Raül Romeva i Rueda


LGBT/PE: Homosexuals d’Uganda podrien ser condemnats a mort, si no ho aturem abans

Malgrat els incomptables avenços en termes de drets per a les persones LGBT (Lesbianes, Gais, Bisexuals i Transexuals), encara som lluny, molt lluny, de viure en un món en què les persones no siguin discriminades per les seva seva orientació o identitat  sexuals.

En alguns països, però, aquesta discriminació és tal que el fet d’estimar o tenir relacions amb una persona del mateix sexe pot comportar la presó o, fins i tot, la mort. És per això que convé denunciar i mirar d’aturar totes les iniciatives que puguin anar en aquest sentit.

Un dels casos que ens han motivat als membres de l’Intergrup pro-Drets LGBT a reaccionar ha estat la proposta de Llei Homòfoba que tot just ha començat a caminar a Uganda, i la qual preveu, en cas de ser adoptada, penes de cadena perpètua i fins i tot de sentència a mort per a les persones LGBT.

Calia respondre-hi de manera clara hi contundent, i així o hem volgut fer des del PE a través d’una resolució. És per això que el Grup Verds/ALE hem promogut un text per tal de consensuar-lo amb els altres grups. Entre d’altres aspectes, en la nostra resolució posem de manifest el següent: (segueix…)

A.        Whereas on 25th September 2009 David Bahati, MP tabled the “Anti Homosexuality Bill 2009” before the Ugandan Parliament.

Whereas the proposed
law includes provisions to punish those alleged to be lesbian, gay or
bisexual (LGBT) with life imprisonment or the death penalty

Whereas the draft bill includes a provision that could lead to the
imprisonment for up to three years of anyone, including heterosexual
people, who fails to report within 24 hours the identities of everyone
they know who is lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender, or who support
human rights for people who are

Whereas the bill provides for Ugandato
nullify any of its international or regional commitments that it deems
in contradiction to the provisions of the proposed bill.

the bill has already been condemned by President Obama, the Chair and
Vice-chair of the U.S. House of Representatives’ Committee on Foreign
Affairs, Commissioner De Gucht as well as the British, French and
Swedish governments.

Whereas the proposed law has been denounced by Non Governmental Organisations around the world and in Ugandaitself as a major obstacle in fighting HIV AIDS.


I en conseqüència demanem:

1          Underlines that sexual
orientation is a matter falling within the remit of the individual
right to privacy, guaranteed by international human rights law
according to which equality and non?discrimination should be promoted,
whilst freedom of expression should be guaranteed, in this context
condemns the “anti homosexuality bill 2009”

Reminds the Ugandan government of its obligations under international law and under the Cotonou agreement which calls for universal human rights to be respected.

statements by the African Commission and the UN Human Rights Committee
that a state cannot, through its domestic law, negate its international
human rights obligations.

Is extremely concerned that international
donors both governmental and non-governmental would have to cease their
activities in certain fields should the bill pass

Strongly rejects any moves to introduce the use of the death penalty

Calls on the Council and Commission to reconsider their engagement with Uganda should the bill pass into law and breaches of international human rights law take place.

its President to forward this resolution to the Commission, the
Council, the President of the Republic of Uganda and the speaker of the
Ugandan Parliament

Font foto: Sunday Pepper April 2009

  1. Acabo de lelgir que a la votació del europarlament no hi havien ni el 105 de diputats i, obviament cap del PP. Per ells ja els hi deu anar bé la legislació ugandesa!

    Gràcies, un cop més, per ser la veu a Europa dels que no la poden tenir! 

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