Raül Romeva i Rueda


Birmània: carta a Ban Ki Moon

En el marc del viatge que començo avui a Tailàndia i Birmània per tal de conèixer de primera mà la situació de la població birmana refugiada en aquest pais, adjunto a continuació una acció concreta a la qual m’he adherit en favor de l’alliberament de dotzenes d’activistes opositors a la Junta Militar, la qual inclou una carta a Ban Ki Moon.

Dozens of human rights activists in Burma will die in jail after being give long sentences.
Despite this, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has just said he won?t even visit Burma, despite being invited by the regime.

The military junta in Burma has sentenced at least 215 political activists, monks, nuns and journalists during November, bringing the total number of political prisoners sentenced since last year?s uprising to at least 384. (segueix…)

·   Activist and famous comedian Zarganar, who had been organising relief supplies to survivors of Cyclone Nargis, received sentences totaling 59 years.
·  Prominent Buddhist monk U Gambira, leader of the All Burma Monks? Alliance, who played a leading role in last year?s Saffron Revolution, was given sentences totaling 68 years.
·  Twenty-three members of the 88 Generation Students Group, who led the protests against fuel price hikes in August last year, including Min Ko Naing, were given sentences of at least 65 years each.
Ban says he won?t go to Burma because there has been no progress, but it is his job to ensure progress happens. He won?t bring change to Burma sitting behind a desk in New York. He must go to Burma and negotiate change, including the release of all political prisoners.
The UN Security Council should back his visit, passing a resolution requiring the regime to comply.
TAKE ACTION: please fax Ban Ki-moon asking him not to abandon Burma?s brave democracy activists to spend the rest of their lives in jail.
Download a message to fax at: http://www.burmacampaign.org.uk/fax_un.html

Fax UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon     


    TAKE ACTION: please fax Ban Ki-moon asking him not to abandon Burma?s brave democracy activists to spend the rest of their lives in jail.    


    Step 1: Download and print the letter to fax here (pdf format)     


    Step 2: Fax it to + 1 212 963 7055     


    Or send it by post:


 Ban Ki-moon

UN Secretary-General

United Nations

New York NY 10017  USA


    The text of the fax is:


I am shocked by your decision not to go to Burma to discuss the political crisis in the country.


You have said that you will not go unless there is progress in the country, but there can be no progress without your engagement in the issue. Sitting back and waiting for the regime to act is in effect a death sentence for hundreds of Burma?s human rights activists who face spending the rest of their lives in jail.


Your personal intervention after cyclone Nargis demonstrated that high level political engagement with the support of neighbouring countries and the international community can make a difference. You must apply the same effort to Burma?s political crisis as you did to the humanitarian crisis in the Delta.


The situation in Burma is deteriorating fast. This is happening on your watch. The people of Burma are looking to you for action. 37 visits to Burma by UN Envoys have not secured a single reform.


Your personal engagement is urgently needed. There will be no progress in Burma unless you take the lead and push for change. Please also seek the backing of the United Nations Security Council to ensure you have the authority to insist on reform.


Please don?t ignore Burma?s political prisoners.


I urge you to go to Burma to secure their release.


Thank you.

Foto: Aung San SUu Kyi. Font: Burma Campaign

  1. Al meu parer una carta no es una acció, i  en el teu cas és una medalla de les del màgic Andreu, però em permeto suggerir-te una acció autèntica: quan tornis de Birmania i Tailandia, fes-ho en companyia d’alguns d’aquests activistes birmans empresonats, si pot ser amb Aung San Suu Kyi alliberada, encara millor. No et preocupis si hi has de passar alguns anys amb menys comoditats que a Bruseles o Estrasburg, tenim paciència i et farem costat.
    Aleshores t’hauràs guanyat el sou d’eurodiputat i el respecte de tothom, la resta es propaganda i turisme europarlamentari.

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