Raül Romeva i Rueda


Campanya al Parlament Europeu en favor Directiva Estratègia Marina: una altra manera de fer ‘lobby’

El tema de la Directiva sobre Estratègia Marina ja l’he tractat en anteriors posts (Estratègia o Tragèdia Marina Europea?  o Cal una Directiva Europea sobre Estratègia Marina que proporcioni seguretat jurídica als mars europeus, actualment desprotegits). Properament el tema tornarà al Parlament Europeu en segona lectura (probablement novembre o desembre). En aquest context he ‘apadrinat’ una acció de Greenpeace que ha instal.lat un stand a l’interior del Parlament Europeu (seu a Estrasburg) a través del qual s’informa als diputats i diputades sobre la importància que la futura Directiva Estratègia Marina sigui aprovada de la manera més estricta possible en termes de respecte pel mar i de preservació dels seus recursos. (segueix…

En tant que amfitrió dels amics i amigues de Greenpeace, he enviat als altres col.legues una nota (adjunta arxiu) en què els convidem a visitar l’stand i a ser una mica més conscients de la importància que tindrà aquesta votació. Un conjunt d’entitats que inclouen Greenpeace, WWF, FISH, BEE, Birdlife, IFAW, Seas at Risk i Oceana, han proposat també una seria d’esmenes al text actualment en discussió per tal que el text finalment adoptat sigui més clar i ambiciós en alguns punts, especialment en termes del Bon Estatus Ambiental (GES, segons sigles en anglès), o de posar l’èmfasi en el principi de la precaució o de prioritzar que el mal sigui compensat en origen, és a dir, que ‘qui contamina pagui’. En l’arxiu que també adjunto sobre Prioritats en segona lectura trobareu els seus suggeriments. Finalment, adjunto a continuació el text de la nota de premsa que han fet des de la seu de Greenpeace explicant el per què de la seva acció avui al Parlament:

23 OCTOBER 2007



Leaked review damns European fisheries policy

Strasbourg ? As EUEU Fisheries Ministers meet in Luxembourg today, Greenpeace has released a leaked copy of the Commission?s internal review of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) which paints a damning picture of the CFP?s past and current failures. (1)

The review, commissioned by DG Fisheries to assess the performance of the EUEU?s fisheries policy, says that the CFP is built on ?an archaic form of governance? that has ?allowed the satisfaction of demands by the present generation to compromise the ability of future generations to meet their needs from the living resources of Europe’s seas." Lack of political will on the part of the Council to override national interests, it says, has resulted in decades of over-indulgence on the part of the fishing industry and those that manage it. (2)

?If Europe is to save its seas and fish stocks, it must create a law that protects the marine environment and permits only the sustainable use of ocean resources,? said Saskia Richartz, EUEU Marine Policy Director at Greenpeace?s European unit. ?This review of the Common Fisheries Policy makes crystal clear that Fisheries Ministers need to rethink their priorities and work much harder with EUEU Environment Ministers to make this happen,? she said.

As Fisheries Ministers meet in Luxembourg, Greenpeace campaigners are speaking with European Parliamentarians about the urgent need to create a strong mandate for marine protection, by strengtheningstrengthening the proposed EUEU Marine Strategy Directive.

The European Parliament will negotiate with the European Council during October and November on its 63 amendments to the Council text. (3) Most suggested changes would significantly strengthen the proposed Marine Directive and would integrate rules on protected areas. If adopted, the Directive would plug a major gap in the EUEU?s rules on environmental protection which currently lack a law dedicated to marine protection.

?A network of marine reserves is urgently needed,? said Saskia Richartz of Greenpeace. ?Historically, areas of the oceans which were inaccessible served as natural refuges for marine life. Similar refuges now need to be created by establishing marine reserves in European law.?

Notes to Editor:

On Tuesday 23 October, the Council will discuss and like reach political agreement on next year?s catch quotas for the Baltic Sea. In addition to negotiation of the catch quotas for Member States bordering on the Baltic, the Ministers will have to decide on the arrangements for fishing-effort limits proposed by the Commission. More information at: http://www.consilium.europa.eueu/ueDocs/cms_Data/docs/pressData/en/agricult/96582.pdf


(3) The European Parliament documents can be found at http://www.europarl.europa.eueu/oeil/file.jsp?id=5283632


Saskia Richartz, EU Marine Policy Director, Greenpeace European Unit, tel. +32 495 290028, saskia.richartz@diala.greenpeace.org

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