Raül Romeva i Rueda


Les proves d?estrès no ajudaran a construir confiança en el sistema bancari europeu ni a corregir-ne les febleses

En relació a les conclusions de les proves s’estrès
a les quals es va sotmetre el sistema bancari europeu el Grup de Verds/ALE vàrem valorar-ho ahir de la següent manera:

“As the purpose of the stress test
exercise is to increase transparency and bolster confidence, we have definitely
started on the wrong foot.

“The test involved macroeconomic and
sovereign risk assumptions over 2010 and 2011 which are rather complacent and
prone to distrust.

“For the whole European Union (EU27) the
benchmark scenario assumes a +1.0% growth of GDP in 2010 and +1.7% in 2011,
whereas under a scenario of high stress the GDP would not grow in 2010 and
would decline by -0.4% in 2011. This is a lot milder than the last recession.
Concerning sovereign risk the assumptions of the stress tests impute moderate
sovereign debt discounts. The impact of those haircuts is likely to be moderate
as these haircuts are being applied mainly to bonds held in banks’ trading
books. But 90% of banks’ sovereign debt exposure is not held in trading books
but in banking books. A real default of any country in the Eurozone was not
considered in the tests although this is what many market participants fear.
Furthermore, the losses of the last crisis, which are still in books of banks,
have not been written off.

“As the tests have been engineered
through weak and unrealistic assumptions in order to allow most of the
institutions to succeed and therefore to avoid further corrective action, they
won’t help to build confidence nor to address the underlying weakness of the EU
banking system. Europe’s banks continue to be undercapitalised.

“In the light of these facts
over-optimistic comments are inappropriate. They might rather backfire as
support for the lobbying effort of banks against new capital requirements. What
we need is not a sop but a debt break for European banks.”

Foto: Jean Claude Trichet, President del Banc Central Europeu. Font: BCE

  1. ei Raül, que siguis europeu i submergit en el parlamentarisme políglota no vol dir que ens demanis tant !!! jo llegeixo be l’anglès però potser hi ha alguna manera de que aquestes declaracions, intervencions, entrevistes,… tinguin traducció a la nostra llengua i no requereixi un esforç tant gran

  2. Alguns estats han passat per les proves a dotzenes de bancs, d’altres a quatre.
    Segons sembla un dels defectes de les proves d’estres es que no ha sigut homogenies, ni tan sols a nivell d’estats.
    Segur que hi han coses amagades sota les estores, però no crec que els poguem posar tots al mateix sac.

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