Raül Romeva i Rueda


Hu Jia, candidat al Premi Sakharov i al Nobel de la Pau

Per primera vegada en quatre anys, sembla que la candidatura a la qual he donat suport per tal que se li concedeixi el premi Sakharov té opcions de guanyar. Es tracta de Hu Jia, el dissident xinès que lluita en nom dels sense veu de la Xina i del Tibet en favor de les llibertats civils, la protecció del medi ambient i la lluita contra la SIDA. A la votació que va tenir lloc dilluns, a Brussel.les, en la qual hi vaig poder participar en tant que coordinador per a Drets Humans del Grup Verds/ALE, van quedar tres noms finalistes. A més a més de Hu Jia, els altres dos noms són l’opositor bielorus Alexandre Kozuline i l’abat del Congo Abbot Apollinaire Malu Malu. Personalment trobo l’elecció de Hu Jia especialment satisfactòria en la mesura en què el nostre Grup ja havia proposat el mateix Hu Jia i la seva esposa, Jinyan, per a l’edició de l’any passat (en vaig parlar en un apunt anterior Hu Jia). Entretant, han tingut lloc els Jocs Olímpics de Pequin i diverses campanyes relatives a la situació dels Drets Humans a la Xina han permès a hores d’ara tenir una millor idea de la dramàtica situació que viuen avui aquelles persones que lluiten en favor de la llibertat d’expressió en aquell país. (segueix…)

La decisió final en quant al Premi Sakharov serà presa a meitats d’octubre per part de la Conferència de Presidents dels Grups Polítics i pel President del

Parlament Europeu.

Mentrestant, hem rebut també una altra notícia prou encoartjadora com és que el mateix Hu Jia ha estat nomenat candidat al Premi Nobel de la Pau.

A continuació adjunto, per altra banda, alguns dels arguments que ens han dut a alguns dels MEPs a donar suport a la candidatura de Hu Jia per aquest premi:


Sakharov Price: Hu Jia on behalf of the silenced voices of China and Tibet

17 things you should know about China and Human Rights

1. Did you know that Hu Jia has been persecuted because of his long engagement in the struggle for such simple things as raising awareness to ecological issues and the dangers of the AIDS virus?

2. Did you know that, when he just 15 years old, Hu Jia took part in the demonstrations in Tiananmen Square?

3. Did you know that Hu Jia has been subject to continuous harassment and intimidation for many years, and he and his wife have been under house arrest and 24 hours surveillance?

4. Did you know that Hu Jia was nominated by the European Parliament to the short-list for the 2007 Sakharov Prize, because of his fight for basic freedoms and fundamental rights in China?

5. Did you know that, after his nomination to the 2007 Sakharov Prize final short-list and his testimony on 26 November 2007 via conference call before the European Parliament’s sub-committee on Human Rights, Hu Jia was arrested at his home in Beijing by the Chinese police for “subverting state authority”?

6. Did you know that 65 types of crime carry the death penalty in China?

7. Did you know that China imprisons more journalists than any other country in the world?

8. Did you know that China is obligated under international laws it has ratified and as a member of the International Labour Organization to uphold workers’ rights but that China’s national laws prohibit workers from organizing independent unions, and do not explicitly protect the right to strike?

9. Did you know that the twentieth anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre – where thousands of students were murdered by tanks and soldiers and thousands more were imprisoned – will fall on the same day as the European Parliament elections next year?

10. Did you know that the Chinese government is supporting and selling weapons to extremely repressive regimes such as those misgoverning Burma, Sudan and Zimbabwe?

11. Did you know that thousands of North Korean refugees who escape into China are sent back to North Korea to face arrest, torture and sometimes death?

12. Did you know that the Chinese government maintains one of the world’s most sophisticated systems of blocking access to websites and monitoring its citizens’ e-mail communications?

13. Did you know that the Chinese Government’s policies of forced abortion, sterilization, and population transfer of thousands of Chinese Han citizens into Tibet threaten the very survival of the Tibetan civilization?

14. Did you know that corrupt officials embezzled more than 85% of the funds destined for school construction in Sichuan, including for the schools that collapsed like “tofu”, crushing more than 9,000 students and professors?

15. Did you know that China’s State rules, laws and regulations on environment are often violated at the provincial and local levels amounting to major damages to the environment and public health, such as the recent crisis on baby milk?

16. Did you know that Tibetan Buddhists, Christians, Muslims and practitioners of other religions face frequent harassment in China?

17. Did you know that during the Olympic Games, EU leaders failed to address the Tibetan crisis and China’s constant human rights’ violations of its own people, in spite of all the promises and official statements made in advance of the Games, and in spite of the continued violations and repression during the Olympic Games?

Don’t you think we owe it to the Chinese people and to Hu Jia, personally?

Don’t you think that we owe it to the EU’s dignity and credibility on the promotion of Human Rights and Civil Liberties in China?

Support Hu Jia
On behalf of the silenced voices of China and Tibet:

Bu Dongwei; Chen Guangcheng; Dolma Kyab; Du Daobin; Gao Zhisheng; Gong Shenliang; Hada; He Depu; Hu Shigen; Huang Jinqiu; Huang Qi; Jia Zhiguo; Jigme Gyatso; Jigme Tenzin Nyima; Kong Youping; Korash Huseyin; Kunkhyen; Li Chang; Li Ying; Liu Jie; Liu Zhihua; Lu Wenbin; Lu Gengsong; Lupoe Adak; Mao Hengfeng; Nurhahmat Yusup; Nurmuhemmet Yasin; Qi Zhiyong; Qin Yongmin; Runggye Adak; Shi Enxiang; Shi Tao; Shuang Shuying; Su Zhimin; Sun Xiaodi; Tao Haidong; Tashi Gyatso; Tenzin Delek; Tohti Tunyaz; Wang Ling; Wang Sen; Wu Lihong; Xu Zerong; Yang Chunlin; Yang Maodong; Yang Tongyan; Yang Zili; Yao Fuxin; Ye Guozhu; Zeng Jinyan; Zhang Lin; Zhang Rongliang; Zhang Shanguang; Chen Guangcheng; Guo Feixiong; Lu Gengsong; Tsering Woeser; Wang Lixiong; Harry Wu

As well as all other Chinese and Tibetans who have fought against repression from the authorities.

Foto: Hu Jia i Zeng Jinyan. Font: Parlament Europeu

  1. Benvolgut Raül,

    Com a blocaire, m’inquieta la votació que va tenir lloc al Parlament Europeu la setmana passada amb la intenció de regular els blocs (blogs) de forma restrictiva. Tot i que la votació va refusar la regulació per uns pocs vots, el Parlament Europeu manté la intenció de regular aquest mitjà i crec que aquesta és una realitat inquietant.

    He dedicat un post a la qüestió al meu bloc i agraïria que poguessis fer el mateix per tal de conèixer la teva posició, i la del teu grup, sobre aquesta qüestió.

    Marc Arza

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