU waters, such as Austria, Slovakia and Slovenia, become fish dependent earlier in the year. Surprisingly, though, this is also the case for some Member States with greater access to EU waters. These include Spain, Portugal, Italy, Germany and France – all of whom source more than one-half of their fish from non-EU waters.

Our calculations include domestic aquaculture (fish farming) in EU countries, a growing enterprise that has served to marginally offset the overexploitation of EU fish stocks but has not halted or reversed the upward trend in fish dependence. If we discount aquaculture, the EU’s fish dependence day moves forward to 7 June; for big aquaculture producers such as Spain, France, Italy and Greece, their respective national fish dependence day would occur more than one month earlier.

In a context of finite resources and growing populations, the current EU model is unsustainable. The EU’s increasing fish dependence has implications for the sustainability of fish stocks globally, which are also overfished, and for the communities that depend on them.

The main message of this report is that rising fish consumption in a context of declining stocks is environmentally unviable and socially unfair. The EU has highly productive waters that have the potential to sustain a long-term and stable supply of fish, jobs and related social and economic benefits, but only if its fish resources are managed responsibly.

The reform of the EU’s Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) offers a perfect opportunity to put the structures in place to turn this situation around. To transform the management of the EU’s marine resources, the new CFP needs to provide a policy framework that will restore marine ecosystems to healthy levels and deliver a fair allocation of resources. At a minimum this will require the following actions.

Reduce capacity in line with the available resources; improve data collection, transparency and reporting; and prioritise scientific advice in determining catch quotas.

Create a context in which being profitable is aligned with doing the right thing, by making access to resources conditional on social and environmental criteria.

Promote responsible consumption among all EU consumers, and implement measures that are conducive to more responsible fishing outside EU waters.

Use public funds to deliver social and environmental goods by investing in environmentally constructive measures, research, and stakeholder involvement, as well as enforcing sustainable quotas and practices.

In order for this to happen, policy-makers need to look beyond the short-term costs that could result from reform and give priority to the long-term benefits that healthy marine resources will provide.

  1. De fa temps que ens avises del perill de la sobrepesca que farà que ens quedem sense peixos.
    D’altra banda fa uns dies es va sentir la noticia que la indústria càrnica contamina més que la del transport, amb la qual cosa caldria reduir-la.

    Si ens fem tots vegetarians caldria  augmentar els terrenys conreables amb la qual cosa ens podem carregar grans quantitats de natura verge….

    Si fessim cas de les pel·lícules futuristes de fa quaranta anys a hores d’ara estariem menjant aliments sintètics, podria ser una solució però caldria fabricar-los amb la consegüent contaminació i consumició de recursos.

    Què hem de fer?

  2. Al terratrèmol de Llorca als espanyols el preparaven entrepans de xoriço, embutits i demes porqueries per a l’apat, mentre als magrebís, subsaharians i mussulmans en general es tenien que preparar entrepans amb tonyinya i peix en conserva.

    La paradoxa és que tant al Sudest asiàtic, la xina, el japó, països nordics i africa poden consumir moltissims més recurs pesquers que a la Unió Europea, el que passa és que no costen en un codi de barres amb la taxa seva corresponent taxa d’IVA.

    I la segona és que n’hi ha que desenvolupar l’agricultura i mobilitzar els recurs hídrics de la formes més addients de zones més humides a les zones en desertització.

    Per a que l’activitat humana amb l’arboricultura i agricultura ajude a contribuïr com a pulmó verd, a augmentar la pluviomètria i per tant a frenar la desertització amb un augment de la humitat ambient, alhora que ajudar a preservar els espais verds actuals existents en les zones húmides, tal i com s’ha demostrat tant a Israel com al sud de la península ibèrica.


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