Raül Romeva i Rueda


Labour Market Reform in Spain

Adjunto la nota que he enviat a alguns col·legues del PE explicant-los com veiem algunes i alguns la Reforma laboral que ha impulsat el PP, amb el suport de CiU, a l’Estat.

Labour Market Reform in Spain.


The labour market reform was approved today at the Spanish Parliament with 197 votes in favour from the PP, with the support of the catalan center right party (CiU), the Asturias right and a PP from Navarra (UPN). The social-democrats (PSOE), the left nationalist parties from catalunya and the basc country ( ERC and Amaiur) and the left-green group (IU and ICV) voted against with also the support of UPyD, Colación Canaria and the PNV.

ICV has shown its disagreement several times in the last month, in the public institutions and in the streets with social movements and labour union streaks and demonstrations. For ICV it is not true that the high unemployment in Spain is due to the labour market legislation and and excessive protection of employees rights.

ICV has voted against the reform because it is useless, unfair, but not only for the employees but also for the country. The PP has adopted a reform without social-dialogue but with the pressure in the streets and a latent social conflict.

7 reasons to be against the labour market reform in Spain.

1. It is a reform against work, it will not create jobs. The reform will increase the destruction of jobs, because it stimulates the layoffs by making them easier (employer’s unilateral decision can be sufficient in many cases) and cheaper (33 days / year and 20 in many cases, instead of 45 as before).

2. It is an antisocial reform, it diminishes wages. The reform seeks a general reduction of wages, for the insiders and the outsiders. Employers may be able to reduce wages unilaterally and discretionary, without any social-dialogue. This is extremely regressive specially considering that already today in Spain the weight of capital income in the GDP is higher than the labour income.

3. It is an antidemocratic reform done with lies, deception and manipulation. From the first second it was lying on the content, data hiding and clear intention of manipulating information. In addition, the reform it is exactly the opposite of what the PP promised before and during election campaigns (S. Saenz de Santamaria, June 23, 2010 “you need not make Spain the dismissal, not to encourage the exit, but encourage contracting “).

4. It is a bad reform for everybody; it affects parents, young people and children. Youth unemployment will not be solve with this reform, the new “permanent” contract consider one year probationary period, where the employee can be fired without cause or compensation. I

5. It is a gender-regressive reform. It encourages women to take part-time job, stay at home and take care of their families. The reform increase the difficulties in reconciling work and personal life of everyone, but especially women, simple changes that the reform provides for working conditions (hours, days) can be define unilaterally by coorporations.

6. It is a reform against Catalonia. There is a centralization process, with the reform the Catalan Govern will not have the final decision to authorize or not a group dismissal in specific cases. The disappearance of control and prior authorization will lead to incentive strategies of delocalization of work centres of large multinationals, or union without intervention of the authorities will find it easier relocation of businesses to other countries. A loss of competence in favour of the market and business has been positively evaluated by President Mas and CIU.

7. It is a useless reform to overcome the crisis. The impacts of the reform cause more difficulties for economic recovery and encourage an efficient production model poorly. The creation of quality jobs and economic recovery will only come for a change in production m

Foto: Rajoy amb Mario Monti, el dia que el Primer ministre italià va confessar “estar impressionat” amb la reforma laboral i financera del govern del PP. Font: EFE.

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