Raül Romeva i Rueda


Publicat el 15 de maig de 2012

És hora d’agafar els bancs per … les banyes.

La comissió parlamentària d’Afers Econòmics i Monetaris va votar ahir dilluns una directiva que limita les primes dels banquers i enforteix a les entitats bancàries. Segons un informe publicat per l’Autoritat Bancària Europea alguns banquers reben un sou 10 vegades més gran que el seu salari base, a causa de les bonificacions.

Aquesta és una de les mesures que es va votar ahir, al Comitè d’afers Econòmics del Parlament Europeu en el marc de l’informe legislatiu sobre la legislació europea bancària, relativa a nivells de capital i d’altres mesures prudencials (Directiva sobre requeriments de capital IV).

La nova directiva també demana als bancs que enforteixin la seva capital perquè siguin capaços de suportar les pèrdues i les prestacions amb una liquiditat adequada.

Els membres de Verds/ALE que van participar de la discusió i la votació van quedar força satisfets del resultat d’ambdues, tal i com expressa en Philippe Lambert, el portaveu per a les qüestions financeres del nostre grup, en la nota següent:

PRESS RELEASE – Brussels, 14 May 2012 

EU bank capital rules (CRD)

MEPs grasp the nettle and vote to strengthen proposed banking rules

The European Parliament’s economic and monetary affairs committee today voted on new draft EU banking legislation, dealing with capital levels and other prudential measures (the Capital Requirements Directive IV). The Greens welcomed the outcome of the vote, which would strengthen the proposals, with a view to reducing risks in the banking sector. Speaking after the vote, Green finance spokesperson Philippe Lamberts stated:

“MEPs have today grasped the nettle in voting to strengthen the draft legislation on capital requirements. Europe needs to draw proper lessons from the financial crisis and this implies rewiring the EU’s banking regulation to ensure as much risk as possible is eliminated from our financial institutions. It would be a missed opportunity to simply implement the internationally-agreed Basel III rules on bank capitalisation de minima. Instead, we should be using this legislative review as an opportunity to put Europe’s banks on a more stable footing.

“While the proposed capital levels under Basel III would go some way to reducing the risk in banks, higher capital levels – notably for systemically important banks – are both feasible and would provide better protection. To this end, we welcome that MEPs supported proposals to allow member states be given leeway to adopt even higher capital levels if they wish. 

“Truly addressing the risk in the banking system implies setting out binding rules on leverage and funding liquidity. We welcome that the economic committee today endorsed this approach and voted for binding ratios for leverage and liquidity, rather than adopting some vague commitment to examine their feasibility at a later date.

“The ball is now in the court of member state governments to ensure the opportunity for more comprehensive banking regulation is not missed.”


Font foto: PE

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