Raül Romeva i Rueda


Publicat el 23 de maig de 2007

Carta de l’Intergrup LGBT al Comissari Spidla sobre lluita contra la homofòbia

Adjunto la carta que l’intergrup pels drets LGBT al Parlament Europeu hem enviat al Comissari encarregat de l’Ocupació, afers socials i igualtat d’oportunitats, el txec Vladimir Spidla, recordant-li un compromís que ell mateix va adquirir en el debat sobre l’homofòbia del 25 d’abril (veure apunt Resolució del Parlament Europeu per frenar la homofòbia a Europa (i sobretot a Polònia) ). (segueix…)

Aquest és el text signat pel President (Cashman) i els vicepresidents (in’t Veldt, Romeva, Gröner i Stubb) de l’Intergrup pro drets  LGBT al Parlament Europeu:

Dear Commissioner Spidla,

During the European Parliament debate on ?Homophobia in Europe? on April 25th, you stated that the European Commission would use all the powers and instruments at its disposal to combat homophobia. In a specific reference to a bill announced by the Polish Minister for Education aiming to ban ?homosexual propaganda? in schools, you stated that ?were such a bill ever to be drafted, it would lead to the stigmatisation of a category of people on the grounds of sexual orientation, and for that reason it is unacceptable from the point of view of European law? (your words in English translation).

At the time of the debate no draft bill was available. But soon after, Mr Giertych has indeed put forward a legislative proposal, so that the details of his proposals can now be assessed against European law.

Although the law has not yet been passed, we feel the Commission should already at this stage do an appraisal and communicate this to the Polish government. In matters of competition law the Commission will act in anticipation of an actual decision or bill. In view of the great harm that this bill may do to many homosexual Polish citizens, in particular teachers, and their friends and families, as well as the mounting hostility towards LGBT people in Poland as a result of the announced bill, we urge the Commission to look into this matters without delay.

Last Saturday May 19th, thousands of people celebrated equality and the right to their own identity in the streets of Warsaw. In this European Year of Equal Opportunities it was a fantastic and succesful event that Warsaw can be proud of. On behalf of the Intergroup LGBT rights we call on the Commission to join in and show it stands for equality and fundamental rights for all citizens.

Foto: Comissari Spidla. Font: Comissió Europea

  1. És el que em pregunto des de fa mesos pel que fa al govern polonés.
    Més enllà de cridar-los l’atenció, què pot fer realment la Unió Europea contra aquesta homofòbia? Se’ls pot ‘castigar’ d’alguna manera?

    I què està passant amb el matrimoni? És a dir, si jo em caso aquí però vaig a viure a un altre país de la Unió, com es reconeix? O és com si no valgués de res? I com s’entén això?

    Sé que sé preguntes complexes i que no deus tenir gaire temps per contestar-hi, però no sé on més trobar-hi aquesta informació i m’interessaria molt, quan pugues, trobar-hi respostes… Segur que no sóc l’única persona amb aquests dubtes.

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