Raül Romeva i Rueda


Israel/Palestina: Informe Goldstone, Gilad Shalit, Salah Hamouri, Marwan Barghouti, i d’altres

Avui hem votat una important resolució en relació a l’Informe Goldstone. De fet, primer hem derrotat una proposta del PPE, i seguidament hem votat una proposta conjunta signada per GUE, ALDE, Verds/ALE i Socialistes, que és la que finalment s’ha imposat per 355 vots a favor, 287 en contra i 43 abstencions. Em satisfà l’adopció d’aquest text bàsicament per què, tal i com s’explica en aquesta nota del propi Parlament, suposa un pas endavant en la demanda de major respecte pels drets humans i de no persecució de les ONG independents que han estat treballant dur en favor de la pau. Després del vot he fet una explicació de vot per tal que quedés constància de la meva postura: “I voted positively to the motion for a Resolution RC7-0136/2010 on the Goldstone Recommendations mainly because it insists in asking for a strong EU position on the follow-up to the Goldstone report is requested by publicly demanding the implementation of its recommendations and accountability for all violations of the international law, asks all parties to conduct investigations that meet with international standards within 5 months, and demands an active monitoring of the implementation of the report by the HR/VP and EU MS is requested. Further more, it add new points to what the EP has already said in the past such as to ask the HR/VP to assess the results of the investigations by all parties and report back to Parliament, recalls that the responsibility and credibility of the EU and its MS requires full monitoring of the investigations and shows concern about pressure made on NGOs involved in the elaboration of the Goldstone report and in the follow-up investigations, including reference to the restrictive measures towards their activities.”

Per altra banda, demà, i e
ncara en el marc de la denuncia sobre vulneració de drets humans, especialment en el marc de presoners polítics, debatem i votem al PE una nova resolució en relació al cas de Gilad Shalit, caporal israelià amb nacionalitat francoisraeliana que va ser capturat fa tres anys i que es troba detingut en condició ‘incomunicado’ a la franja de Gaza. El seu cas és una vulneració de la Tercera Convenció de Ginebra relativa als presoners de guerra.

En la resolució que hem presentat des de Verds/ALE en demanem l’alliberament, però també que de la part israeliana es procedeixi a un alliberament substancial dels nombrosos presoners polítics palestins (n’hi ha més de 7000) que tenen detinguts, entre els quals el líder palestí Marwan Barguti, o Salah Hamouri, de nacionalitat francopalestina, de la mateixa manera que condemnem de manera taxativa l’assassinat a Dubai d’un líder de Hamàs, cosa que dificulta, sens dubte, l’alliberament de Gilat Shalid, així com el fet que Israel usi l’excusa de la detenció de Shalid per mantenir el setge i el bloqueig sobre Gaza.

Adjunto a continuació el text de la resolució que hem presentat des del nostre Grup (segueix…):


MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION with request for inclusion in the agenda for the debate on cases of breaches of human rights, democracy and the rule of law pursuant to Rule 122 of the Rules of Procedure

on the case of Gilad Shalit

by Franziska Katharina Brantner, Jan Philipp Albrecht, Reinhard Bütikofer, Margrete Auken, Nicole Kiil-Nielsen, Frieda Brepoels, Hélène Flautre, Heidi Hautala, Barbara Lochbihler, Malika Benarab-Attou, Raül Romeva i Rueda, Daniel Cohn-Bendit on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

European Parliament resolution on

The European Parliament,

– having regard to its previous resolution on the Middle East,

– having regard to the 3rd Geneva Convention of 1949,

– having regard to the Council Conclusions on the Middle East Peace Process of 8 December 2009,

– having regard to Rule 122(5) of its Rules of Procedure,

A. whereas Israeli corporal Gilad Shalit was captured by Palestinian armed groups on 25 June 2006 during a cross-border operation on the Israeli side of the Gaza Strip; whereas during this attack, two Palestinian militants and two IDF soldiers were killed,

B. whereas since his abduction, Gilad Shalit is being kept incommunicado in the Gaza Strip where he does not enjoy basic rights according to the Third Geneva Convention while he meets the requirements for prisoner-of-war under that Convention,

C. whereas Hamas takes the responsibility for the detention of Gilad Shalit and did not allow the International Committee of the Red Cross to visit him,

D. whereas Gilad Shalit has both Israeli and French citizenships; whereas Salah Hamouri, who is imprisoned in Israel since 2005, has both Palestinian and French citizenships,

E. whereas in reaction to his abduction, Israeli Government ordered a number of attacks against infrastructure in the Gaza Strip and Palestinian Authority offices which were followed by the arrests of eight Palestinian Government ministers and 26 members of the Palestinian Legislative Council; whereas the fact that Gilad Shalit being kept prisoner cannot be taken as justification for maintaining the blockade of the Gaza Strip,

F. whereas more than 7 000 Palestinian prisoners, including around 30 women and around 300 children, are held in Israeli prisons; whereas around 15 Members of the Palestinian Legislative Council, including Marwan Barghouti, are still imprisoned,

G. whereas respect for international human rights and humanitarian law by all parties and under any circumstances remains an essential precondition of achieving a just and lasting peace in the Middle East,

1. Reiterates its call for an immediate release of Gilad Shalit who has been held captive for more than three years;

2. Calls on Hamas to recognize his status of prisoner of war and to guarantee that his conditions of detention comply with the provisions of the Third Geneva Convention; urges, in this respect, on Hamas to allow the ICRC to visit him without delay and to permit him to communicate with his family in accordance with that Convention;

3. Reiterates its calls for a substantial release of Palestinian prisoners with a special focus on women, children and PLC members; considers that such release could be a contributing factor to the release of Gilad Shalit; calls, at the same time, on Israel to guarantee that the conditions of detention for all Palestinian prisoners strictly comply with international human rights and humanitarian law;

4. Strongly condemns the Dubai murder of a Hamas official and expresses its concerns that this could hamper efforts of negotiating Shalit’s release;

5. Urges the EU and its Member Statesto continue their efforts aimed at achieving the release of Gilad Shalit as well as a substantial release of Palestinian prisoners;

6. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission, the High Representative of the Unionfor Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Vice President of the Commission, the governments and parliaments of the Member States, the Israeli government and parliament, the President of the Palestinian Authority, the Palestinian Legislative Council and the Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly

Foto: Bombes sobre Gaza. Font: AP

  1. Hola,

    Gràcies per la informació. S’agraeix tota la informació que arribi sobre el que passa a “europa” en relació a la qüestió palestina. En realitat, la relació privilegiada d’israel amb europa té a veure amb les seves relacions amb la Unió Europea (acord euromediterrani), així que és important saber com evoluciona tot plegat a Brusselas.


  2. Vaig celebrar el treball del Jutge Goldstone de l’O.N.U. —del que un ambaixador israelià va dir que era “un nazi”; quin despropòsit—, així com ara aplaudeixo la resolució del Parlament Europeu.
    Gràcies per informar, diputat.


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