Raül Romeva i Rueda


Codi Conducta Exportacions Armes: per a quan la Posició Comuna?

S’acaba la Presidència francesa i no veiem que es compleixi la promesa que ens van fer sobre que al llarg d’aquests sis mesos s’adoptaria la Posició Comuna que convertiria el Codi de Conducta sobre Transferències d’Armament de la UE en un instrument jurídicament vinculant. Així doncs, i seguint amb la línia que porto duent des que vaig començar a treballar en aquesta casa, l’any 2004 (i que podeu consultar a la categoria Armes/Desarmament del present bloc), reitero la petició, en format ara de Pregunta Oral al Consell. És la següent:

Oral Question to the Council on the EU Code of Conduct on arms exports, common position must be adopted promoted by Romeva i Rueda, Raul  and supported by Angelika Beer on behalf of the GREEN/EFA Group, Tobias Pflueger on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, Girts Kristovskis on behalf of the UEN Group, Elmar Brok (in his own name)

Despite the fact that the draft common position to make the EU Code of Conduct on Arms Exports legally binding, has been ready for adoption by the European Council since 2005 (text was prepared under the Dutch Presidency and agreed by the COARM but blocked in the COREPER ), due to French political resistance, no progress had been made by the beginning of the French Presidency. However,  (segueix…)

the French Presidency promised to change its attitude during its period and complete the process. Nevertheless, at the end of September 2008, this progress seems not to become a reality. In between Parliament has been requested to make up its mind on two draft directives on intra community trade of defence-related products, one of them proposing ‘simplifying  terms and conditions of transfers of defence-related products within the community’ .

Foto: Amb l’assessor Ernst Guelcher, davant de la seu de Nacions Unides a Nova York quan vàrem anar-hi a presentar l’Informe Romeva sobre armes lleugeres. Font: Personal

1) Will the French Presidency put the item on the agenda of the General Affairs Council for adoption, if not why?

2) Does the Council agree that no progress can be made with the establishment of the above mentioned directive(s) as long as the EU Code of Conduct has not become a legally binding instrument as foreseen by the draft Common Position?

  1. Trobo que sou tous. Només denuncieu algunes exportacions d’armes, i no totes. “Codi de conducta”… Quina conducta? Que no les usaran? Per què tan tous? Hipòcrites potser?

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