Raül Romeva i Rueda


Publicat el 21 de juny de 2008

La UE i la promoció de les Àrees Marines Protegides

Fa temps que des de la comunitat científica (veure apunt Enric Sala: la revolta del sentit comú) i des de nombroses ONG (Panda/WWF o Greenpeace, per exemple) ens insisteixen en què, per tal de garantir no ja la recuperació, sinó el simple manteniment de la biodiversitat marina, caldria augmentar considerablement el nombre d’Àrees Marines Protegides fins a garantir que almenys el 40% dels mars i oceans fossin espais protegits. Aquest és un tema en el qual m’agradaria veure a primera fila tant els govern català com l’espanyol, esdevenint ambdós una clara referència a escala europea i, per què no, mundial. En tant que membre de la Comissió de Pesca del Parlament Europeu fa temps que hi treballo. En aquest sentit, adjunto la pregunta que acabo de presentar a la Comissió per conèixer més concretament l’estat de la qüestió: (segueix…)

Written Question by Raül Romeva i Rueda on Marine Protected Areas (MPA)

The Member States are obliged to create, by 2008, a series of marine protected areas (MPA) under the Habitats Directive.

Could the Commission please provide the following information:

how much area has each Member State declared to be MPA so far, in terms
of square kilometres and in terms of percentage of their EEZ?

how much area is each Member State in the process of declaring as MPA
and that will be finalized in the next two years (also in terms of
square kilometres and percentage)?

Is the Commission satisfied
that the Member States are making sufficient progress in establishing
their MPAs? Are sufficient areas being set aside?

A lists of
existing Marine Habitat types has been established for the different
Member States. In the Commission’s view, are the areas being
established by the Member States sufficiently representative of the
various habitat types in their waters?

order to be ecologically meaningful, individual MPAs must be of a
certain size, so as to provide sufficient space for the functioning of
ecological processes, the preservation of biotic diversity, etc. In the
Commission’s view, are the individual MPAs large enough, or are the
Member States creating too many small Areas that will serve no real
conservation purpose?

Font foto: WWF/Panda

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